[JAVA]Apache FTPClient操作“卡死”问题的分析和解决
最近在和一个第三方的合作中不得已需要使用FTP文件接口。由于FTP Server由对方提供,而且双方背后各自的网络环境都很不单纯等等原因,造成测试环境无法模拟实际情况。测试环境中程序一切正常,但是在部署到生产环境之后发现FTP操作不规律性出现“卡死”现象:程序捕获不到任何异常一直卡着,导致轮巡无法正常工作(由于担心在轮巡时间间隔内处理不能完成,我没有采用类似quartz或者crontab的定时任务,而是采用while-true然后sleep的方式)。
为了解决这个问题,我首先考虑的是对于FTPClient的使用上没有设置超时时间,于是设置了ConnectTimeout、DataTimeout、DefaultTimeout后在生产环境上继续观察,但是问题依旧没有解决。后来我有些怀疑FTPClient api本身是不是有什么问题,想实在不行自己实现一个超时机制吧,不过还是不甘心,还是想从FTPClient api本身去解决问题。又经过一翻研究之后发现:需要使用被动模式,以下摘抄别人的一段简单描述:
在项目中使用commons-net-3.0.1.jar实现FTP文件的下载,在windows xp上运行正常,但是放到linux上,却出现问题,程序运行到 FTPClient.listFiles()或者FTPClient.retrieveFile()方法时,就停止在那里,什么反应都没有,出现假死状态。google一把,发现很多人也出现了此类问题,最终在一个帖子里找到了解决办法。在调用这两个方法之前,调用FTPClient.enterLocalPassiveMode();这个方法的意思就是每次数据连接之前,ftp client告诉ftp server开通一个端口来传输数据。为什么要这样做呢,因为ftp server可能每次开启不同的端口来传输数据,但是在linux上,由于安全限制,可能某些端口没有开启,所以就出现阻塞。OK,问题解决。
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
final ExecutorService exec = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1); Callable<String> call = new Callable<String>() {
public String call() throws Exception {
Thread.sleep(1000 * 5);
return "线程执行完成.";
}; try {
Future<String> future = exec.submit(call);
String obj = future.get(4 * 1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); // 任务处理超时时间设置
System.out.println("任务成功返回:" + obj);
} catch (TimeoutException ex) {
} catch (Exception e) {
// 关闭线程池
exec.shutdown(); System.out.println("完毕");
虽然找到了终极的“必杀技”,但是此时我还是不甘心,还是想从FTPClient api本身去解决问题,但此时看来也别无它他法。只能试试:即设置被动模式又设置超时时间。经过实际测试,发现问题得以解决。下面把我的FTP工具类贴给大家分享,希望能帮到遇到同样问题的人。
import org.apache.commons.net.ftp.FTP;
import org.apache.commons.net.ftp.FTPClient;
import org.apache.commons.net.ftp.FTPFile;
import org.apache.commons.net.ftp.FTPReply; import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.BufferedOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.net.UnknownHostException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List; public class FtpUtil {
public static final String ANONYMOUS_LOGIN = "anonymous";
private FTPClient ftp;
private boolean is_connected; public FtpUtil() {
ftp = new FTPClient();
is_connected = false;
} public FtpUtil(int defaultTimeoutSecond, int connectTimeoutSecond, int dataTimeoutSecond){
ftp = new FTPClient();
is_connected = false; ftp.setDefaultTimeout(defaultTimeoutSecond * 1000);
ftp.setConnectTimeout(connectTimeoutSecond * 1000);
ftp.setDataTimeout(dataTimeoutSecond * 1000);
} /**
* Connects to FTP server.
* @param host
* FTP server address or name
* @param port
* FTP server port
* @param user
* user name
* @param password
* user password
* @param isTextMode
* text / binary mode switch
* @throws IOException
* on I/O errors
public void connect(String host, int port, String user, String password, boolean isTextMode) throws IOException {
// Connect to server.
try {
ftp.connect(host, port);
} catch (UnknownHostException ex) {
throw new IOException("Can't find FTP server '" + host + "'");
} // Check rsponse after connection attempt.
int reply = ftp.getReplyCode();
if (!FTPReply.isPositiveCompletion(reply)) {
throw new IOException("Can't connect to server '" + host + "'");
} if (user == "") {
} // Login.
if (!ftp.login(user, password)) {
is_connected = false;
throw new IOException("Can't login to server '" + host + "'");
} else {
is_connected = true;
} // Set data transfer mode.
if (isTextMode) {
} else {
} /**
* Uploads the file to the FTP server.
* @param ftpFileName
* server file name (with absolute path)
* @param localFile
* local file to upload
* @throws IOException
* on I/O errors
public void upload(String ftpFileName, File localFile) throws IOException {
// File check.
if (!localFile.exists()) {
throw new IOException("Can't upload '" + localFile.getAbsolutePath() + "'. This file doesn't exist.");
} // Upload.
InputStream in = null;
try { // Use passive mode to pass firewalls.
ftp.enterLocalPassiveMode(); in = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(localFile));
if (!ftp.storeFile(ftpFileName, in)) {
throw new IOException("Can't upload file '" + ftpFileName + "' to FTP server. Check FTP permissions and path.");
} } finally {
try {
} catch (IOException ex) {
} /**
* Downloads the file from the FTP server.
* @param ftpFileName
* server file name (with absolute path)
* @param localFile
* local file to download into
* @throws IOException
* on I/O errors
public void download(String ftpFileName, File localFile) throws IOException {
// Download.
OutputStream out = null;
try {
// Use passive mode to pass firewalls.
ftp.enterLocalPassiveMode(); // Get file info.
FTPFile[] fileInfoArray = ftp.listFiles(ftpFileName);
if (fileInfoArray == null) {
throw new FileNotFoundException("File " + ftpFileName + " was not found on FTP server.");
} // Check file size.
FTPFile fileInfo = fileInfoArray[0];
long size = fileInfo.getSize();
if (size > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
throw new IOException("File " + ftpFileName + " is too large.");
} // Download file.
out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(localFile));
if (!ftp.retrieveFile(ftpFileName, out)) {
throw new IOException("Error loading file " + ftpFileName + " from FTP server. Check FTP permissions and path.");
} out.flush();
} finally {
if (out != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException ex) {
} /**
* Removes the file from the FTP server.
* @param ftpFileName
* server file name (with absolute path)
* @throws IOException
* on I/O errors
public void remove(String ftpFileName) throws IOException {
if (!ftp.deleteFile(ftpFileName)) {
throw new IOException("Can't remove file '" + ftpFileName + "' from FTP server.");
} /**
* Lists the files in the given FTP directory.
* @param filePath
* absolute path on the server
* @return files relative names list
* @throws IOException
* on I/O errors
public List<String> list(String filePath) throws IOException {
List<String> fileList = new ArrayList<String>(); // Use passive mode to pass firewalls.
ftp.enterLocalPassiveMode(); FTPFile[] ftpFiles = ftp.listFiles(filePath);
int size = (ftpFiles == null) ? 0 : ftpFiles.length;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
FTPFile ftpFile = ftpFiles[i];
if (ftpFile.isFile()) {
} return fileList;
} /**
* Sends an FTP Server site specific command
* @param args
* site command arguments
* @throws IOException
* on I/O errors
public void sendSiteCommand(String args) throws IOException {
if (ftp.isConnected()) {
try {
} catch (IOException ex) {
} /**
* Disconnects from the FTP server
* @throws IOException
* on I/O errors
public void disconnect() throws IOException { if (ftp.isConnected()) {
try {
is_connected = false;
} catch (IOException ex) {
} /**
* Makes the full name of the file on the FTP server by joining its path and
* the local file name.
* @param ftpPath
* file path on the server
* @param localFile
* local file
* @return full name of the file on the FTP server
public String makeFTPFileName(String ftpPath, File localFile) {
if (ftpPath == "") {
return localFile.getName();
} else {
String path = ftpPath.trim();
if (path.charAt(path.length() - 1) != '/') {
path = path + "/";
} return path + localFile.getName();
} /**
* Test coonection to ftp server
* @return true, if connected
public boolean isConnected() {
return is_connected;
} /**
* Get current directory on ftp server
* @return current directory
public String getWorkingDirectory() {
if (!is_connected) {
return "";
} try {
return ftp.printWorkingDirectory();
} catch (IOException e) {
} return "";
} /**
* Set working directory on ftp server
* @param dir
* new working directory
* @return true, if working directory changed
public boolean setWorkingDirectory(String dir) {
if (!is_connected) {
return false;
} try {
return ftp.changeWorkingDirectory(dir);
} catch (IOException e) {
} return false;
} /**
* Change working directory on ftp server to parent directory
* @return true, if working directory changed
public boolean setParentDirectory() {
if (!is_connected) {
return false;
} try {
return ftp.changeToParentDirectory();
} catch (IOException e) {
} return false;
} /**
* Get parent directory name on ftp server
* @return parent directory
public String getParentDirectory() {
if (!is_connected) {
return "";
} String w = getWorkingDirectory();
String p = getWorkingDirectory();
setWorkingDirectory(w); return p;
} /**
* Get directory contents on ftp server
* @param filePath
* directory
* @return list of FTPFileInfo structures
* @throws IOException
public List<FfpFileInfo> listFiles(String filePath) throws IOException {
List<FfpFileInfo> fileList = new ArrayList<FfpFileInfo>(); // Use passive mode to pass firewalls.
FTPFile[] ftpFiles = ftp.listFiles(filePath);
int size = (ftpFiles == null) ? 0 : ftpFiles.length;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
FTPFile ftpFile = ftpFiles[i];
FfpFileInfo fi = new FfpFileInfo();
} return fileList;
} /**
* Get file from ftp server into given output stream
* @param ftpFileName
* file name on ftp server
* @param out
* OutputStream
* @throws IOException
public void getFile(String ftpFileName, OutputStream out) throws IOException {
try {
// Use passive mode to pass firewalls.
ftp.enterLocalPassiveMode(); // Get file info.
FTPFile[] fileInfoArray = ftp.listFiles(ftpFileName);
if (fileInfoArray == null) {
throw new FileNotFoundException("File '" + ftpFileName + "' was not found on FTP server.");
} // Check file size.
FTPFile fileInfo = fileInfoArray[0];
long size = fileInfo.getSize();
if (size > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
throw new IOException("File '" + ftpFileName + "' is too large.");
} // Download file.
if (!ftp.retrieveFile(ftpFileName, out)) {
throw new IOException("Error loading file '" + ftpFileName + "' from FTP server. Check FTP permissions and path.");
} out.flush(); } finally {
if (out != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException ex) {
} /**
* Put file on ftp server from given input stream
* @param ftpFileName
* file name on ftp server
* @param in
* InputStream
* @throws IOException
public void putFile(String ftpFileName, InputStream in) throws IOException {
try {
// Use passive mode to pass firewalls.
ftp.enterLocalPassiveMode(); if (!ftp.storeFile(ftpFileName, in)) {
throw new IOException("Can't upload file '" + ftpFileName + "' to FTP server. Check FTP permissions and path.");
} finally {
try {
} catch (IOException ex) {
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