

push(x) —— 推送元素X进栈
pop() —— 移除栈顶元素
top() —— 得到栈顶元素
getMin() —— 检索栈的最小元素


Design a stack that supports push, pop, top, and retrieving the minimum element in constant time.

push(x) -- Push element x onto stack.
pop() -- Removes the element on top of the stack.
top() -- Get the top element.
getMin() -- Retrieve the minimum element in the stack.



LeetCode 225 Implement Stack using Queues(用队列来实现栈)(*)

LeetCode 232 Implement Queue using Stacks(用栈来实现队列)(*)

class MinStack {
stack<int> allStack;
stack<int> minSta; void push(int x) {
if (allStack.empty()) {
else {
if (x <= minSta.top()) minSta.push(x);
} void pop() {
if (allStack.top() == minSta.top()) {
} int top() {
return allStack.top();
} int getMin() {
return minSta.top();


class MinStack {
vector<int> allVec;
vector<int> minVec; void push(int x) {
if (allVec.empty()) {
else {
if (x <= minVec[minVec.size() - 1]) {
} void pop() {
if (allVec[allVec.size() - 1] == minVec[minVec.size() - 1])
minVec.erase(minVec.end() - 1);
allVec.erase(allVec.end() - 1);
} int top() {
return allVec[allVec.size() - 1];
} int getMin() {
return minVec[minVec.size() - 1];


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