2001. Counting Sheep
Input will consist of multiple problem instances. The first line will consist of a single positive integer n ≤ 20, which is the number of problem instances. The input for each problem instance will be on two lines. The first line will consist of a positive integer m ≤ 10 and the second line will consist of m words, separated by a single space and each containing no more than 10 characters.
For each problem instance, you are to produce one line of output in the format:
Case i: This list contains n sheep.
The value of i is the number of the problem instance (we assume we start numbering at 1) and n is the number of times the word "sheep" appears in the list of words for that problem instance. Two successive lines should be separated by a single blank line, but do not output any trailing blank line.
Sample Input
shep sheeps sheep ship Sheep
sheep sheep SHEEP sheep shepe shemp seep
sheep sheep sheep sheep sheep sheep sheep sheep sheep sheep
shape buffalo ram goat
Sample Output
Case 1: This list contains 1 sheep. Case 2: This list contains 3 sheep. Case 3: This list contains 10 sheep. Case 4: This list contains 0 sheep.
Source: East
Central North America 2000 Practice
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h> char str[];
char sheep[] = "sheep"; int main ()
int m,n;
int numCount;
int i=;
char *ptr = str;
int j;
if((memcmp(ptr,sheep,) == )&&((*(ptr+) == ' ')||(*(ptr+) == '\0')))
if(*ptr++ != ' ')
printf("Case %d: This list contains %d sheep.\n",++i,numCount);
numCount = ;
return ;
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