Application 类中设置路径的方法和调用ServiceLocator(服务定位器)加载运行时的组件的方法注释:

      * Handles the specified request.
      * 处理指定的请求--抽象方法
      * This method should return an instance of [[Response]] or its child class
      * which represents the handling result of the request.
      * 该方法应该返回一个[[Response]]实例,或者它的子类代表处理请求的结果
      * @param Request $request the request to be handled
      * @return Response the resulting response
     abstract public function handleRequest($request);

     private $_runtimePath;

      * Returns the directory that stores runtime files.
      * 返回存储运行时文件的路径
      * @return string the directory that stores runtime files.
      * Defaults to the "runtime" subdirectory under [[basePath]].
      * 默认返回[[basePath]]下的 "runtime"目录
     public function getRuntimePath()
         if ($this->_runtimePath === null) {
             $this->setRuntimePath($this->getBasePath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'runtime');

         return $this->_runtimePath;

      * Sets the directory that stores runtime files.
      * 设置存储运行时文件的路径
      * @param string $path the directory that stores runtime files.
     public function setRuntimePath($path)
         $this->_runtimePath = Yii::getAlias($path);
         Yii::setAlias('@runtime', $this->_runtimePath);

     private $_vendorPath;

      * Returns the directory that stores vendor files.
      * 返回插件目录路径
      * @return string the directory that stores vendor files.
      * Defaults to "vendor" directory under [[basePath]].
      * 默认返回[[basePath]]下的 "vendor" 目录
     public function getVendorPath()
         if ($this->_vendorPath === null) {
             $this->setVendorPath($this->getBasePath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'vendor');

         return $this->_vendorPath;

      * Sets the directory that stores vendor files.
      * 设置插件目录路径,并设置别名
      * @param string $path the directory that stores vendor files.
     public function setVendorPath($path)
         $this->_vendorPath = Yii::getAlias($path);
         Yii::setAlias('@vendor', $this->_vendorPath);
         Yii::setAlias('@bower', $this->_vendorPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'bower');
         Yii::setAlias('@npm', $this->_vendorPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'npm');

      * Returns the time zone used by this application.
      * 取得时区
      * This is a simple wrapper of PHP function date_default_timezone_get().
      * If time zone is not configured in php.ini or application config,
      * it will be set to UTC by default.
      * @return string the time zone used by this application.
      * @see
     public function getTimeZone()
         return date_default_timezone_get();

      * Sets the time zone used by this application.
      * 设置时区
      * This is a simple wrapper of PHP function date_default_timezone_set().
      * Refer to the [php manual]( for available timezones.
      * @param string $value the time zone used by this application.
      * @see
     public function setTimeZone($value)

      * Returns the database connection component.
      * 返回数据库连接组件
      * @return \yii\db\Connection the database connection.
     public function getDb()
         return $this->get('db');

      * Returns the log dispatcher component.
      * 返回日志调度组件
      * @return \yii\log\Dispatcher the log dispatcher application component.
     public function getLog()
         return $this->get('log');

      * Returns the error handler component.
      * 返回错误处理组件
      * @return \yii\web\ErrorHandler|\yii\console\ErrorHandler the error handler application component.
     public function getErrorHandler()
         return $this->get('errorHandler');

      * Returns the cache component.
      * 返回缓存组件
      * @return \yii\caching\Cache the cache application component. Null if the component is not enabled.
     public function getCache()
         return $this->get('cache', false);

      * Returns the formatter component.
      * 返回格式化程序组件
      * @return \yii\i18n\Formatter the formatter application component.
     public function getFormatter()
         return $this->get('formatter');

      * Returns the request component.
      * 返回请求的组件对象
      * @return \yii\web\Request|\yii\console\Request the request component.
     public function getRequest()
         return $this->get('request');

      * Returns the response component.
      * 返回响应组件
      * @return \yii\web\Response|\yii\console\Response the response component.
     public function getResponse()
         return $this->get('response');

      * Returns the view object.
      * 返回视图对象
      * @return View|\yii\web\View the view application component that is used to render various view files.
     public function getView()
         return $this->get('view');

      * Returns the URL manager for this application.
      * 返回当前应用的URL管理组件
      * @return \yii\web\UrlManager the URL manager for this application.
     public function getUrlManager()
         return $this->get('urlManager');

      * Returns the internationalization (i18n) component
      * 返回国际化组件
      * @return \yii\i18n\I18N the internationalization application component.
     public function getI18n()
         return $this->get('i18n');

      * Returns the mailer component.
      * 返回邮件组件
      * @return \yii\mail\MailerInterface the mailer application component.
     public function getMailer()
         return $this->get('mailer');

      * Returns the auth manager for this application.
      * 返回该应用的权限管理组件
      * @return \yii\rbac\ManagerInterface the auth manager application component.
      * Null is returned if auth manager is not configured.
     public function getAuthManager()
         return $this->get('authManager', false);

      * Returns the asset manager.
      * 返回资源管理组件
      * @return \yii\web\AssetManager the asset manager application component.
     public function getAssetManager()
         return $this->get('assetManager');

      * Returns the security component.
      * 返回安全组件
      * @return \yii\base\Security the security application component.
     public function getSecurity()
         return $this->get('security');

      * Returns the configuration of core application components.
      * 返回核心组件的配置
      * @see set()
     public function coreComponents()
         return [
             'log' => ['class' => 'yii\log\Dispatcher'],
             'view' => ['class' => 'yii\web\View'],
             'formatter' => ['class' => 'yii\i18n\Formatter'],
             'i18n' => ['class' => 'yii\i18n\I18N'],
             'mailer' => ['class' => 'yii\swiftmailer\Mailer'],
             'urlManager' => ['class' => 'yii\web\UrlManager'],
             'assetManager' => ['class' => 'yii\web\AssetManager'],
             'security' => ['class' => 'yii\base\Security'],

      * Terminates the application.
      * 终止应用程序
      * This method replaces the `exit()` function by ensuring the application life cycle is completed
      * before terminating the application.
      * 该方法代替`exit()` 方法确认一个应用的生命周期已经结束
      * @param integer $status the exit status (value 0 means normal exit while other values mean abnormal exit).
      * @param Response $response the response to be sent. If not set, the default application [[response]] component will be used.
      * @throws ExitException if the application is in testing mode
     public function end($status = 0, $response = null)
         if ($this->state === self::STATE_BEFORE_REQUEST || $this->state === self::STATE_HANDLING_REQUEST) {//判断当前状态为请求前或者处理请求
             $this->state = self::STATE_AFTER_REQUEST;//则设置应用状态为请求完成后

         if ($this->state !== self::STATE_SENDING_RESPONSE && $this->state !== self::STATE_END) {//如果应用状态不是发送应答和应用结束
             $this->state = self::STATE_END;//设置状态为应用结束
             $response = $response ? : $this->getResponse();//

         if (YII_ENV_TEST) {
             throw new ExitException($status);
         } else {


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