CGLIB是一个强大的高性能的代码生成包。它广泛地被许多AOP的框架使用,例如Spring AOP和dynaop,为他们提供方法的Interception(拦截)。EasyMock和jMock是通过使用模仿(moke)对象来测试Java代码的包。它们都通过使用CGLIB来为那些没有接口的类创建模仿(moke)对象。



    public Object getProxy() {
return getProxy(null);
} public Object getProxy(ClassLoader classLoader) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Creating CGLIB proxy: target source is " + this.advised.getTargetSource());
try {
Class<?> rootClass = this.advised.getTargetClass();
Assert.state(rootClass != null, "Target class must be available for creating a CGLIB proxy");
Class<?> proxySuperClass = rootClass;
if (ClassUtils.isCglibProxyClass(rootClass)) {
proxySuperClass = rootClass.getSuperclass();
Class<?>[] additionalInterfaces = rootClass.getInterfaces();
for (Class<?> additionalInterface : additionalInterfaces) {
Enhancer enhancer = createEnhancer();
if (classLoader != null) {
if (classLoader instanceof SmartClassLoader &&
((SmartClassLoader) classLoader).isClassReloadable(proxySuperClass)) {
enhancer.setStrategy(new MemorySafeUndeclaredThrowableStrategy(UndeclaredThrowableException.class));
Callback[] callbacks = getCallbacks(rootClass);
Class<?>[] types = new Class<?>[callbacks.length];
for (int x = 0; x < types.length; x++) {
types[x] = callbacks[x].getClass();
enhancer.setCallbackFilter(new ProxyCallbackFilter(
this.advised.getConfigurationOnlyCopy(), this.fixedInterceptorMap, this.fixedInterceptorOffset));
Object proxy;
if (this.constructorArgs != null) {
proxy = enhancer.create(this.constructorArgTypes, this.constructorArgs);
else {
proxy = enhancer.create();
} return proxy;
catch (CodeGenerationException ex) {
throw new AopConfigException("Could not generate CGLIB subclass of class [" +
this.advised.getTargetClass() + "]: " +
"Common causes of this problem include using a final class or a non-visible class",
catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
throw new AopConfigException("Could not generate CGLIB subclass of class [" +
this.advised.getTargetClass() + "]: " +
"Common causes of this problem include using a final class or a non-visible class",
catch (Exception ex) {
throw new AopConfigException("Unexpected AOP exception", ex);


    private Callback[] getCallbacks(Class<?> rootClass) throws Exception {
boolean exposeProxy = this.advised.isExposeProxy();
boolean isFrozen = this.advised.isFrozen();
boolean isStatic = this.advised.getTargetSource().isStatic();
Callback aopInterceptor = new DynamicAdvisedInterceptor(this.advised);
// Choose a "straight to target" interceptor. (used for calls that are
// unadvised but can return this). May be required to expose the proxy.
Callback targetInterceptor;
if (exposeProxy) {
targetInterceptor = isStatic ?
new StaticUnadvisedExposedInterceptor(this.advised.getTargetSource().getTarget()) :
new DynamicUnadvisedExposedInterceptor(this.advised.getTargetSource());
else {
targetInterceptor = isStatic ?
new StaticUnadvisedInterceptor(this.advised.getTargetSource().getTarget()) :
new DynamicUnadvisedInterceptor(this.advised.getTargetSource());
// Choose a "direct to target" dispatcher (used for
// unadvised calls to static targets that cannot return this).
Callback targetDispatcher = isStatic ?
new StaticDispatcher(this.advised.getTargetSource().getTarget()) : new SerializableNoOp();
Callback[] mainCallbacks = new Callback[]{
aopInterceptor, // for normal advice
targetInterceptor, // invoke target without considering advice, if optimized
new SerializableNoOp(), // no override for methods mapped to this
targetDispatcher, this.advisedDispatcher,
new EqualsInterceptor(this.advised),
new HashCodeInterceptor(this.advised)
Callback[] callbacks;
// If the target is a static one and the advice chain is frozen,
// then we can make some optimisations by sending the AOP calls
// direct to the target using the fixed chain for that method.
if (isStatic && isFrozen) {
Method[] methods = rootClass.getMethods();
Callback[] fixedCallbacks = new Callback[methods.length];
this.fixedInterceptorMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>(methods.length); // TODO: small memory optimisation here (can skip creation for methods with no advice)
for (int x = 0; x < methods.length; x++) {
List<Object> chain = this.advised.getInterceptorsAndDynamicInterceptionAdvice(methods[x], rootClass);
fixedCallbacks[x] = new FixedChainStaticTargetInterceptor(
chain, this.advised.getTargetSource().getTarget(), this.advised.getTargetClass());
this.fixedInterceptorMap.put(methods[x].toString(), x);
// Now copy both the callbacks from mainCallbacks
// and fixedCallbacks into the callbacks array.
callbacks = new Callback[mainCallbacks.length + fixedCallbacks.length];
System.arraycopy(mainCallbacks, 0, callbacks, 0, mainCallbacks.length);
System.arraycopy(fixedCallbacks, 0, callbacks, mainCallbacks.length, fixedCallbacks.length);
this.fixedInterceptorOffset = mainCallbacks.length;
else {
callbacks = mainCallbacks;
return callbacks;


        public Object intercept(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args, MethodProxy methodProxy) throws Throwable {
Object oldProxy = null;
boolean setProxyContext = false;
Class<?> targetClass = null;
Object target = null;
try {
if (this.advised.exposeProxy) {
// Make invocation available if necessary.
oldProxy = AopContext.setCurrentProxy(proxy);
setProxyContext = true;
// May be null. Get as late as possible to minimize the time we
// "own" the target, in case it comes from a pool...
target = getTarget();
if (target != null) {
targetClass = target.getClass();
List<Object> chain = this.advised.getInterceptorsAndDynamicInterceptionAdvice(method, targetClass);
Object retVal;
// Check whether we only have one InvokerInterceptor: that is,
// no real advice, but just reflective invocation of the target.
if (chain.isEmpty() && Modifier.isPublic(method.getModifiers())) {
retVal = methodProxy.invoke(target, args);
else {
retVal = new CglibMethodInvocation(proxy, target, method, args, targetClass, chain, methodProxy).proceed();
retVal = processReturnType(proxy, target, method, retVal);
return retVal;
finally {
if (target != null) {
if (setProxyContext) {
// Restore old proxy.



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    本文分为两部分:1)给出Spring AOP的一个例子(会使用CGLIB代理):2)给出获取被CGLIB代理的原始对象. 1.Spring AOP Demo 这部分参考了博文(http://www.v ...

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  3. 代理模式之Cglib代理

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  4. jdk动态代理与cglib代理、spring aop代理实现原理解析

    原创声明:本博客来源为本人原创作品,绝非他处摘取,转摘请联系博主 代理(proxy)的定义:为某对象提供代理服务,拥有操作代理对象的功能,在某些情况下,当客户不想或者不能直接引用另一个对象,而代理对象 ...

  5. 基于Spring AOP的JDK动态代理和CGLIB代理

    一.AOP的概念  在软件业,AOP为Aspect Oriented Programming的缩写,意为:面向切面编程,通过预编译方式和运行期动态代理实现程序功能的统一维护的一种技术.AOP是OOP的 ...

  6. jdk动态代理与cglib代理、spring aop代理实现原理

    原创声明:本博客来源与本人另一博客[]原创作品,绝非他处摘取 代理(proxy)的定义 ...

  7. 何为代理?jdk动态代理与cglib代理、spring Aop代理原理浅析

    原创声明:本博客来源为本人原创作品,绝非他处摘取,转摘请联系博主 代理(proxy)的定义:为某对象提供代理服务,拥有操作代理对象的功能,在某些情况下,当客户不想或者不能直接引用另一个对象,而代理对象 ...

  8. jdk动态代理与cglib代理、spring Aop代理原理-代理使用浅析

    原创声明:本博客来源为本人原创作品,绝非他处摘取,转摘请联系博主 代理(proxy)的定义:为某对象提供代理服务,拥有操作代理对象的功能,在某些情况下,当客户不想或者不能直接引用另一个对象,而代理对象 ...

  9. Java代理模式精讲之静态代理,动态代理,CGLib代理

    代理(Proxy)是一种设计模式,通俗的讲就是通过别人达到自己不可告人的目的(玩笑). 如图: 代理模式的关键点是:代理对象与目标对象.代理对象是对目标对象的扩展,并会调用目标对象 这三个代理模式,就 ...

  10. Spring框架系列(11) - Spring AOP实现原理详解之Cglib代理实现

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