• <!-- HTML代码片段中请勿添加<body>标签 //-->
  • <div id="container">
  • <div id="first"></div>
  • <div id="second"></div>
  • </div>
  • <!-- 推荐开源CDN来选取需引用的外部JS //-->
  • <script type="text/javascript" src=""><
  1. 页面CSS
  1. /*CSS源代码*/
  2. #container{
  3. position: absolute;
  4. width: 320px;
  5. height: 320px;
  6. border:1px solid #ccc;
  7. }
  8. #first{
  9. width: 100px;
  10. height: 100px;
  11. background: orange;
  12. }
  13. #second{
  14. width: 100px;
  15. height: 100px;
  16. background: red;
  17. position: absolute;
  18. right:0;
  19. bottom:0;
  20. }


var $first=$('#first');
    var $second=$('#second');

(function firstMove(){
            "top": 0,

(function secondMove(){


var $first=$('#first');
var $second=$('#second');

function h(x, currentTime, beginningValue, changeValue, duration){
            return (0.25-x)*4;
        }else if(x<0.5){
            return 0;
        }else if(x<0.75){
            return (x-0.5)*4;
        return 1;
            return x*4;
        }else if(x<0.5){
            return 1;
        }else if(x<0.75){
            return (0.75-x)*4;
        return 0;

function v(x, currentTime, beginningValue, changeValue, duration){
            return 1;
        }else if(x<0.5){
            return (0.5-x)*4;
        }else if(x<0.75){
            return 0;
        return (x-0.75)*4;
            return 0;
        }else if(x<0.5){
            return (x-0.25)*4;
        }else if(x<0.75){
            return 1;
        return (1-x)*4;

$.extend( $.easing,
(function firstMove(){
        duration: 1600,
        specialEasing: {
            left: 'h',
            top: 'v'
        complete: function() {

(function secondMove(){
        duration: 1600,
        specialEasing: {
            left: 'h',
            top: 'v'
        complete: function() {


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