

package io.appium.android.bootstrap.handler;

import com.android.uiautomator.core.UiDevice;
import com.android.uiautomator.core.UiObjectNotFoundException;
import io.appium.android.bootstrap.*;
import io.appium.android.bootstrap.exceptions.InvalidCoordinatesException;
import io.appium.android.bootstrap.utils.Point;
import org.json.JSONException; import java.util.Hashtable; /**
* This handler is used to swipe.
public class Swipe extends CommandHandler { /*
* @param command The {@link AndroidCommand} used for this handler.
* @return {@link AndroidCommandResult}
* @throws JSONException
* @see io.appium.android.bootstrap.CommandHandler#execute(io.appium.android.
* bootstrap.AndroidCommand)
public AndroidCommandResult execute(final AndroidCommand command)
throws JSONException {
final Hashtable<String, Object> params = command.params();
final Point start = new Point(params.get("startX"), params.get("startY"));
final Point end = new Point(params.get("endX"), params.get("endY"));
final Integer steps = (Integer) params.get("steps");
final UiDevice device = UiDevice.getInstance(); Point absStartPos = new Point();
Point absEndPos = new Point(); if (command.isElementCommand()) {
try {
final AndroidElement el = command.getElement();
absStartPos = el.getAbsolutePosition(start);
absEndPos = el.getAbsolutePosition(end, false);
} catch (final UiObjectNotFoundException e) {
return getErrorResult(e.getMessage());
} catch (final InvalidCoordinatesException e) {
return getErrorResult(e.getMessage());
} catch (final Exception e) { // handle NullPointerException
return getErrorResult("Unknown error");
} else {
try {
absStartPos = getDeviceAbsPos(start);
absEndPos = getDeviceAbsPos(end);
} catch (final InvalidCoordinatesException e) {
return getErrorResult(e.getMessage());
} Logger.debug("Swiping from " + absStartPos.toString() + " to "
+ absEndPos.toString() + " with steps: " + steps.toString());
final boolean rv = device.swipe(absStartPos.x.intValue(),
absStartPos.y.intValue(), absEndPos.x.intValue(),
absEndPos.y.intValue(), steps);
if (!rv) {
return getErrorResult("The swipe did not complete successfully");
return getSuccessResult(rv);


    final Hashtable<String, Object> params = command.params();
final Point start = new Point(params.get("startX"), params.get("startY"));
final Point end = new Point(params.get("endX"), params.get("endY"));
final Integer steps = (Integer) params.get("steps");
final UiDevice device = UiDevice.getInstance();     Point absStartPos = new Point();
    Point absEndPos = new Point();




        final AndroidElement el = command.getElement();
absStartPos = el.getAbsolutePosition(start);
absEndPos = el.getAbsolutePosition(end, false);


public Point getAbsolutePosition(final Point point,
final boolean boundsChecking) throws UiObjectNotFoundException,
InvalidCoordinatesException {
final Rect rect = el.getBounds();
final Point pos = new Point();
Logger.debug("Element bounds: " + rect.toShortString()); if (point.x == 0) {
pos.x = rect.width() * 0.5 + rect.left;
} else if (point.x <= 1) {
pos.x = rect.width() * point.x + rect.left;
} else {
pos.x = rect.left + point.x;
if (boundsChecking) {
if (pos.x > rect.right || pos.x < rect.left) {
throw new InvalidCoordinatesException("X coordinate ("
+ pos.x.toString() + " is outside of element rect: "
+ rect.toShortString());
} if (point.y == 0) {
pos.y = rect.height() * 0.5 + rect.top;
} else if (point.y <= 1) {
pos.y = rect.height() * point.y + rect.top;
} else {
pos.y = rect.left + point.y;
if (boundsChecking) {
if (pos.y > rect.bottom || pos.y < rect.top) {
throw new InvalidCoordinatesException("Y coordinate ("
+ pos.y.toString() + " is outside of element rect: "
+ rect.toShortString());
} return pos;




absStartPos = getDeviceAbsPos(start);
absEndPos = getDeviceAbsPos(end);


protected static Point getDeviceAbsPos(final Point point)
throws InvalidCoordinatesException {
final UiDevice d = UiDevice.getInstance();
final Point retPos = new Point(point); // copy inputed point final Double width = (double) d.getDisplayWidth();
if (point.x < 1) {
retPos.x = width * point.x;
} if (retPos.x > width || retPos.x < 0) {
throw new InvalidCoordinatesException("X coordinate ("
+ retPos.x.toString() + " is outside of screen width: "
+ width.toString());
} final Double height = (double) d.getDisplayHeight();
if (point.y < 1) {
retPos.y = height * point.y;
} if (retPos.y > height || retPos.y < 0) {
throw new InvalidCoordinatesException("Y coordinate ("
+ retPos.y.toString() + " is outside of screen height: "
+ height.toString());
} return retPos;



final boolean rv = device.swipe(absStartPos.x.intValue(),
absStartPos.y.intValue(), absEndPos.x.intValue(),
absEndPos.y.intValue(), steps);




  • 控件
  • 坐标



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