1. 构造函数(public属性和方法)
- 1: function Person(iName, iAge){
- 2: this.name=iName; //public
- 3: this.age=iAge; //public
- 4: this.ShowStudent=function(){ //public
- 5: alert(this.name);
- 6: };
- 7: }
2. 构造函数(public, private属性和方法)
- 1: function Person(iName, iAge){
- 2: //private field
- 3: var name = iName;
- 4: var age = iAge;
- 5:
- 6: //private method
- 7: var privatefn = function(){
- 8: alert(name);
- 9: }
- 10:
- 11: return {
- 12: //public field
- 13: Name: "hello " + name,
- 14: Age: "hello " + age,
- 15:
- 16: ShowStudent: function(){
- 17: privatefn();
- 18: alert(this.Name);
- 19: }
- 20: };
- 21: }
调用:(new Person("xiao","10")).ShowStudent();
3. 原型方法(prototype)
- 1: function c(){}
- 2: c.prototype={
- 3: name: "init value a",
- 4: setName: function(iName){
- 5: this.name=iName;
- 6: },
- 7: getName: function(){
- 8: alert('hello from c, name: ' + this.name);
- 9: }
- 10: };
- 11: (new c).getName(); // 输出hello from c, name: init value a
4. 构造函数+原型方法(prototype)
- 1: function Person(iName) {
- 2: this.name = iName;
- 3: };
- 4:
- 5: Person.prototype={
- 6: getName: function(){
- 7: return this.name;
- 8: }
- 9: };
- 10:
- 11: //调用
- 12: var b = new Person("jack");
- 13: alert(b.getName());
5. 构造函数+原型方法(prototype)- 节省内存的写法
- 1: function Person(iName, iAge){
- 2: this.name=iName;
- 3: this.age=iAge;
- 4:
- 5: //对象实例都共享同一份方法不造成内存浪费
- 6: if(typeof Person._initialized == "undefined"){
- 7: Person.prototype.ShowStudent=function(){
- 8: alert(this.name);
- 9: };
- 10: Person._initialized=true;
- 11: }
- 12: }
- 13: //调用
- 14: (new Person("jack","20")).ShowStudent();
6. JavaScript类的单例(Singleton)模式写法
- 1: var MyNamespace = {};
- 2: MyNamespace.Singleton = (function() {
- 3: var uniqueInstance; // Private attribute that holds the single instance.
- 4: function constructor() { // All of the normal singleton code goes here.
- 5: // Private members.
- 6: var privateAttribute1 = false;
- 7: var privateAttribute2 = [1, 2, 3];
- 8: function privateMethod1() {
- 9: //...
- 10: }
- 11: function privateMethod2(args) {
- 12: //...
- 13: }
- 14: return { // Public members.
- 15: publicAttribute1: true,
- 16: publicAttribute2: 10,
- 17: publicMethod1: function() {
- 18: // ...
- 19: },
- 20: publicMethod2: function(args) {
- 21: // ...
- 22: }
- 23: }
- 24: }
- 25: return {
- 26: getInstance: function() {
- 27: if(!uniqueInstance) { // Instantiate only if the instance doesn't exist.
- 28: uniqueInstance = constructor();
- 29: }
- 30: return uniqueInstance;
- 31: }
- 32: }
- 33: })();
- 34:
- 35: //调用:
- 36: MyNamespace.Singleton.getInstance().publicMethod1();
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