在Angular2 模板中,我们在显示数据时,可以使用通道将数据转换成相应的格式的值的形式来显示,而且这不改变源数据。比如,我们可以使用date通道来转换时间显示的格式: {{date | date:'yyyy-MM-dd'}} ,(1) 以下是Angular提供的基本的通道.

Basic Pipes
Pipe Name Usage Parameters or Effection
currency {{test.currency | currency }}

1234569678 > USD1,234,569,678.00

date {{test.date | date:'yyyy-MM-dd'}}


date:'shortTime',//9:36 pm

json {{test.json | json }}
[object Object] > {
"name": "test",
"title": "Test Pipes"
} //with json pipe
uppercase {{test.str | uppercase }}  hello pipes > HELLO PIPES
lowercase {{test.str1 | lowercase }}  Hello > hello
percent {{test.percent | percent:'.3' }} percent:'.3'//0.25 > 25.000% 
number {{test.decimal | number:'5.1-2' }} number:'5.1-3'//23440.0987 > 23,440.099

(2) 以下自定义了一转换电话号码指定数位尾号之外的数字的Pipe, +008615527370515 > ***********70515

import { Pipe,PipeTransform } from '@angular/core'; @Pipe({
export class TailNumberLengthPipe implements PipeTransform{
transform(value: string, length:number): any {
let tailNumberLength = (length === undefined ? 4 : length);
let prefixLength = value.length - tailNumberLength;
let target = '';
for(let index = 0;index < prefixLength; ++index){
target += '*';
target += value.substr(prefixLength);
return target;


import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
import { TailNumberLengthPipe } from './tail-number-length.pipe'; 构建一个NgModule装饰的TailNumberPipeModule
}) export class TailNumberPipeModule{};
bootstrap: [ AppComponent ],
imports: [
// import custom modules
{{person.phone | tailNumberLength:5}}//+008615527370515 > ***********70515


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