Android XML中引用自定义内部类view的四个why
- 自定义的类必须是静态类;
- 使用view作为XML文件中的tag,注意,v是小写字母,小写字母v,小写字母v;
- 添加class属性,注意,没有带android:命名空间的,表明该自定义view的完整路径,且外部类与内部类之间用美元“$”连接,而不是“.”,注意,要美元“$”,不要“.”;
- 自定义的view至少应该含有带有Context, AttributeSet这两个参数的构造函数
final Object[] mConstructorArgs = new Object[2]; static final Class<?>[] mConstructorSignature = new Class[] {
Context.class, AttributeSet.class}; //... /**
* Creates a view from a tag name using the supplied attribute set.
* <p>
* <strong>Note:</strong> Default visibility so the BridgeInflater can
* override it.
* @param parent the parent view, used to inflate layout params
* @param name the name of the XML tag used to define the view
* @param context the inflation context for the view, typically the
* {@code parent} or base layout inflater context
* @param attrs the attribute set for the XML tag used to define the view
* @param ignoreThemeAttr {@code true} to ignore the {@code android:theme}
* attribute (if set) for the view being inflated,
* {@code false} otherwise
View createViewFromTag(View parent, String name, Context context, AttributeSet attrs,
boolean ignoreThemeAttr) {
if (name.equals("view")) {
name = attrs.getAttributeValue(null, "class");
} // Apply a theme wrapper, if allowed and one is specified.
if (!ignoreThemeAttr) {
final TypedArray ta = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, ATTRS_THEME);
final int themeResId = ta.getResourceId(0, 0);
if (themeResId != 0) {
context = new ContextThemeWrapper(context, themeResId);
} if (name.equals(TAG_1995)) {
// Let's party like it's 1995!
return new BlinkLayout(context, attrs);
} try {
View view;
if (mFactory2 != null) {
view = mFactory2.onCreateView(parent, name, context, attrs);
} else if (mFactory != null) {
view = mFactory.onCreateView(name, context, attrs);
} else {
view = null;
} if (view == null && mPrivateFactory != null) {
view = mPrivateFactory.onCreateView(parent, name, context, attrs);
} if (view == null) {
final Object lastContext = mConstructorArgs[0];
mConstructorArgs[0] = context;
try {
if (-1 == name.indexOf('.')) {
view = onCreateView(parent, name, attrs);
} else {
view = createView(name, null, attrs);
} finally {
mConstructorArgs[0] = lastContext;
} return view;
} protected View onCreateView(View parent, String name, AttributeSet attrs)
throws ClassNotFoundException {
return onCreateView(name, attrs);
} protected View onCreateView(String name, AttributeSet attrs)
throws ClassNotFoundException {
return createView(name, "android.view.", attrs);
} /**
* Low-level function for instantiating a view by name. This attempts to
* instantiate a view class of the given <var>name</var> found in this
* LayoutInflater's ClassLoader.
* @param name The full name of the class to be instantiated.
* @param attrs The XML attributes supplied for this instance.
* @return View The newly instantiated view, or null.
public final View createView(String name, String prefix, AttributeSet attrs)
throws ClassNotFoundException, InflateException {
Constructor<? extends View> constructor = sConstructorMap.get(name);
Class<? extends View> clazz = null; try {
Trace.traceBegin(Trace.TRACE_TAG_VIEW, name); if (constructor == null) {
// Class not found in the cache, see if it's real, and try to add it
clazz = mContext.getClassLoader().loadClass(
prefix != null ? (prefix + name) : name).asSubclass(View.class); if (mFilter != null && clazz != null) {
boolean allowed = mFilter.onLoadClass(clazz);
if (!allowed) {
failNotAllowed(name, prefix, attrs);
constructor = clazz.getConstructor(mConstructorSignature);
sConstructorMap.put(name, constructor);
} else {
// If we have a filter, apply it to cached constructor
if (mFilter != null) {
// Have we seen this name before?
Boolean allowedState = mFilterMap.get(name);
if (allowedState == null) {
// New class -- remember whether it is allowed
clazz = mContext.getClassLoader().loadClass(
prefix != null ? (prefix + name) : name).asSubclass(View.class); boolean allowed = clazz != null && mFilter.onLoadClass(clazz);
mFilterMap.put(name, allowed);
if (!allowed) {
failNotAllowed(name, prefix, attrs);
} else if (allowedState.equals(Boolean.FALSE)) {
failNotAllowed(name, prefix, attrs);
} Object[] args = mConstructorArgs;
args[1] = attrs;
final View view = constructor.newInstance(args);
if (view instanceof ViewStub) {
// Use the same context when inflating ViewStub later.
final ViewStub viewStub = (ViewStub) view;
viewStub.setLayoutInflater(cloneInContext((Context) args[0]));
return view; }
public class PhoneLayoutInflater extends LayoutInflater {
private static final String[] sClassPrefixList = {
//...... /** Override onCreateView to instantiate names that correspond to the
widgets known to the Widget factory. If we don't find a match,
call through to our super class.
@Override protected View onCreateView(String name, AttributeSet attrs) throws ClassNotFoundException {
for (String prefix : sClassPrefixList) {
try {
View view = createView(name, prefix, attrs);
if (view != null) {
return view;
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
// In this case we want to let the base class take a crack
// at it.
} return super.onCreateView(name, attrs);
} //.........
- “1”处进行名字是否为“view”的判断,那么这里会有两种情况,我们先假设使用“view”
- 由于在“1”满足条件,所以name被赋值为class属性的值,比如“com.willhua.view.MyView”或者“com.willhua.view.MyClass$MyView”。其实这里也是要使用“view”来定义,而不是其他名字来定义的原因。
- 根据name的值,name中含有‘.’符号,于是代码走到“3”处,调用createView,且prefix参数为空
- 来到“4”处,prefix为空,于是loadClass函数的参数即为name,即在a.2中说的class属性的值。我们知道,传给loadClass的参数是想要加载的类的类名,而在Java中,内部类的类名表示都是在外部类类名的后面用符号“$”连接内部类类名而来,于是文章开头提到的第3点的答案也就是在这里了。补充一下,为什么是来到“4”,而不是对应的else块中呢?类第一次被加载的时候,构造器肯定是还不存在的,也就是if条件肯定是成立的。然后等到后面再次实例化的时候,就来到了else块中,而在else快中只是根据mFilter做一些是否可以加载该view的判断而已,并没有从本质上影响view的加载流程。
- 在“4”处还有一个很重要的地方,那就是constructor = class.getConstructor(mConstructorSignature)这句。首先,在代码开头已经给出了mConstructorSignature的定义:
static final Class<?>[] mConstructorSignature = new Class[] {Context.class, AttributeSet.class};
Returns a Constructor
object that reflects the specified public constructor of the class represented by this Class
object. The parameterTypes
parameter is an array of Class
objects that identify the constructor's formal parameter types, in declared order. If this Class
object represents an inner class declared in a non-static context, the formal parameter types include the explicit enclosing instance as the first parameter.
The constructor to reflect is the public constructor of the class represented by this Class
object whose formal parameter types match those specified by parameterTypes
6. 拿到了类信息clazz之后,代码来到了“5”,在这里注意下mConstructorArgs,在贴出的代码最前面有给出它的定义,为Object[2],并且,通过源码中发现,mConstructorArgs[0]被赋值为创建LayoutInflater时传入的context。于是我们就知道 在“5”这里,传给newInstance的参数为Context和AttributeSet。然后在Oracl的文档上关于newInstance的说明中也有一句:If the constructor's declaring class is an inner class in a non-static context, the first argument to the constructor needs to be the enclosing instance; 我们这里也没有传入外部类实例,也就是说对于静态内部类也会报错。这里同样验证了自定义了的内部类view必须声明为静态类这个问题。
而如果不使用“view”标签的形式来使用自定义内部类view,那么在写XML的时候我们发现,只能使用比如<com.willhua.MyClass.MyView />的形式,而不能使用<com.willhua.MyClass$MyView />的形式,这样AndroidStudio会报“Tag start is not close”的错。显然,如果我们使用<com.willhua.MyClass.MyView />的形式,那么在“关键4”处将会调用loadClass("com.willhua.MyClass.MyView"),这样在前面也已经分析过,是不符合Java中关于内部类的完整命名规则的,将会报错。有些人估计会粗心写成大写的V的形式,即<View class="com.willhua.MyClass$MyView" ... />的形式,这样将会在运行时报“wrong type”错,因为这样本质上定义的是一个android.view.View,而你在代码中却以为是定义的com.willhua.MyClass$MyView。
在标识的“2”处,该出的调用流程为onCreateView(parent, name, attrs)——>onCreateView(name, attrs)——>createView(name, "android.view.", attrs),在前面提到过,我们真正使用的的LayoutInflater是PhoneLayoutInflater,而在PhoneLayoutInflater对这个onCreateView(name, attrs)函数是进行了重写的,在PhoneLayoutInflater的onCreateView函数中,即“6”处,该函数通过在name前面尝试分别使用三个前缀:"android.widget.","android.webkit.",""来调用createView,若都没有找到则调用父类的onCreateView来尝试添加"android.view."前缀来加载该view。所以,这也是为什么我们可以比如直接使用<Button />, <View />的原因,因为这些常用都是包含在这四个包名里的。
- 只使用简单类名,即<ViewName />的形式。对于“android.widget”, "android.webkit", ""以及"android.view"这四个包内的类,可以直接使用这样的形式,因为在代码中会自动给加上相应的包名来构成完整的路径,而对于的其他的类,则不行,因为ViewName加上这四个包名构成的完整类名都无法找到该类。
- 使用<"完整类名" />的形式,比如<com.willhua.MyView />或者<android.widget.Button />的形式来使用,对于任何的非内部类view,这样都是可以的。但是对于内部类不行,因为这样的类名不符合Java中关于内部类完整类名的定义规则。如果<com.willhua.MyClass$MyView />的形式能够通过编译话,肯定是能正确Inflate该MyView的,可惜在编写的时候就会提示错。
- 使用<view class="完整类名" />的形式。这个是最通用的,所有的类都可以这么干,但是前提是“完整类名”写对,比如前面提到的内部类使用"$"符号连接。
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