  1. <uses-permission android:name="string"
  2.         android:maxSdkVersion="integer" />
contained in:
Requests a permission that the application must be granted inorder for it to operate correctly. Permissions are granted by the user when the application is installed, not while it's running.

For more information on permissions, see the Permissions section in the introduction and the separate Security and Permissions document. A list of permissions defined by the base platform can be found at android.Manifest.permission.

The name of the permission. It can be a permission defined by the application with the <permission> element, a permission defined by another application, or one of the standard system permissions, such as "android.permission.CAMERA" or "android.permission.READ_CONTACTS". As these examples show, a permission name typically includes the package name as a prefix.
The highest API level at which this permission should be granted to your app.Setting this attribute is useful if the permission your app requires is no longer needed beginningat a certain API level.

For example, beginning with Android 4.4 (API level 19), it's no longer necessary for your appto request the WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission when yourapp wants to write to its own application-specific directories on external storage (the directoriesprovided by getExternalFilesDir()). However,the permission is required for API level 18 and lower. So you can declare that thispermission is needed only up to API level 18 with a declaration such as this:

  1. <uses-permission
  2.      android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"
  3.      android:maxSdkVersion="18" />

This way, beginning with API level 19, the system will no longer grant your app theWRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission.

introduced in:
API Level 1
see also:

Android 官方文档:(二)应用清单 —— 2.26 &lt;uses-permission&gt;标签的更多相关文章

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