CCI_chapter 13C++
13.9Write a smart pointer (smart_ptr) class
template<class T>class SmartPoint{
SmartPoint(T *ref){
ref_ = ref;
count_ = (unsigned int *)malloc(sizeof(unsigned int ));
*count_ = 1;
SmartPoint(SmartPoint<T> &sptr){
ref_ = sptr.ref_;
count_ = sptr.count_;
SmartPoint<T>& operator =(SmartPoint<T> &sptr)
if(this != sptr){
ref_ = sptr.ref_;
count_ = sptr.count_;
return *this;
if(*count_ == 0)
delete ref_;
ref_ = NULL;
count_ = NULL;
} }
T getValue(){
rturn *ref_;
T* ref_;
unsigned int *count_;
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