class Solution:
# @param matrix, a list of lists of integers
# @param target, an integer
# @return a boolean
def searchMatrix(self, matrix, target):
if target>matrix[n-1][m-1] or target<matrix[0][0]:
return False
head = 0
end = n-1
mid = (end+head)//2
while mid>head and mid <end:
if target<matrix[mid][0]: end=mid
else: head=mid
mid= (end+head)//2
if target>matrix[keyline][m-1]: keyline+=1
head = 0
end = m-1
mid = (end+head)//2
while mid>=head and mid <end:
if target<=matrix[keyline][mid]: end=mid
else: head=mid+1
mid= (end+head)//2
return target==matrix[keyline][mid] if __name__=='__main__':

OJ runtime :224 ms

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