论文:《Focal Loss for Dense Object Detection》

Focal Loss 是何恺明设计的为了解决one-stage目标检测在训练阶段前景类和背景类极度不均衡(如1:1000)的场景的损失函数。它是由二分类交叉熵改造而来的。





有一种解决类别不平衡的方法是引入一个值介于[0; 1]之间的权重因子α:当y=1时,取α; 当y=0时,取1-α。




Focal Loss定义

虽然α-CE起到了平衡正负样本的在损失函数值中的贡献,但是它没办法区分难易样本的样本对损失的贡献。因此就有了Focal Loss,定义如下:


当y=1时,y'->1,表示easy positive,它对权重的贡献->0;

当y=0是,y'->0,表示easy negative,它对权重的贡献->0.

因此,Focal Loss不仅降低了背景类的权重,还降低了easy positive/negative的权重。

gamma是对损失函数的调节,当gamma=0是,Focal Loss与α-CE等价。以下是gamma

对Focal Loss的调节。

Focal Loss的Pytorch实现(蓝色字体)

以下Focal Loss=Focal Loss + Regress Loss;


 import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn def calc_iou(a, b):
area = (b[:, 2] - b[:, 0]) * (b[:, 3] - b[:, 1]) iw = torch.min(torch.unsqueeze(a[:, 2], dim=1), b[:, 2]) - torch.max(torch.unsqueeze(a[:, 0], 1), b[:, 0])
ih = torch.min(torch.unsqueeze(a[:, 3], dim=1), b[:, 3]) - torch.max(torch.unsqueeze(a[:, 1], 1), b[:, 1]) iw = torch.clamp(iw, min=0)
ih = torch.clamp(ih, min=0) ua = torch.unsqueeze((a[:, 2] - a[:, 0]) * (a[:, 3] - a[:, 1]), dim=1) + area - iw * ih ua = torch.clamp(ua, min=1e-8) intersection = iw * ih IoU = intersection / ua return IoU class FocalLoss(nn.Module):
#def __init__(self): def forward(self, classifications, regressions, anchors, annotations):
alpha = 0.25
gamma = 2.0
batch_size = classifications.shape[0]
classification_losses = []
regression_losses = [] anchor = anchors[0, :, :] anchor_widths = anchor[:, 2] - anchor[:, 0]
anchor_heights = anchor[:, 3] - anchor[:, 1]
anchor_ctr_x = anchor[:, 0] + 0.5 * anchor_widths
anchor_ctr_y = anchor[:, 1] + 0.5 * anchor_heights for j in range(batch_size): classification = classifications[j, :, :]
regression = regressions[j, :, :] bbox_annotation = annotations[j, :, :]
bbox_annotation = bbox_annotation[bbox_annotation[:, 4] != -1] if bbox_annotation.shape[0] == 0:
classification_losses.append(torch.tensor(0).float().cuda()) continue classification = torch.clamp(classification, 1e-4, 1.0 - 1e-4) IoU = calc_iou(anchors[0, :, :], bbox_annotation[:, :4]) # num_anchors x num_annotations IoU_max, IoU_argmax = torch.max(IoU, dim=1) # num_anchors x 1 #import pdb
#pdb.set_trace() # compute the loss for classification
targets = torch.ones(classification.shape) * -1
targets = targets.cuda() targets[torch.lt(IoU_max, 0.4), :] = 0 positive_indices = torch.ge(IoU_max, 0.5) num_positive_anchors = positive_indices.sum() assigned_annotations = bbox_annotation[IoU_argmax, :] targets[positive_indices, :] = 0
targets[positive_indices, assigned_annotations[positive_indices, 4].long()] = 1 alpha_factor = torch.ones(targets.shape).cuda() * alpha alpha_factor = torch.where(torch.eq(targets, 1.), alpha_factor, 1. - alpha_factor)
82 focal_weight = torch.where(torch.eq(targets, 1.), 1. - classification, classification)
83 focal_weight = alpha_factor * torch.pow(focal_weight, gamma)
85 bce = -(targets * torch.log(classification) + (1.0 - targets) * torch.log(1.0 - classification))
87 # cls_loss = focal_weight * torch.pow(bce, gamma)
88 cls_loss = focal_weight * bce
90 cls_loss = torch.where(torch.ne(targets, -1.0), cls_loss, torch.zeros(cls_loss.shape).cuda())

classification_losses.append(cls_loss.sum()/torch.clamp(num_positive_anchors.float(), min=1.0)) # compute the loss for regression if positive_indices.sum() > 0:
assigned_annotations = assigned_annotations[positive_indices, :] anchor_widths_pi = anchor_widths[positive_indices]
anchor_heights_pi = anchor_heights[positive_indices]
anchor_ctr_x_pi = anchor_ctr_x[positive_indices]
anchor_ctr_y_pi = anchor_ctr_y[positive_indices] gt_widths = assigned_annotations[:, 2] - assigned_annotations[:, 0]
gt_heights = assigned_annotations[:, 3] - assigned_annotations[:, 1]
gt_ctr_x = assigned_annotations[:, 0] + 0.5 * gt_widths
gt_ctr_y = assigned_annotations[:, 1] + 0.5 * gt_heights # clip widths to 1
gt_widths = torch.clamp(gt_widths, min=1)
gt_heights = torch.clamp(gt_heights, min=1) targets_dx = (gt_ctr_x - anchor_ctr_x_pi) / anchor_widths_pi
targets_dy = (gt_ctr_y - anchor_ctr_y_pi) / anchor_heights_pi
targets_dw = torch.log(gt_widths / anchor_widths_pi)
targets_dh = torch.log(gt_heights / anchor_heights_pi) targets = torch.stack((targets_dx, targets_dy, targets_dw, targets_dh))
targets = targets.t() targets = targets/torch.Tensor([[0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2]]).cuda() negative_indices = 1 - positive_indices regression_diff = torch.abs(targets - regression[positive_indices, :]) regression_loss = torch.where(
torch.le(regression_diff, 1.0 / 9.0),
0.5 * 9.0 * torch.pow(regression_diff, 2),
regression_diff - 0.5 / 9.0
regression_losses.append(torch.tensor(0).float().cuda()) return torch.stack(classification_losses).mean(dim=0, keepdim=True), torch.stack(regression_losses).mean(dim=0, keepdim=True)

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