Given a list of integers, write a function that returns the largest sum of non-adjacent numbers. Numbers can be 0 or negative.

For example, [2, 4, 6, 2, 5] should return 13, since we pick 26, and 5[5, 1, 1, 5] should return 10, since we pick 5 and 5.

Follow-up: Can you do this in O(N) time and constant space

How to think?

Always start from make few assumption / examples to see the parttens:

For example:

  1. [5,1,1,5]

Start from i = 0: max sum can be Math.max(5, 0)

  1. // memo: [5]

Then i = 1: max sum can be Math.max(memo[0], arr[1]), which is memo[1] = Math.max(5, 1) ---> 5

  1. // memo :: [5, 5]

Then i = 2: max sum can be Math.max(memo[i - 1], arr[i] + memo[i - 2]), which is memo[2] = Math.max(5, 1 +5) --> 6:

  1. // memo :: [5, 5, 6]

Then i = 3, should follow i = 2 partten:

  1. // memo :: [5, 5, 6, 10]

So now, we got our partten:

  1. for i = to length
  2. memo[i] = Math.max(memo[i - ], memo[i - ] + arr[i])


  1. function maxNonAdjSum(arr) {
  2. const memo = new Array(arr.length).fill();
  3. memo[] = Math.max(, arr[]);
  4. memo[] = Math.max(arr[], memo[]);
  6. for (let i = ; i < arr.length; i++) {
  7. memo[i] = Math.max(memo[i-], arr[i] + memo[i - ]);
  8. }
  10. return memo;
  11. }
  13. console.log(maxNonAdjSum([, , , , ])); //
  14. console.log(maxNonAdjSum([, , , ])); // 10
  15. console.log(maxNonAdjSum([, , , , , -, , ])); //

To improve it furuther for space, we don't really need to keep 'memo' as a whole array, we just need to remember 3 values:

  1. // [max_inc, max_not_inc, max]


  1. max = Math.max(max + max_inc, max_not_inc)


  1. function maxNonAdjSum2(arr) {
  2. let max_inc = Math.max(, arr[]);
  3. let max_not_inc = Math.max(arr[], max_inc);
  5. let max = max_inc
  6. for (let i = ; i < arr.length; i++) {
  7. max = Math.max(arr[i] + max_inc, max_not_inc);
  8. max_inc = max_not_inc;
  9. max_not_inc = max;
  10. }
  12. return max;
  13. }
  15. console.log(maxNonAdjSum2([, , , , ])); //
  16. console.log(maxNonAdjSum2([, , , ])); //
  17. console.log(maxNonAdjSum2([, , , , , -, , ])); //

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