// squareRoot.cpp -- 2011-08-29-01.04
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream> double squareRoot (double radicand, double precision) ; int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
std ::cout << squareRoot(9, 0.000001) << std ::endl ; return 0;
} double squareRoot (double radicand, double precision)
if (radicand > 0)
double squareRoot = radicand / 10 ;
while (squareRoot * squareRoot > radicand)
squareRoot /= 2 ;
double fakePrecision = 0.1;
while (1)
while ((squareRoot + fakePrecision) * (squareRoot + fakePrecision) <= radicand)
squareRoot += fakePrecision ;
if (fakePrecision > precision)
fakePrecision /= 10 ;
return squareRoot ;
std ::cerr << "Radicand must > 0" << std ::endl ;
return 0 ;
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