To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist. That is all.


That's all? That's all.

Now I don't expect I can live a wonderful life, or to be a great people with outstanding contributions to the human being.

Several years ago, I still had such a childish dream of being an expert in the cutting-edge fields and being famous and wealthy, it sounds very native, doesn't it?

As the years have gone by, I gradually realized I am not the chosen one.

I used to make some useless efforts and unconsciously make some dreadful mistakes that had led to irreparable damages to me and my family.

But I always appreciate that I am still able to see the sunrise every morning.

What is Tangram and the differences between tangram and tangram-es?

I think the main difference is that tangram is based on OpenGL, whereas tangram-es is based on OpenGL-ES, and the rest of them are almost the same.

Ok, set a small goal for next week: successfully compile the tangram-es library, try to run its example on Ubuntu-X86 platform.

Man is what he believes.


From Anton Pavlovich Chekhov.

That is the principle of how to live in this world.

That is the internal impulse that dirve us to become the perfect one in our own eyes.

I believe that I will be brilliant, wealthy, healthy, and with all the good traits I know.

However, until now I only find I am nothing but a loser, through and through.

Though the reality often backfired and my dreams always fell through, uh, very disappointing, isn't it?

If you love someone or something, devote yourself entirely to it, maybe your efforts won't be rendered futile any more.

Try to make some valuable contributions to the team, just being a consumer is not a good feeling.

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