
题意:主要就是构造图, 然后判断,是否存在负图,可以回到原点

3 3 1 //N, M, W 1 2 2
1 3 4
2 3 1 3 1 3 //虫洞 3 2 1 //N, M, W 1 2 3
2 3 4 3 1 8 */
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std; const int maxn = ( + + ) * + ;
const int INF = + ;
int N, M, W; //(from, to) 权值为cost
struct Edge {
int from,
to, cost;
Edge(int f = , int t = , int c = ) :
from(f), to(t), cost(c) {}
}; //边
Edge es[maxn]; int d[maxn]; //最短距离
int V, E; //顶点数,E边数 bool find_negative_loop()
memset(d, , sizeof(d)); for (int i = ; i < V; i++)
for (int j = ; j < E; j++) {
Edge e = es[j];
if (d[e.to] > d[e.from] + e.cost) {
d[e.to] = d[e.from] + e.cost; //如果第n次仍然更新了,则存在负圈
if (i == V - ) return true;
return false;
} void solve()
int F;
int from, to, cost; scanf("%d", &F);
while (F--)
scanf("%d%d%d", &N, &M, &W); //顶点数,边数, 虫洞数
V = N; E = ; // E = M * 2 应该
for (int i = ; i < M; ++i)
cin >> from >> to >> cost;
--from; --to;
//无向图 -- 去
es[E].from = from; es[E].to = to;
es[E].cost = cost; ++E;
//回 -- 再来一次
es[E].from = to; es[E].to = from;
es[E].cost = cost; ++E;
} for (int i = ; i < W; i++)
cin >> from >> to >> cost;
--from; --to;
es[E].from = from;
es[E].to = to;
//虫洞 - 回路
es[E].cost = -cost;
if (find_negative_loop()) {
} else {
} int main()
solve(); return ; }

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