Storage模块主要负责数据存取,包括MapReduce Shuffle中间结果、MapReduce task中间stage结果、cache结果。下面从架构和源码细节上来分析Storage模块的实现。Storage模块主要由两大部分组成:
- BlockManager部分主要负责Master和Slave之间的block通信,主要包括BlockManager状态上报、心跳,add, remove, update block.
- BlockStore部分主要负责数据存取,Spark根据不同选择可以在Memory或(和)Disk中存储序列化数据.
- SparkEnv创建时会实例化BlockManagerMaster对象和BlockManager对象。
- BlockManagerMaster对象会根据自己是master还是slave来创建BlockManagerMasterActor或是连接到BlockManagerMasterActor。
- BlockManager承担两种角色:
- 负责向BlockManagerMaster上报block信息,保持心跳和接收block信息
- 负责通过BlockStore从Memory或Disk读取、写入block数据
- BlockManagerMessages封装与master传输的meta信息的具体格式。
- Slave通过BlockManager向BlockManagerMaster注册自己,在注册自己时会创建BlockManagerSlaveActor,用来Master向Slave通信,目前唯一request是请求Slave删除block。
- BlockManagerWorker则负责Slave之间的通信,包括get, put非本地的block
- BlockMessage类封装了与Master通信的block message的具体格式,而BlockMessageArray则是批处理接口。
- BlockStore提供持久化数据的接口,DiskStore和MemoryStore实例化了BlockStore接口,实现serialize, deserialize数据到Disk或Memory。
- Slave --------> Master
- RegisterBlockManager
- HeartBeat
- UpdateBlockInfo
- GetLocations
- GetLocationsMutipleBlockIds
- GetPeers
- RemoveExecutor
- StopBlockManagerMaster
- GetMemoryStatus
- ExpireDeadHosts
- GetStorageStatus
- Master ---------> Slave
- RemoveBlock
case class Entry(value: Any, size: Long, deserialized: Boolean, var dropPending: Boolean = false)
private val entries = new LinkedHashMap[String, Entry](32, 0.75f, true)
private def tryToPut(blockId: String, value: Any, size: Long, deserialized: Boolean): Boolean = {
putLock.synchronized {
if (ensureFreeSpace(blockId, size)) {
val entry = new Entry(value, size, deserialized)
entries.synchronized { entries.put(blockId, entry) }
currentMemory += size
if (deserialized) {
logInfo("Block %s stored as values to memory (estimated size %s, free %s)".format(
blockId, Utils.memoryBytesToString(size), Utils.memoryBytesToString(freeMemory)))
} else {
logInfo("Block %s stored as bytes to memory (size %s, free %s)".format(
blockId, Utils.memoryBytesToString(size), Utils.memoryBytesToString(freeMemory)))
} else {
// Tell the block manager that we couldn't put it in memory so that it can drop it to
// disk if the block allows disk storage.
val data = if (deserialized) {
} else {
blockManager.dropFromMemory(blockId, data)
} private def ensureFreeSpace(blockIdToAdd: String, space: Long): Boolean = {
logInfo("ensureFreeSpace(%d) called with curMem=%d, maxMem=%d".format(
space, currentMemory, maxMemory)) if (space > maxMemory) {
logInfo("Will not store " + blockIdToAdd + " as it is larger than our memory limit")
return false
} if (maxMemory - currentMemory < space) {
val rddToAdd = getRddId(blockIdToAdd)
val selectedBlocks = new ArrayBuffer[String]()
var selectedMemory = 0L entries.synchronized {
val iterator = entries.entrySet().iterator()
while (maxMemory - (currentMemory - selectedMemory) < space && iterator.hasNext) {
val pair = iterator.next()
val blockId = pair.getKey
if (rddToAdd != null && rddToAdd == getRddId(blockId)) {
logInfo("Will not store " + blockIdToAdd + " as it would require dropping another " +
"block from the same RDD")
return false
selectedBlocks += blockId
selectedMemory += pair.getValue.size
} if (maxMemory - (currentMemory - selectedMemory) >= space) {
logInfo(selectedBlocks.size + " blocks selected for dropping")
for (blockId <- selectedBlocks) {
val entry = entries.synchronized { entries.get(blockId) }
// This should never be null as only one thread should be dropping
// blocks and removing entries. However the check is still here for
// future safety.
if (entry != null) {
val data = if (entry.deserialized) {
} else {
blockManager.dropFromMemory(blockId, data)
return true
} else {
return false
return true
- 首先,Spark会根据spark.local.dir的配置在所有配置目录下建立localDir,localDir命名为spark-local-%s-%04x,其中%s是格式化后的当前时间(yyyyMMddHHmmss),%d是一个小于65535的随机16进制数字。
- 其次,每当要存储block时,Spark会根据blockId在localDir下建立子目录和相应的文件,block存储目录的选择规律是:
- 根据blockId的hash值计算出dirId和subDirId
- 取出或创建subDir
- 在subDir下面以blockId为名字创建文件
val subDirsPerLocalDir = System.getProperty("spark.diskStore.subDirectories", "64").toInt
val subDirs = Array.fill(localDirs.length)(new Array[File](subDirsPerLocalDir)) // Figure out which local directory it hashes to, and which subdirectory in that
val hash = math.abs(blockId.hashCode)
val dirId = hash % localDirs.length
val subDirId = (hash / localDirs.length) % subDirsPerLocalDir // Create the subdirectory if it doesn't already exist
var subDir = subDirs(dirId)(subDirId)
if (subDir == null) {
subDir = subDirs(dirId).synchronized {
val old = subDirs(dirId)(subDirId)
if (old != null) {
} else {
val newDir = new File(localDirs(dirId), "%02x".format(subDirId))
subDirs(dirId)(subDirId) = newDir
} new File(subDir, blockId)
- 最后,根据压缩和序列化方式选择将block存储到文件中
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