A switch
statement can complete normally iff at least one of the following is true:
(1)The switch block is empty or contains only switch labels.
(2)The last statement in the switch block can complete normally.
(3)There is at least one switch label after the last switch block statement group.
(4)The switch block does not contain a default
(5)There is a reachable break
statement that exits the switch
16.2.9. switch
1、V is [un]assigned after a switch
statement (§14.11) iff all of the following are true:
(1)Either there is a default
label in the switch block or V is [un]assigned after the switch expression.
(2)Either there are no switch labels in the switch block that do not begin a block-statement-group (that is, there are no switch labels immediately before the "}
" that ends the switch block) or V is [un]assigned after the switch expression.
(3)Either the switch block contains no block-statement-groups or V is [un]assigned after the last block-statement of the last block-statement-group.
(4)V is [un]assigned before every break
statement that may exit the switch
2、V is [un]assigned before the switch expression iff V is [un]assigned before the switch
If a switch block contains at least one block-statement-group, then the following rules also apply:
(1)V is [un]assigned before the first block-statement of the first block-statement-group in the switch block iff V is [un]assigned after the switch expression.
(2)V is [un]assigned before the first block-statement of any block-statement-group other than the first iff V is [un]assigned after the switch expression and V is [un]assigned after the preceding block-statement.
class AA { public AA(int i) { } String p = ""; } public void md(String p) { int i; switch (new AA(i=2).p) { default: i = 0; case "b": break; } int j = i; // 报错,i没有初始化 }
public void md(String p) { int i; switch (p) { default: i = 0; case "b": } int j = i; // 报错,i没有初始化 }
public void t(String p){ switch(p){ default: System.out.println("default"); case "a": System.out.println("a"); } }
将default放在源代码开始处,当p为任意类型的字符串时,包括空字符串都打印 default a
public void t(String p){ int i; switch(p){ default: i = 0; System.out.println("default"); case "a": System.out.println("a"); } int j = i; }
public void t(String p){ int i; switch(p){ case "a": System.out.println("a"); break; default: i = 0; System.out.println("default"); } int j = i; }
public void t(String p){ int i; switch(p){ case "a": System.out.println("a"); default: i = 0; System.out.println("default"); } int j = i; }
public void t(String p){ int i; switch(p){ case "a": i = 0; System.out.println("a"); break; default: i = 0; System.out.println("default"); } int j = i; }
public void t(String p){ switch(p){ case "a": int i = 0; System.out.println("a"); default: i = 3; System.out.println("default"); } }
public void t(String p){ switch(p){ case "a":{ int i = 0; System.out.println("a"); } default: i = 3; System.out.println("default"); } }
public void t(String p){ int i = 0; switch(p){ case "a": int i = 0; // 报错,重复定义变量i,加花括号也同样报错 System.out.println("a"); default: i = 3; System.out.println("default"); } }
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