首先来看下local class本地类解语法糖,举个例子,如下:
class Outer { class AOuter{ int temp = 0; } final int count1 = new Integer(1); final int count2 = 1; static final int count3 = new Integer(1); public void method(final int count4) { final int count5 = new Integer(1); final int count6 = 1; class Inner { int a = count1; // 传入Outer实现对象后通过outer.count1获取 int b = count2; // 直接写为1 int c = count3; // 通过Outer.count3获取 int d = count4; // 需要构造函数传入 int e = count5; // 需要构造函数传入 int f = count6; // 直接写为1 AOuter aOuter = new AOuter(); } } }
package com.test15; import com.test15.Outer.AOuter; class Outer$1Inner { int a; int b; int c; int d; int e; int f; AOuter aOuter; Outer$1Inner(Outer var1, int var2, int var3) { this.this$0 = var1; this.val$count4 = var2; this.val$count5 = var3; this.a = this.this$0.count1; this.b = 1; this.c = Outer.count3; this.d = this.val$count4; this.e = this.val$count5; this.f = 1; this.aOuter = new AOuter(this.this$0); } }
package com.test15; class Outer { final int count1 = (new Integer(1)).intValue(); final int count2 = 1; static final int count3 = (new Integer(1)).intValue(); Outer() { } public void method(int var1) { int var2 = (new Integer(1)).intValue(); class Inner { int a; int b; int c; int d; int e; int f; Outer.AOuter aOuter; Inner(int var2, int var3) { this.val$count4 = var2; this.val$count5 = var3; this.a = Outer.this.count1; this.b = 1; this.c = Outer.count3; this.d = this.val$count4; this.e = this.val$count5; this.f = 1; this.aOuter = AOuter(); } } } class AOuter { int temp = 0; AOuter() { } } }
package com.test15; class Outer$AOuter { int temp; Outer$AOuter(Outer var1) { this.this$0 = var1; this.temp = 0; } }
可以看到会为Outer$1Inner合成了两个变量val2,val3,由于其它是constant variable,而非free variable。在为内部类合成变量时,需要首先收集free variable,主要是通过freevars()方法来完成,具体代码如下:
/** Return the variables accessed from within a local class, * which are declared in the local class' owner. * (in reverse order of first access). */ List<VarSymbol> freevars(ClassSymbol c) { // 如果类符号c所属的符号为变量或者方法时表明这是一个local class if ((c.owner.kind & (VAR | MTH)) != 0) { List<VarSymbol> fvs = freevarCache.get(c); if (fvs == null) { FreeVarCollector collector = new FreeVarCollector(c); JCClassDecl jcd = classDef(c); collector.scan(jcd); fvs = collector.fvs; freevarCache.put(c, fvs); } return fvs; } else { return List.nil(); } }
/** A navigator class for collecting the free variables accessed from a local class. * There is only one case; all other cases simply traverse down the tree. */ class FreeVarCollector extends TreeScanner { /** The owner of the local class. */ Symbol owner; /** The local class. */ ClassSymbol clazz; /** The list of owner's variables accessed from within the local class,without any duplicates. */ List<VarSymbol> fvs; FreeVarCollector(ClassSymbol clazz) { this.clazz = clazz; this.owner = clazz.owner; this.fvs = List.nil(); } /** Add free variable to fvs list unless it is already there. */ private void addFreeVar(VarSymbol v) { for (List<VarSymbol> l = fvs; l.nonEmpty(); l = l.tail) if (l.head == v) return; fvs = fvs.prepend(v); } /** Add all free variables of class c to fvs list * unless they are already there. */ private void addFreeVars(ClassSymbol c) { List<VarSymbol> fvs = freevarCache.get(c); if (fvs != null) { for (List<VarSymbol> l = fvs; l.nonEmpty(); l = l.tail) { addFreeVar(l.head); } } } /** If tree refers to a variable in owner of local class, add it to free variables list. */ public void visitIdent(JCIdent tree) { result = tree; visitSymbol(tree.sym); } // where private void visitSymbol(Symbol _sym) { Symbol sym = _sym; if (sym.kind == VAR || sym.kind == MTH) { while (sym != null && sym.owner != owner){ Name name = proxyName(; sym = proxies.lookup(name).sym; } if (sym != null && sym.owner == owner) { VarSymbol v = (VarSymbol)sym; if (v.getConstValue() == null) { addFreeVar(v); } } else { if (outerThisStack.head != null && outerThisStack.head != _sym) visitSymbol(outerThisStack.head); } } } /** If tree refers to a class instance creation expression * add all free variables of the freshly created class. */ public void visitNewClass(JCNewClass tree) { ClassSymbol c = (ClassSymbol)tree.constructor.owner; addFreeVars(c); if (tree.encl == null && c.hasOuterInstance() && outerThisStack.head != null) visitSymbol(outerThisStack.head); super.visitNewClass(tree); } /** If tree refers to a qualified this or super expression * for anything but the current class, add the outer this * stack as a free variable. */ public void visitSelect(JCFieldAccess tree) { if (( == names._this || == names._super) && tree.selected.type.tsym != clazz && outerThisStack.head != null) visitSymbol(outerThisStack.head); super.visitSelect(tree); } /** If tree refers to a superclass constructor call, * add all free variables of the superclass. */ public void visitApply(JCMethodInvocation tree) { if ( == names._super) { addFreeVars((ClassSymbol) TreeInfo.symbol(tree.meth).owner); Symbol constructor = TreeInfo.symbol(tree.meth); ClassSymbol c = (ClassSymbol)constructor.owner; if (c.hasOuterInstance() && tree.meth.getTag() != JCTree.SELECT && outerThisStack.head != null) visitSymbol(outerThisStack.head); } super.visitApply(tree); } } // end class /** Return the variables accessed from within a local class, which * are declared in the local class' owner. * (in reverse order of first access). */ List<VarSymbol> freevars(ClassSymbol c) { if ((c.owner.kind & (VAR | MTH)) != 0) { List<VarSymbol> fvs = freevarCache.get(c); if (fvs == null) { FreeVarCollector collector = new FreeVarCollector(c); JCClassDecl jcd = classDef(c); collector.scan(jcd); fvs = collector.fvs; freevarCache.put(c, fvs); } return fvs; } else { return List.nil(); } }
public class Outer { class AOuter{ int temp = 0; } final int count1 = new Integer(1); final int count2 = 1; static final int count3 = new Integer(1); public void method(final int count4) { final int count5 = new Integer(1); final int count6 = 1; class Inner { int a = count1; int b = count2; int c = count3; int d = count4; int e = count5; int f = count6; AOuter aOuter = new AOuter(); } class Inner2{ Inner x = new Inner(); } } }
class Outer$1Inner2 { /*synthetic*/ final Outer this$0; /*synthetic*/ final int val$count4; /*synthetic*/ final int val$count5; Outer$1Inner2(/*synthetic*/ final Outer this$0, /*synthetic*/ final int val$count5, /*synthetic*/ final int val$count4) { this.this$0 = this$0; this.val$count5 = val$count5; this.val$count4 = val$count4; super(); } Outer$1Inner x = new Outer$1Inner(this$0, val$count4, val$count5); }
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