HTML Custom Elements (v1)

Web Components Custom Elements

Web Components

Web components is a meta-specification made possible by four other specifications:

The Custom Elements specification

The shadow DOM specification

The HTML Template specification

The ES Module specification

Custom Elements

An unknown autonomous custom element is like a element: its default CSS display property is inline

浏览器不能识别的 HTML Tag 等效于 span 元素, 即 custom element 如果没有使用 web components 的规范进行 element 注册的话!

  1. autonomous custom elements


  1. customized built-in elements / extending native HTML elements



UFO, 未注册的 custom element

See the Pen HTML5 custom element tag by xgqfrms
(@xgqfrms) on CodePen.

UFO, 注册的 custom element

See the Pen HTML5 custom element tag (web components) by xgqfrms
(@xgqfrms) on CodePen.

Shadow DOM


IMHO / 恕我直言

xgqfrms 2012-2020 发布文章使用:只允许注册用户才可以访问!

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