HTML Injection - Stored (Blog)


  1. 1 <div id="main">
  2. 2
  3. 3 <h1>HTML Injection - Stored (Blog)</h1>
  4. 4
  5. 5 <form action="<?php echo($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]);?>" method="POST">
  6. 6
  7. 7 <table>
  8. 8
  9. 9 <tr>
  10. 10
  11. 11 <td colspan="6"><p><textarea name="entry" id="entry" cols="80" rows="3"></textarea></p></td>
  12. 12
  13. 13 </tr>
  14. 14
  15. 15 <tr>
  16. 16
  17. 17 <td width="79" align="left">
  18. 18
  19. 19 <button type="submit" name="blog" value="submit">Submit</button>
  20. 20
  21. 21 </td>
  22. 22
  23. 23 <td width="85" align="center">
  24. 24
  25. 25 <label for="entry_add">Add:</label>
  26. 26 <input type="checkbox" id="entry_add" name="entry_add" value="" checked="on">
  27. 27
  28. 28 </td>
  29. 29
  30. 30 <td width="100" align="center">
  31. 31
  32. 32 <label for="entry_all">Show all:</label>
  33. 33 <input type="checkbox" id="entry_all" name="entry_all" value="">
  34. 34
  35. 35 </td>
  36. 36
  37. 37 <td width="106" align="center">
  38. 38
  39. 39 <label for="entry_delete">Delete:</label>
  40. 40 <input type="checkbox" id="entry_delete" name="entry_delete" value="">
  41. 41
  42. 42 </td>
  43. 43
  44. 44 <td width="7"></td>
  45. 45
  46. 46 <td align="left"><?php echo $message;?></td>
  47. 47
  48. 48 </tr>
  49. 49
  50. 50 </table>
  51. 51
  52. 52 </form>
  53. 53
  54. 54 <br />
  55. 55
  56. 56 <table id="table_yellow">
  57. 57
  58. 58 <tr height="30" bgcolor="#ffb717" align="center">
  59. 59
  60. 60 <td width="20">#</td>
  61. 61 <td width="100"><b>Owner</b></td>
  62. 62 <td width="100"><b>Date</b></td>
  63. 63 <td width="445"><b>Entry</b></td>
  64. 64
  65. 65 </tr>
  66. 66
    // 上面是html,下面开始是PHP源码

  67. 67 <?php
  68. 68
  69. 69 // Selects all the records
  70. 70
  71. 71 $entry_all = isset($_POST["entry_all"]) ? 1 : 0;
  72. 72
  73. 73 if($entry_all == false)
  74. 74 {
  75. 75
  76. 76 $sql = "SELECT * FROM blog WHERE owner = '" . $_SESSION["login"] . "'";
  77. 77
  78. 78 }
  79. 79
  80. 80 else
  81. 81 {
  82. 82
  83. 83 $sql = "SELECT * FROM blog";
  84. 84
  85. 85 }
  86. 86
  87. 87 $recordset = $link->query($sql);
  88. 88
  89. 89 if(!$recordset)
  90. 90 {
  91. 91
  92. 92 // die("Error: " . $link->connect_error . "<br /><br />");
  93. 93
  94. 94 ?>
  95. 95 <tr height="50">
  96. 96
  97. 97 <td colspan="4" width="665"><?php die("Error: " . $link->error);?></td>
  98. 98 <!--
  99. 99 <td></td>
  100. 100 <td></td>
  101. 101 <td></td>
  102. 102 -->
  103. 103
  104. 104 </tr>
  105. 105
  106. 106 <?php
  107. 107
  108. 108 }
  109. 109
  110. 110 while($row = $recordset->fetch_object())
  111. 111 {
  112. 112
  113. 113 if($_COOKIE["security_level"] == "1" or $_COOKIE["security_level"] == "2")
  114. 114 {
  115. 115
  116. 116 ?>
  117. 117 <tr height="40">
  118. 118
  119. 119 <td align="center"><?php echo $row->id; ?></td>
  120. 120 <td><?php echo $row->owner; ?></td>
  121. 121 <td><?php echo $row->date; ?></td>
  122. 122 <td><?php echo xss_check_3($row->entry); ?></td>
  123. 123
  124. 124 </tr>
  125. 125
  126. 126 <?php
  127. 127
  128. 128 }
  129. 129
  130. 130 else
  131. 131 {
  132. 132
  133. 133 ?>
  134. 134 <tr height="40">
  135. 135
  136. 136 <td align="center"><?php echo $row->id; ?></td>
  137. 137 <td><?php echo $row->owner; ?></td>
  138. 138 <td><?php echo $row->date; ?></td>
  139. 139 <td><?php echo $row->entry; ?></td>
  140. 140
  141. 141 </tr>
  142. 142
  143. 143 <?php
  144. 144
  145. 145 }
  146. 146
  147. 147 }
  148. 148
  149. 149 $recordset->close();
  150. 150
  151. 151 $link->close();
  152. 152
  153. 153 ?>
  154. 154 </table>
  155. 155
  156. 156 </div>


  1. 1 function htmli($data)
  2. 2 {
  3. 3
  4. 4 include("connect_i.php"); //链接数据库
  5. 5
  6. 6 switch($_COOKIE["security_level"]) //检测级别在cookie里
  7. 7 {
  8. 8
  9. 9 case "0" :
  10. 10
  11. 11 $data = sqli_check_3($link, $data);
  12. 12 break;
  13. 13
  14. 14 case "1" :
  15. 15
  16. 16 $data = sqli_check_3($link, $data);
  17. 17 // $data = xss_check_4($data);
  18. 18 break;
  19. 19
  20. 20 case "2" :
  21. 21
  22. 22 $data = sqli_check_3($link, $data);
  23. 23 // $data = xss_check_3($data);
  24. 24 break;
  25. 25
  26. 26 default :
  27. 27
  28. 28 $data = sqli_check_3($link, $data);
  29. 29 break;
  30. 30
  31. 31 }





  1. 1 function sqli_check_3($link, $data)
  2. 2 {
  3. 3
  4. 4 return mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $data);
  5. 5
  6. 6 }

mysql_real_escape_string() 函数转义 SQL 语句中使用的字符串中的特殊字符。


  • \x00
  • \n
  • \r
  • \
  • '
  • "
  • \x1a

如果成功,则该函数返回被转义的字符串。如果失败,则返回 false。




  1. function xss_check_4($data)
  2. {
  4. // addslashes - returns a string with backslashes before characters that need to be quoted in database queries etc.
  5. // These characters are single quote ('), double quote ("), backslash (\) and NUL (the NULL byte).
  6. // Do NOT use this for XSS or HTML validations!!!
  8. return addslashes($data);
  10. }



  • 单引号(')
  • 双引号(")
  • 反斜杠(\)
  • NULL


  1. 1 function xss_check_3($data, $encoding = "UTF-8")
  2. 2 {
  3. 3
  4. 4 // htmlspecialchars - converts special characters to HTML entities
  5. 5 // '&' (ampersand) becomes '&amp;'
  6. 6 // '"' (double quote) becomes '&quot;' when ENT_NOQUOTES is not set
  7. 7 // "'" (single quote) becomes ''' (or &apos;) only when ENT_QUOTES is set
  8. 8 // '<' (less than) becomes '&lt;'
  9. 9 // '>' (greater than) becomes '&gt;'
  10. 10
  11. 11 return htmlspecialchars($data, ENT_QUOTES, $encoding);
  12. 12
  13. 13 }


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