

name type defaultValue docString
transactional_id STRING null The transactional id corresponding to the transaction.
producer_id INT64 null Current producer id in use by the transactional id.
producer_epoch INT16 null Current epoch associated with the producer id.
group_id STRING null The unique group identifier



name type defaultValue docString
transactional_id STRING null The transactional id corresponding to the transaction.
producer_id INT64 null Current producer id in use by the transactional id.
producer_epoch INT16 null Current epoch associated with the producer id.
topics ARRAY({topic:STRING,partitions:ARRAY(INT32)}) null The partitions to add to the transaction.



name type defaultValue docString
resources ARRAY({resource_type:INT8,resource_name:STRING,config_entries:ARRAY({config_name:STRING,config_value:NULLABLE_STRING})}) null An array of resources to update with the provided configs.
validate_only BOOLEAN null null



name type defaultValue docString
log_dirs ARRAY({log_dir:STRING,topics:ARRAY({topic:STRING,partitions:ARRAY(INT32)})}) null null



name type defaultValue docString


name type defaultValue docString



name type defaultValue docString
broker_id INT32 null The id of the broker for which controlled shutdown has been requested.


name type defaultValue docString
broker_id INT32 null The id of the broker for which controlled shutdown has been requested.



name type defaultValue docString
creations ARRAY({resource_type:INT8,resource_name:STRING,principal:STRING,host:STRING,operation:INT8,permission_type:INT8}) null null



name type defaultValue docString
topic_partitions ARRAY({topic:STRING,new_partitions:{count:INT32,assignment:ARRAY(ARRAY(INT32))}}) null List of topic and the corresponding new partitions.
timeout INT32 null The time in ms to wait for the partitions to be created.
validate_only BOOLEAN null If true then validate the request, but don't actually increase the number of partitions.



name type defaultValue docString
create_topic_requests ARRAY({topic:STRING,num_partitions:INT32,replication_factor:INT16,replica_assignment:ARRAY({partition:INT32,replicas:ARRAY(INT32)}),config_entries:ARRAY({config_name:STRING,config_value:NULLABLE_STRING})}) null An array of single topic creation requests. Can not have multiple entries for the same topic.
timeout INT32 null The time in ms to wait for a topic to be completely created on the controller node. Values


name type defaultValue docString
create_topic_requests ARRAY({topic:STRING,num_partitions:INT32,replication_factor:INT16,replica_assignment:ARRAY({partition:INT32,replicas:ARRAY(INT32)}),config_entries:ARRAY({config_name:STRING,config_value:NULLABLE_STRING})}) null An array of single topic creation requests. Can not have multiple entries for the same topic.
timeout INT32 null The time in ms to wait for a topic to be completely created on the controller node. Values
validate_only BOOLEAN null If this is true, the request will be validated, but the topic won't be created.


name type defaultValue docString
create_topic_requests ARRAY({topic:STRING,num_partitions:INT32,replication_factor:INT16,replica_assignment:ARRAY({partition:INT32,replicas:ARRAY(INT32)}),config_entries:ARRAY({config_name:STRING,config_value:NULLABLE_STRING})}) null An array of single topic creation requests. Can not have multiple entries for the same topic.
timeout INT32 null The time in ms to wait for a topic to be completely created on the controller node. Values
validate_only BOOLEAN null If this is true, the request will be validated, but the topic won't be created.



name type defaultValue docString
filters ARRAY({resource_type:INT8,resource_name:NULLABLE_STRING,principal:NULLABLE_STRING,host:NULLABLE_STRING,operation:INT8,permission_type:INT8}) null null



name type defaultValue docString
topics ARRAY({topic:STRING,partitions:ARRAY({partition:INT32,offset:INT64})}) null null
timeout INT32 null The maximum time to await a response in ms.



name type defaultValue docString
topics ARRAY(STRING) null An array of topics to be deleted.
timeout INT32 null The time in ms to wait for a topic to be completely deleted on the controller node. Values


name type defaultValue docString
topics ARRAY(STRING) null An array of topics to be deleted.
timeout INT32 null The time in ms to wait for a topic to be completely deleted on the controller node. Values



name type defaultValue docString
resource_type INT8 null The resource type
resource_name NULLABLE_STRING null The resource name filter
principal NULLABLE_STRING null The ACL principal filter
host NULLABLE_STRING null The ACL host filter
operation INT8 null The ACL operation
permission_type INT8 null The ACL permission type



name type defaultValue docString
resources ARRAY({resource_type:INT8,resource_name:STRING,config_names:ARRAY(STRING)}) null An array of config resources to be returned.



name type defaultValue docString
group_ids ARRAY(STRING) null List of groupIds to request metadata for (an empty groupId array will return empty group metadata).


name type defaultValue docString
group_ids ARRAY(STRING) null List of groupIds to request metadata for (an empty groupId array will return empty group metadata).



name type defaultValue docString
topics ARRAY({topic:STRING,partitions:ARRAY(INT32)}) null null



name type defaultValue docString
transactional_id STRING null The transactional id corresponding to the transaction.
producer_id INT64 null Current producer id in use by the transactional id.
producer_epoch INT16 null Current epoch associated with the producer id.
transaction_result BOOLEAN null The result of the transaction (0 = ABORT, 1 = COMMIT)



name type defaultValue docString
replica_id INT32 null Broker id of the follower. For normal consumers, use -1.
max_wait_time INT32 null Maximum time in ms to wait for the response.
min_bytes INT32 null Minimum bytes to accumulate in the response.
topics ARRAY({topic:STRING,partitions:ARRAY({partition:INT32,fetch_offset:INT64,max_bytes:INT32})}) null Topics to fetch.


name type defaultValue docString
replica_id INT32 null Broker id of the follower. For normal consumers, use -1.
max_wait_time INT32 null Maximum time in ms to wait for the response.
min_bytes INT32 null Minimum bytes to accumulate in the response.
topics ARRAY({topic:STRING,partitions:ARRAY({partition:INT32,fetch_offset:INT64,max_bytes:INT32})}) null Topics to fetch.


name type defaultValue docString
replica_id INT32 null Broker id of the follower. For normal consumers, use -1.
max_wait_time INT32 null Maximum time in ms to wait for the response.
min_bytes INT32 null Minimum bytes to accumulate in the response.
topics ARRAY({topic:STRING,partitions:ARRAY({partition:INT32,fetch_offset:INT64,max_bytes:INT32})}) null Topics to fetch.


name type defaultValue docString
replica_id INT32 null Broker id of the follower. For normal consumers, use -1.
max_wait_time INT32 null Maximum time in ms to wait for the response.
min_bytes INT32 null Minimum bytes to accumulate in the response.
max_bytes INT32 null Maximum bytes to accumulate in the response. Note that this is not an absolute maximum, if the first message in the first non-empty partition of the fetch is larger than this value, the message will still be returned to ensure that progress can be made.
topics ARRAY({topic:STRING,partitions:ARRAY({partition:INT32,fetch_offset:INT64,max_bytes:INT32})}) null Topics to fetch in the order provided.


name type defaultValue docString
replica_id INT32 null Broker id of the follower. For normal consumers, use -1.
max_wait_time INT32 null Maximum time in ms to wait for the response.
min_bytes INT32 null Minimum bytes to accumulate in the response.
max_bytes INT32 null Maximum bytes to accumulate in the response. Note that this is not an absolute maximum, if the first message in the first non-empty partition of the fetch is larger than this value, the message will still be returned to ensure that progress can be made.
isolation_level INT8 null This setting controls the visibility of transactional records. Using READ_UNCOMMITTED (isolation_level = 0) makes all records visible. With READ_COMMITTED (isolation_level = 1), non-transactional and COMMITTED transactional records are visible. To be more concrete, READ_COMMITTED returns all data from offsets smaller than the current LSO (last stable offset), and enables the inclusion of the list of aborted transactions in the result, which allows consumers to discard ABORTED transactional records
topics ARRAY({topic:STRING,partitions:ARRAY({partition:INT32,fetch_offset:INT64,max_bytes:INT32})}) null Topics to fetch in the order provided.


name type defaultValue docString
replica_id INT32 null Broker id of the follower. For normal consumers, use -1.
max_wait_time INT32 null Maximum time in ms to wait for the response.
min_bytes INT32 null Minimum bytes to accumulate in the response.
max_bytes INT32 null Maximum bytes to accumulate in the response. Note that this is not an absolute maximum, if the first message in the first non-empty partition of the fetch is larger than this value, the message will still be returned to ensure that progress can be made.
isolation_level INT8 null This setting controls the visibility of transactional records. Using READ_UNCOMMITTED (isolation_level = 0) makes all records visible. With READ_COMMITTED (isolation_level = 1), non-transactional and COMMITTED transactional records are visible. To be more concrete, READ_COMMITTED returns all data from offsets smaller than the current LSO (last stable offset), and enables the inclusion of the list of aborted transactions in the result, which allows consumers to discard ABORTED transactional records
topics ARRAY({topic:STRING,partitions:ARRAY({partition:INT32,fetch_offset:INT64,log_start_offset:INT64,max_bytes:INT32})}) null Topics to fetch in the order provided.


name type defaultValue docString
replica_id INT32 null Broker id of the follower. For normal consumers, use -1.
max_wait_time INT32 null Maximum time in ms to wait for the response.
min_bytes INT32 null Minimum bytes to accumulate in the response.
max_bytes INT32 null Maximum bytes to accumulate in the response. Note that this is not an absolute maximum, if the first message in the first non-empty partition of the fetch is larger than this value, the message will still be returned to ensure that progress can be made.
isolation_level INT8 null This setting controls the visibility of transactional records. Using READ_UNCOMMITTED (isolation_level = 0) makes all records visible. With READ_COMMITTED (isolation_level = 1), non-transactional and COMMITTED transactional records are visible. To be more concrete, READ_COMMITTED returns all data from offsets smaller than the current LSO (last stable offset), and enables the inclusion of the list of aborted transactions in the result, which allows consumers to discard ABORTED transactional records
topics ARRAY({topic:STRING,partitions:ARRAY({partition:INT32,fetch_offset:INT64,log_start_offset:INT64,max_bytes:INT32})}) null Topics to fetch in the order provided.



name type defaultValue docString
group_id STRING null The unique group identifier


name type defaultValue docString
coordinator_key STRING null Id to use for finding the coordinator (for groups, this is the groupId, for transactional producers, this is the transactional id)
coordinator_type INT8 null The type of coordinator to find (0 = group, 1 = transaction)



name type defaultValue docString
group_id STRING null The unique group identifier
generation_id INT32 null The generation of the group.
member_id STRING null The member id assigned by the group coordinator or null if joining for the first time.


name type defaultValue docString
group_id STRING null The unique group identifier
generation_id INT32 null The generation of the group.
member_id STRING null The member id assigned by the group coordinator or null if joining for the first time.



name type defaultValue docString
transactional_id NULLABLE_STRING null The transactional id or null if the producer is not transactional
transaction_timeout_ms INT32 null The time in ms to wait for before aborting idle transactions sent by this producer.



name type defaultValue docString
group_id STRING null The unique group identifier
session_timeout INT32 null The coordinator considers the consumer dead if it receives no heartbeat after this timeout in ms.
member_id STRING null The member id assigned by the group coordinator or null if joining for the first time.
protocol_type STRING null Unique name for class of protocols implemented by group
group_protocols ARRAY({protocol_name:STRING,protocol_metadata:BYTES}) null List of protocols that the member supports


name type defaultValue docString
group_id STRING null The unique group identifier
session_timeout INT32 null The coordinator considers the consumer dead if it receives no heartbeat after this timeout in ms.
rebalance_timeout INT32 null The maximum time that the coordinator will wait for each member to rejoin when rebalancing the group
member_id STRING null The member id assigned by the group coordinator or null if joining for the first time.
protocol_type STRING null Unique name for class of protocols implemented by group
group_protocols ARRAY({protocol_name:STRING,protocol_metadata:BYTES}) null List of protocols that the member supports


name type defaultValue docString
group_id STRING null The unique group identifier
session_timeout INT32 null The coordinator considers the consumer dead if it receives no heartbeat after this timeout in ms.
rebalance_timeout INT32 null The maximum time that the coordinator will wait for each member to rejoin when rebalancing the group
member_id STRING null The member id assigned by the group coordinator or null if joining for the first time.
protocol_type STRING null Unique name for class of protocols implemented by group
group_protocols ARRAY({protocol_name:STRING,protocol_metadata:BYTES}) null List of protocols that the member supports



name type defaultValue docString
controller_id INT32 null The controller id.
controller_epoch INT32 null The controller epoch.
partition_states ARRAY({topic:STRING,partition:INT32,controller_epoch:INT32,leader:INT32,leader_epoch:INT32,isr:ARRAY(INT32),zk_version:INT32,replicas:ARRAY(INT32)}) null null
live_leaders ARRAY({id:INT32,host:STRING,port:INT32}) null null


name type defaultValue docString
controller_id INT32 null The controller id.
controller_epoch INT32 null The controller epoch.
partition_states ARRAY({topic:STRING,partition:INT32,controller_epoch:INT32,leader:INT32,leader_epoch:INT32,isr:ARRAY(INT32),zk_version:INT32,replicas:ARRAY(INT32),is_new:BOOLEAN}) null null
live_leaders ARRAY({id:INT32,host:STRING,port:INT32}) null null



name type defaultValue docString
group_id STRING null The unique group identifier
member_id STRING null The member id assigned by the group coordinator or null if joining for the first time.


name type defaultValue docString
group_id STRING null The unique group identifier
member_id STRING null The member id assigned by the group coordinator or null if joining for the first time.



name type defaultValue docString


name type defaultValue docString



name type defaultValue docString
replica_id INT32 null Broker id of the follower. For normal consumers, use -1.
topics ARRAY({topic:STRING,partitions:ARRAY({partition:INT32,timestamp:INT64,max_num_offsets:INT32})}) null Topics to list offsets.


name type defaultValue docString
replica_id INT32 null Broker id of the follower. For normal consumers, use -1.
topics ARRAY({topic:STRING,partitions:ARRAY({partition:INT32,timestamp:INT64})}) null Topics to list offsets.


name type defaultValue docString
replica_id INT32 null Broker id of the follower. For normal consumers, use -1.
isolation_level INT8 null This setting controls the visibility of transactional records. Using READ_UNCOMMITTED (isolation_level = 0) makes all records visible. With READ_COMMITTED (isolation_level = 1), non-transactional and COMMITTED transactional records are visible. To be more concrete, READ_COMMITTED returns all data from offsets smaller than the current LSO (last stable offset), and enables the inclusion of the list of aborted transactions in the result, which allows consumers to discard ABORTED transactional records
topics ARRAY({topic:STRING,partitions:ARRAY({partition:INT32,timestamp:INT64})}) null Topics to list offsets.



name type defaultValue docString
topics ARRAY(STRING) null An array of topics to fetch metadata for. If no topics are specified fetch metadata for all topics.


name type defaultValue docString
topics ARRAY(STRING) null An array of topics to fetch metadata for. If the topics array is null fetch metadata for all topics.


name type defaultValue docString
topics ARRAY(STRING) null An array of topics to fetch metadata for. If the topics array is null fetch metadata for all topics.


name type defaultValue docString
topics ARRAY(STRING) null An array of topics to fetch metadata for. If the topics array is null fetch metadata for all topics.


name type defaultValue docString
topics ARRAY(STRING) null An array of topics to fetch metadata for. If the topics array is null fetch metadata for all topics.
allow_auto_topic_creation BOOLEAN null If this and the broker config 'auto.create.topics.enable' are true, topics that don't exist will be created by the broker. Otherwise, no topics will be created by the broker.


name type defaultValue docString
topics ARRAY(STRING) null An array of topics to fetch metadata for. If the topics array is null fetch metadata for all topics.
allow_auto_topic_creation BOOLEAN null If this and the broker config 'auto.create.topics.enable' are true, topics that don't exist will be created by the broker. Otherwise, no topics will be created by the broker.



name type defaultValue docString
group_id STRING null The unique group identifier
topics ARRAY({topic:STRING,partitions:ARRAY({partition:INT32,offset:INT64,metadata:NULLABLE_STRING})}) null Topics to commit offsets.


name type defaultValue docString
group_id STRING null The unique group identifier
generation_id INT32 null The generation of the group.
member_id STRING null The member id assigned by the group coordinator or null if joining for the first time.
topics ARRAY({topic:STRING,partitions:ARRAY({partition:INT32,offset:INT64,timestamp:INT64,metadata:NULLABLE_STRING})}) null Topics to commit offsets.


name type defaultValue docString
group_id STRING null The unique group identifier
generation_id INT32 null The generation of the group.
member_id STRING null The member id assigned by the group coordinator or null if joining for the first time.
retention_time INT64 null Time period in ms to retain the offset.
topics ARRAY({topic:STRING,partitions:ARRAY({partition:INT32,offset:INT64,metadata:NULLABLE_STRING})}) null Topics to commit offsets.


name type defaultValue docString
group_id STRING null The unique group identifier
generation_id INT32 null The generation of the group.
member_id STRING null The member id assigned by the group coordinator or null if joining for the first time.
retention_time INT64 null Time period in ms to retain the offset.
topics ARRAY({topic:STRING,partitions:ARRAY({partition:INT32,offset:INT64,metadata:NULLABLE_STRING})}) null Topics to commit offsets.



name type defaultValue docString
group_id STRING null The unique group identifier
topics ARRAY({topic:STRING,partitions:ARRAY({partition:INT32})}) null Topics to fetch offsets.


name type defaultValue docString
group_id STRING null The unique group identifier
topics ARRAY({topic:STRING,partitions:ARRAY({partition:INT32})}) null Topics to fetch offsets.


name type defaultValue docString
group_id STRING null The unique group identifier
topics ARRAY({topic:STRING,partitions:ARRAY({partition:INT32})}) null Topics to fetch offsets. If the topic array is null fetch offsets for all topics.


name type defaultValue docString
group_id STRING null The unique group identifier
topics ARRAY({topic:STRING,partitions:ARRAY({partition:INT32})}) null Topics to fetch offsets. If the topic array is null fetch offsets for all topics.



name type defaultValue docString
topics ARRAY({topic:STRING,partitions:ARRAY({partition:INT32,leader_epoch:INT32})}) null An array of topics to get epochs for



name type defaultValue docString
acks INT16 null The number of acknowledgments the producer requires the leader to have received before considering a request complete. Allowed values: 0 for no acknowledgments, 1 for only the leader and -1 for the full ISR.
timeout INT32 null The time to await a response in ms.
topic_data ARRAY({topic:STRING,data:ARRAY({partition:INT32,record_set:RECORDS})}) null null


name type defaultValue docString
acks INT16 null The number of acknowledgments the producer requires the leader to have received before considering a request complete. Allowed values: 0 for no acknowledgments, 1 for only the leader and -1 for the full ISR.
timeout INT32 null The time to await a response in ms.
topic_data ARRAY({topic:STRING,data:ARRAY({partition:INT32,record_set:RECORDS})}) null null


name type defaultValue docString
acks INT16 null The number of acknowledgments the producer requires the leader to have received before considering a request complete. Allowed values: 0 for no acknowledgments, 1 for only the leader and -1 for the full ISR.
timeout INT32 null The time to await a response in ms.
topic_data ARRAY({topic:STRING,data:ARRAY({partition:INT32,record_set:RECORDS})}) null null


name type defaultValue docString
transactional_id NULLABLE_STRING null The transactional id or null if the producer is not transactional
acks INT16 null The number of acknowledgments the producer requires the leader to have received before considering a request complete. Allowed values: 0 for no acknowledgments, 1 for only the leader and -1 for the full ISR.
timeout INT32 null The time to await a response in ms.
topic_data ARRAY({topic:STRING,data:ARRAY({partition:INT32,record_set:RECORDS})}) null null


name type defaultValue docString
transactional_id NULLABLE_STRING null The transactional id or null if the producer is not transactional
acks INT16 null The number of acknowledgments the producer requires the leader to have received before considering a request complete. Allowed values: 0 for no acknowledgments, 1 for only the leader and -1 for the full ISR.
timeout INT32 null The time to await a response in ms.
topic_data ARRAY({topic:STRING,data:ARRAY({partition:INT32,record_set:RECORDS})}) null null


name type defaultValue docString
transactional_id NULLABLE_STRING null The transactional id or null if the producer is not transactional
acks INT16 null The number of acknowledgments the producer requires the leader to have received before considering a request complete. Allowed values: 0 for no acknowledgments, 1 for only the leader and -1 for the full ISR.
timeout INT32 null The time to await a response in ms.
topic_data ARRAY({topic:STRING,data:ARRAY({partition:INT32,record_set:RECORDS})}) null null



name type defaultValue docString
sasl_auth_bytes BYTES null SASL authentication bytes from client as defined by the SASL mechanism.



name type defaultValue docString
mechanism STRING null SASL Mechanism chosen by the client.


name type defaultValue docString
mechanism STRING null SASL Mechanism chosen by the client.



name type defaultValue docString
controller_id INT32 null The controller id.
controller_epoch INT32 null The controller epoch.
delete_partitions BOOLEAN null Boolean which indicates if replica's partitions must be deleted.
partitions ARRAY({topic:STRING,partition:INT32}) null null



name type defaultValue docString
group_id STRING null The unique group identifier
generation_id INT32 null The generation of the group.
member_id STRING null The member id assigned by the group coordinator or null if joining for the first time.
group_assignment ARRAY({member_id:STRING,member_assignment:BYTES}) null null


name type defaultValue docString
group_id STRING null The unique group identifier
generation_id INT32 null The generation of the group.
member_id STRING null The member id assigned by the group coordinator or null if joining for the first time.
group_assignment ARRAY({member_id:STRING,member_assignment:BYTES}) null null



name type defaultValue docString
transactional_id STRING null The transactional id corresponding to the transaction.
group_id STRING null The unique group identifier
producer_id INT64 null Current producer id in use by the transactional id.
producer_epoch INT16 null Current epoch associated with the producer id.
topics ARRAY({topic:STRING,partitions:ARRAY({partition:INT32,offset:INT64,metadata:NULLABLE_STRING})}) null The partitions to write markers for.



name type defaultValue docString
controller_id INT32 null The controller id.
controller_epoch INT32 null The controller epoch.
partition_states ARRAY({topic:STRING,partition:INT32,controller_epoch:INT32,leader:INT32,leader_epoch:INT32,isr:ARRAY(INT32),zk_version:INT32,replicas:ARRAY(INT32)}) null null
live_brokers ARRAY({id:INT32,host:STRING,port:INT32}) null null


name type defaultValue docString
controller_id INT32 null The controller id.
controller_epoch INT32 null The controller epoch.
partition_states ARRAY({topic:STRING,partition:INT32,controller_epoch:INT32,leader:INT32,leader_epoch:INT32,isr:ARRAY(INT32),zk_version:INT32,replicas:ARRAY(INT32)}) null null
live_brokers ARRAY({id:INT32,end_points:ARRAY({port:INT32,host:STRING,security_protocol_type:INT16})}) null null


name type defaultValue docString
controller_id INT32 null The controller id.
controller_epoch INT32 null The controller epoch.
partition_states ARRAY({topic:STRING,partition:INT32,controller_epoch:INT32,leader:INT32,leader_epoch:INT32,isr:ARRAY(INT32),zk_version:INT32,replicas:ARRAY(INT32)}) null null
live_brokers ARRAY({id:INT32,end_points:ARRAY({port:INT32,host:STRING,security_protocol_type:INT16}),rack:NULLABLE_STRING}) null null


name type defaultValue docString
controller_id INT32 null The controller id.
controller_epoch INT32 null The controller epoch.
partition_states ARRAY({topic:STRING,partition:INT32,controller_epoch:INT32,leader:INT32,leader_epoch:INT32,isr:ARRAY(INT32),zk_version:INT32,replicas:ARRAY(INT32)}) null null
live_brokers ARRAY({id:INT32,end_points:ARRAY({port:INT32,host:STRING,listener_name:STRING,security_protocol_type:INT16}),rack:NULLABLE_STRING}) null null


name type defaultValue docString
controller_id INT32 null The controller id.
controller_epoch INT32 null The controller epoch.
partition_states ARRAY({topic:STRING,partition:INT32,controller_epoch:INT32,leader:INT32,leader_epoch:INT32,isr:ARRAY(INT32),zk_version:INT32,replicas:ARRAY(INT32),offline_replicas:ARRAY(INT32)}) null null
live_brokers ARRAY({id:INT32,end_points:ARRAY({port:INT32,host:STRING,listener_name:STRING,security_protocol_type:INT16}),rack:NULLABLE_STRING}) null null



name type defaultValue docString
transaction_markers ARRAY({producer_id:INT64,producer_epoch:INT16,transaction_result:BOOLEAN,topics:ARRAY({topic:STRING,partitions:ARRAY(INT32)}),coordinator_epoch:INT32}) null The transaction markers to be written.

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    一,什么是swagger? 1,  Swagger 是一个规范和完整的文档框架, 用于生成.描述.调用和可视化 RESTful 风格的 Web 服务文档 官方网站: https://swagger.i ...


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    Model-View-Delegate 模型视图委托(MVD)是PyQt中特有的设计模式,类似MVC设计模式,将MVC设计模式中的Controller当做MVD中的Delegate,两者的概念基本相同 ...

  2. 最近建了一个.net源码共享群,群共享有大量网友分享的.net(C#)商业源码

    .net源码共享群 324087998. 本群创建于2013/6/21: 群里都是.net(C#)程序开发人员,群共享有大量网友分享的.net(C#)商业源码.比如:DTCMS旗舰版,hishop微分 ...

  3. 基于Centos7安装Docker-registry2.0

    我们可能希望构建和存储包含不想公开的信息或数据的镜像,因为Docker公司的团队开源了docker-registry的代码,这样我们就可以基于此代码在内部运行自己的registry. 服务端1.拉去仓 ...

  4. Python三引号

    Python三引号:多用作注释.数据库语句.编写 HTML 文本. strs = ''' 使用了三引号的字符串 ''' print (strs) # 在 ‘’‘ 里可以使用转义字符 strs = '' ...

  5. 6.6 省选模拟赛 线段 二维数点问题 树套树 CDQ分治

    LINK:线段 还是太菜了 没看出这道题真正的模型 我真是一个典型的没脑子选手. 考虑如何查询答案. 每次在一个线段x的状态被更改后 可以发现有影响的是 和x相连那段极长连续1子段. 设这个子段左端点 ...

  6. OpenCL设计优化(基于Intel FPGA SDK for OpenCL)

    1.首先了解Intel FPGA SDK for OpenCL实现OpenCL的设计组件,包括: kernels, global memory interconnect, local memory, ...

  7. requests入门实践01_下载2560*1080的电脑壁纸

    新版本移步: 附上代码 # !usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- ...

  8. demo2动态加载显示商品详情页

    /* 要求:实现 头像+昵称(多余7位用...) 商品图片(根据商品实际的图片的大小进行动态的展示.按照一定的比例进行展示.) 产品简介.产品简介在商品图片的下边.并跟随商品图片的大小进行动态的收缩或 ...

  9. Kaggle-pandas(6)

    Renaming-and-combining 教程 通常,数据会以列名,索引名或我们不满意的其他命名约定提供给我们. 在这种情况下,您将学习如何使用pandas函数将有问题的条目的名称更改为更好的名称 ...

  10. 在Swoole上加速Laravel应用

    Swoole是用于PHP的生产级异步编程框架.它是用纯C语言编写的PHP扩展,它使PHP开发人员可以在PHP中编写高性能,可伸缩的并发TCP,UDP,Unix套接字,HTTP,WebSocket服务, ...