#2、页面定制 CSS 代码
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- /******************************************以下自定义样式***********************************************/
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- /******************************************以上自定义样式***********************************************/
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- /* 去掉博客园自带日历控件 */
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- /*隐藏搜索框中的无用组件*/
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- pre .request,
- pre .status,
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- pre .command,
- pre .string,
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- pre .literal,
- pre .id {
- color: #268bd2;
- }
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- pre .variable,
- pre .lisp .body,
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- pre .constant,
- pre .class .title,
- pre .parent,
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- color: #b58900;
- }
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- pre .preprocessor .keyword,
- pre .shebang,
- pre .symbol,
- pre .symbol .string,
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// 生成目录索引列表
// ref:
// modified by: zzq
function GenerateContentList()
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content += li2_content;
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content += '</div><p> </p>';
content += '<p style="font-size:18px"><b>正文</b></p>';
if($('#cnblogs_post_body').length != 0 )
} /* var qqinfo = '<p style="color:navy;font-size:12px">广告招租:xxx</p>'; */
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#4、页首 HTML 代码
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#5、页脚 HTML 代码
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// 删除反对按钮
function initCommentData() {
$('.feedbackItem').each(function() {
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// 将楼层信息放到data里面
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