Windows Method 1: Using the Command Prompt

  1. 1

    Click on the Start button.

  2. 2

    Type cmd in the search bar, right above the Start button, and press Enter. This will open the command prompt.

    • If you're using Windows XP, click Run, type cmd, and press Enter.
  3. 3

    At the command prompt, type ipconfig /all and press Enter. Don’t forget the space.

  4. 4

    Look for Physical Address. This your MAC address. Make sure you get the physical address of the correct network adapter - usually there are several listed.

Windows Method 2: Using the Network and Sharing Center (Vista/7 only)

    1. 1

      Connect to a network. This method is only applicable if you are currently connected.

    2. 2

      Click on the connection icon at the system tray. It may look like a small graphic (like the image below), or like a tiny computer monitor. After clicking on it, select "Open Network and Sharing Center".

    3. 3

      Find the name of your network connection and click on it. It will be located right after the word "Connections". This will open a small window.

    4. 4

      Click Details.

    5. 5

      Look for Physical Address. This your MAC address. Make sure you get the physical address of the correct network adapter - usually there are several listed.

      Windows Method 3: Using Network Connections (98/XP only)

      1. 1

        Connect to a network. This method is only applicable if you are currently connected.

      2. 2

        Open Network Connections. If you don’t have a desktop icon for this, find the connection icon in the taskbar (the lower right-hand corner of the Windows toolbar) and click on it to either bring up your current connection or a list of available networks. .

      3. 3

        Right-click your connection and select Status.

      4. 4

        Click "Details". Note that, in some versions of Windows, this may be under the Supporttab.

      5. 5

        Look for Physical Address. This your MAC address. Make sure you get the physical address of the correct network adapter - usually there are several listed.

      Mac OS X Method (Older Versions)

      1. 1

        Go to Apple Menu > System Preferences.

      2. 2

        Select Network.

      3. 3

        Double-click on Airport or Built-in Ethernet. This will depend on how you access the Internet / your network.

      4. 4

        Find your Airport ID or Ethernet ID. This is the MAC address.

      Mac OS X Method 2 (Newer Versions)

      1. 1

        Click on the apple icon on top left corner of your screen.

      2. 2

        Scroll down to System Preferences and click on it.

      3. 3

        Select Network and choose either AirPort or Built-in Ethernet, depending on how you access your network.

        • For Ethernet, click Advanced and navigate to the Ethernet tab. At the top you will see the Ethernet ID, which is your MAC address.
        • For AirPort, click Advanced and navigate to the bottom of the page. There you will see the AirPort ID your MAC address.

      Linux Method

      1. 1

        Obtain a command shell. Depending on your system, this might be called XtermShell,TerminalCommand Prompt, or something similar. It can usually be found underApplications > Accessories (or the equivalent).

      2. 2

        Type /sbin/ifconfig and press Enter. If you are denied access, enter su –c “/sbin/ifconfig”and enter the root password if prompted.

      3. 3

        Look for your HWaddr. This is your MAC address.

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