Memory Management in the Java HotSpot™ Virtual Machine

Concurrent Mark-Sweep (CMS) Collector

For many applications, end-to-end throughput is not as important as fast response time. Young generation
collections do not typically cause long pauses. However, old generation collections, though infrequent, can
impose long pauses, especially when large heaps are involved. To address this issue, the HotSpot JVM includes a
collector called the concurrent mark-sweep (CMS) collector, also known as the low-latency collector.

Young Generation Collection Using the CMS Collector
The CMS collector collects the young generation in the same manner as the parallel collector.
Old Generation Collection Using the CMS Collector
Most of the collection of the old generation using the CMS collector is done concurrently with
the execution of the application.
A collection cycle for the CMS collector starts with a short pause, called the initial mark, that
identifies the initial set of live objects directly reachable from the application code. Then,
during the concurrent marking phase, the collector marks all live objects that are transitively
reachable from this set. Because the application is running and updating reference fields while the
marking phase is taking place, not all live objects are guaranteed to be marked at the end of the
concurrent marking phase. To handle this, the application stops again for a second pause, called remark,
which finalizes marking by revisiting any objects that were modified during the concurrent marking
phase. Because the remark pause is more substantial than the initial mark, multiple threads are run in
parallel to increase its efficiency.
At the end of the remark phase, all live objects in the heap are guaranteed to have been marked, so the
subsequent concurrent sweep phase reclaims all the garbage that has been identified. Figure 7
illustrates the differences between old generation collection using the serial mark-sweep-compact
collector and the CMS collector.

Since some tasks, such as revisiting objects during the remark phase, increase the amount of work the
collector has to do, its overhead increases as well. This is a typical trade-off for most collectors that
attempt to reduce pause times.
The CMS collector is the only collector that is non-compacting. That is, after it frees the space that was
occupied by dead objects, it does not move the live objects to one end of the old generation.

This saves time, but since the free space is not contiguous, the collector can no longer use a simple
pointer indicating the next free location into which the next object can be allocated. Instead, it now
needs to employ free lists. That is, it creates some number of lists linking together unallocated regions
of memory, and each time an object needs to be allocated, the appropriate list (based on the amount of
memory needed) must be searched for a region large enough to hold the object As a result, allocations
into the old generation are more expensive than they are with a simple bump-the-pointer technique.
This also imposes extra overhead to young generation collections, as most allocations in the old
generation occur when objects are promoted during young generation collections.
Another disadvantage the CMS collector has is a requirement for larger heap sizes than the other
collectors. Given that the application is allowed to run during the marking phase, it can continue to
allocate memory, thereby potentially continuing to grow the old generation. Additionally, although the
collector guarantees to identify all live objects during a marking phase, some objects may become
garbage during that phase and they will not be reclaimed until the next old generation collection. Such
objects are referred to as floating garbage.
Finally, fragmentation may occur due to lack of compaction. To deal with fragmentation, the CMS
collector tracks popular object sizes, estimates future demand, and may split or join free blocks to
meet demand.

Unlike the other collectors, the CMS collector does not start an old generation collection when the old
generation becomes full. Instead, it attempts to start a collection early enough so that it can complete
before that happens. Otherwise, the CMS collector reverts to the more time-consuming stop-the-world
mark-sweep-compact algorithm used by the parallel and serial collectors. To avoid this, the CMS
collector starts at a time based on statistics regarding previous collection times and how quickly the old
generation becomes occupied. The CMS collector will also start a collection if the occupancy of the old
generation exceeds something called the initiating occupancy. The value of the initiating occupancy is
set by the command line option –XX:CMSInitiatingOccupancyFraction=n, where n is a
percentage of the old generation size. The default is 68.
In summary, compared to the parallel collector, the CMS collector decreases old generation pauses—
sometimes dramatically—at the expense of slightly longer young generation pauses, some reduction in
throughput, and extra heap size requirements.
Incremental Mode
The CMS collector can be used in a mode in which the concurrent phases are done incrementally. This
mode is meant to lessen the impact of long concurrent phases by periodically stopping the concurrent
phase to yield back processing to the application. The work done by the collector is divided into small
chunks of time that are scheduled between young generation collections. This feature is useful when
applications that need the low pause times provided by the concurrent collector are run on machines
with small numbers of processors (e.g., 1 or 2). For more information on usage of this mode, see the
“Tuning Garbage Collection with the 5.0 Java™ Virtual Machine” paper referred to in Section 9.
When to Use the CMS Collector
Use the CMS collector if your application needs shorter garbage collection pauses and can afford to
share processor resources with the garbage collector when the application is running. (Due to its
concurrency, the CMS collector takes CPU cycles away from the application during a collection cycle.)
Typically, applications that have a relatively large set of long-lived data (a large old generation), and that
run on machines with two or more processors, tend to benefit from the use of this collector. An example
would be web servers. The CMS collector should be considered for any application with a low pause time
requirement. It may also give good results for interactive applications with old generations of a modest
size on a single processor.
CMS Collector Selection
If you want the CMS collector to be used, you must explicitly select it by specifying the command line
option -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC. If you want it to be run in incremental mode, also enable that
mode via the –XX:+CMSIncrementalMode option.

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