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test( "ok test", function() {
ok( true, "true succeeds" );
ok( "non-empty", "non-empty string succeeds" ); ok( false, "false fails" );
ok( 0, "0 fails" );
ok( NaN, "NaN fails" );
ok( "", "empty string fails" );
ok( null, "null fails" );
ok( undefined, "undefined fails" );
}); test( "strictEqual test", function() {
strictEqual( 1, 1, "1 and 1 are the same value and type" );
}); test( "a test", function() {
notStrictEqual( 1, "1", "String '1' and number 1 don't have the same value" );
}); test( "throws", function() { function CustomError( message ) {
this.message = message;
} CustomError.prototype.toString = function() {
return this.message;
}; throws(
function() {
throw "error"
"throws with just a message, no expected"
); throws(
function() {
throw new CustomError();
"raised error is an instance of CustomError"
); throws(
function() {
throw new CustomError("some error description");
"raised error message contains 'description'"
}); asyncTest( "asynchronous test: one second later!", function() {
expect( 1 ); setTimeout(function() {
ok( true, "Passed and ready to resume!" );
}, 1000);
}); test( "a test", function() {
setTimeout(function() {
equals( asyncOp.result, "someExpectedValue" );
}, 150 );
}); test( "a test", function() {
setTimeout(function() {
equals( asyncOp.result, "someExpectedValue" );
}, 150 );
}); QUnit.done(function( details ) {
console.log( "Total: ", details.total, " Failed: ", details.failed, " Passed: ", details.passed, " Runtime: ", details.runtime );
}); asyncTest( "asynchronous test: one second later!", function() {
expect( 1 ); setTimeout(function() {
ok( true, "Passed and ready to resume!" );
}, 1000);
}); asyncTest( "asynchronous test: video ready to play", 1, function() {
var $video = $( "video" ); $video.on( "canplaythrough", function() {
ok( true, "video has loaded and is ready to play" );
}); test( "a test", function() {
expect( 2 ); function calc( x, operation ) {
return operation( x );
} var result = calc( 2, function( x ) {
ok( true, "calc() calls operation function" );
return x * x;
}); equal( result, 4, "2 square equals 4" );
}); test( "a test", 2, function() { function calc( x, operation ) {
return operation( x );
} var result = calc( 2, function( x ) {
ok( true, "calc() calls operation function" );
return x * x;
}); equal( result, 4, "2 square equals 4" );
}); module( "group a" );
test( "a basic test example", function() {
ok( true, "this test is fine" );
test( "a basic test example 2", function() {
ok( true, "this test is fine" );
}); module( "group b" );
test( "a basic test example 3", function() {
ok( true, "this test is fine" );
test( "a basic test example 4", function() {
ok( true, "this test is fine" );

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