LeetCode222 Count Complete Tree Nodes
按照定义,不满的节点肯定在右边。如果我们求解根节点的右子树的高度=H - 1,说明左子树肯定是满的,不用再看了;否则,右节点高度 = H - 2,说明root->right的叶节点都缺了,右边不用再看了。
有没有发现这种想法使得我们几乎一次排除了一半的元素,所以这题有一个标签叫做binary search,因为感觉想法上很像。
int countNodes(TreeNode* root) {
int height = 0;
auto p = root;
while(p != NULL){
p = p->left;
if(height < 2)
return height;
int countLeaf = 0;
int curHeight = height;
auto pr = root->right;
int heightR = 0;
while(pr != NULL){
pr = pr->left;
if (heightR == 0){
countLeaf+= 1;
else if(heightR == curHeight - 1){
//we don't need to look at the left child any more
//because it must be full
countLeaf += (1 << (heightR - 1));
root = root->right;
//we don't need to look at the right child any more
//because there no leaf node
root = root->left;
curHeight -= 1;
return countLeaf + (1 << (height - 1)) - 1;
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