

1. 先复制链表,但是这个复制比较特殊,每个新复制的节点添加在原节点的后面,相当于"加塞"
2. 根据原节点的 ramdon 指针构造新节点的 random 指针
3. 恢复原链表结构,同时得到新复制链表




 RandomListNode *copyRandomList(RandomListNode *head) {
RandomListNode *h = NULL; h = head;
while (h) {
RandomListNode *node = new RandomListNode(h->label);
node->next = h->next;
h->next = node;
h = h->next->next;
} h = head;
while (h) {
h->next->random = h->random? h->random->next : NULL;
h = h->next->next;
} h = head? head->next : NULL;
while (head) {
RandomListNode *tmp = head->next;
head->next = head->next->next;
tmp->next = head->next ? head->next->next : NULL;
head = head->next;
} return h;

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