
The BKS System for the Philco-2000*
RICHARD B. SMITH, Westinghouse

The BKS System is a program sequencing system designed for the Philco-2000 computer to meet operational requirements of the Bettis and Knolls Atomic Power Laboratories.
The Philco-2000 on which this system is being used has a 32,768-word memory, 16 tape transports online, and an electric typewriter online.
The card-to-tape, card-to-printer, tape-to-card, tape-to-printer, and routine tape-to-tape operations are performed with off-line equipment.
The BKS System controls loading of independent programs from either cards or the master system tape,provides common functions required by most programs,assigns all logical tapes to available physical tape transports, and directs the mounting and removal of all file tapes.
Some uniformity is imposed on individual programs by the system, especially in regard to operating characteristics. Established standards require that programs should not
(a)contain machine halts,
(b) rewind the input, output, or program tapes,
(c) require special toggle or sense switch settings, or
(d) utilize memory assigned for the system.
The system requires 2560 locations and uses an additional 128 locations as temporary storage.
All tapes are assigned by a set of established locations within the area assigned to the system.
From these locations, tape subroutines may obtain the physical tape transport assignments for the program being executed.
The sign bit of each tape assignment location is used to indicate tapes assigned to a program. A positive sign signifies the assignment of a tape and a negative sign signifies that the tape has not been assigned. Tape logics may be changed by interchanging the contents of two or more tape assignment locations.
Eight categories classify the general use of all tapes.The categories are as follows:
(a)A scratch or blank tape designation identifies a tape to be used for the temporary storage of data.
(b) A program tape is required of all segmented programs and identifies the tape from which the program segments may be obtained.
(c) An input tape designation is required of all programs and determines which tape logic or location should be assigned to the common input tape.
(d) An output tape designation is similarly required and specifies the tape logic on which all normal output should be written for off-line processing.
(e) A library tape classification is used to specify tapes which are always required for the execution of a program.
(f) An input file tape is similar to a library tape except that input files may or may not be required for the execution of a program.

* Presented at the 15th National Conference of the Association for Computing Machinery, Aug. 23-26, 1960. 104 Communications of the ACM Electric Corp., Pittsburgh, Pa.

(g) An output file tape designates a scratch tape which may be labeled during the execution of a program and removed when the program is terminated.
(h) All other tapes are unassigned and no attempt should be made to use them. No provision is made for changing the classification of a tape at execution time except for the special case of output files.
Any library or input file tape required for several jobs is retained by the system and released only when no further job calls for the specific tape. However, an output file tape may not be used by more than one job nor may it be used as an immediate input file.
All input is collected or batched and an input tape is prepared periodically with the offline card-to-tape equipment.
The arrangement of cards for each job is in the following order. An accounting card is the first card of every job and is used for recording the machine time to process the job.
The system control card is the second card of a job and is inserted for the first job in a sequence of jobs for a given program.
The control card identifies the source of the program, the category of all tapes, and the identification of library tapes when required. The control card may indicate that the program is on the master system tape or on cards.
If the program is on cards, the card program must follow the control card and terminate with a blank card after the last program segment.
Subsequent jobs in sequence for the same program must not contain the program control card or (when applicable) the binary card program. Input file tape identification or call cards follow the accounting card except when the control card and possibly the binary program are required.
Punch cards are required of all programs and form the last set of cards for each job. Each job may contain several cases or sets of data.
Each case must be terminated with a blank card and the last case is determined when the card following a blank is an accounting card. A special set of stop cards is written on tape following the last job.
The system initially processes each tape prepared offline and writes a new tape which is arranged in a more convenient form for program execution.
During the preparation of the modified input tape, the system extracts necessary information to prepare a directory Of all jobs to be executed and all tape requirements.
Furthermore, the card information is translated during this preliminary phase to the normal six-bit code representation.
The initial segment of the first program is loaded from the modified input tape and given control. Operation at this time becomes single phase.
That is, each program processes all necessary input data, performs the necessary calculations, prepares all desired output, and then returns control to the system to initiate preparation of file tapes and loading of the next program in sequence.
There are 24 system entries available to every program.Twelve of the entries are for initialization and execution of general subroutine operations required by most programs.
Three entries are for testing specific toggle conditions established by the operator. Two entries are for manual execution by the operator. The seven remaining entries are included to accommodate conditions necessary for system operation.

A reprint of the article on the "Conference of University Computing Center Directors, June 2-4, 1960" from the October 1960 issue of Communications may be obtained by addressing a request to
Professor Walter Freiberger
Brown University
Providence 12, Rhode Island
Reprinted by permission from Armour Research Institute.

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