

  1. L23模型微调fine tuning

    resnet185352 链接: 提取码:axd1 9.2 微调 在前面的一些章节中,我们介绍了如何在只有 ...

  2. (原)caffe中fine tuning及使用snapshot时的sh命令

    转载请注明出处: 参考网址: ...

  3. (转)Paper list of Meta Learning/ Learning to Learn/ One Shot Learning/ Lifelong Learning

    Meta Learning/ Learning to Learn/ One Shot Learning/ Lifelong Learning 2018-08-03 19:16:56 本文转自:http ...

  4. Multi-attention Network for One Shot Learning

    Multi-attention Network for One Shot Learning 2018-05-15 22:35:50  本文的贡献点在于: 1. 表明类别标签信息对 one shot l ...

  5. Fine Tuning

    (转载自:WikiPedia) Fine tuning is a process to take a network model that has already been trained for a ...

  6. Matching Networks for One Shot Learning

    1. Introduction In this work, inspired by metric learning based on deep neural features and memory a ...

  7. 零样本学习 - (Zero shot learning,ZSL) https://zhuanlan.zhihu.c ...

  8. [C5] Andrew Ng - Structuring Machine Learning Projects

    About this Course You will learn how to build a successful machine learning project. If you aspire t ...

  9. How to Evaluate Machine Learning Models, Part 4: Hyperparameter Tuning

    How to Evaluate Machine Learning Models, Part 4: Hyperparameter Tuning In the realm of machine learn ...

  10. Kernel Functions for Machine Learning Applications

    In recent years, Kernel methods have received major attention, particularly due to the increased pop ...


  1. 关于调用接口 Connection reset 问题(使用代理调接口)

    之前调用过别的公司的接口上传数据,但是遇到个问题就是Connection reset,查阅了网上的各种资料,说什么的都有,主要意思就是说发布接口和调用接口的某些配置不一样,但是这个怎么说呢,单方面没办 ...

  2. adblock广告过滤

    1.在 img的 src中 出现 ad连在一起的情况,会被adblock过滤掉. 例如 <img id="adasdd" class="ad_mina" ...

  3. uniGUI之上传文件UniFileUploadButton(26)

    TUniFileUploadButton主要属性: Filter: 文件类型过滤,有图片image/*   audio/* video/*三种过滤 MaxAllowedSize: 设置文件最大上传尺寸 ...

  4. oracle的concat、convert、listagg函数(字符串拼接和类型转换)

    ORACLE几种常用的方法(2) 1.concat常见的用法 : 格式:concat(String1,String2) 说明:concat函数用于将两个字符串连接起来,形成一个单一的字符串 实例: s ...

  5. Mysql按照字段的重复数排序

    select source_job_number,count(*) as count from v1_user WHERE source_id=3 group by source_job_number ...

  6. sublime3常用环境配置

    如何设置侧边栏颜色 Ctrl+Shift+P -> install -> 搜索安装包SyncedSidebarBg,自动同步侧边栏底色为编辑窗口底色. 设置快捷键让html文件在浏览器窗口 ...

  7. 汇编语言从入门到精通-5微机CPU的指令系统2

    微机CPU的指令系统 5.2.2 标志位操作指令 标志位操作指令是一组对标志位置位.复位.保存和恢复等操作的指令. 1.进位CF操作指令 a.清进位指令CLC(Clear Carry Flag):CF ...

  8. IELTS Writing Task 2: 'music' essay

    IELTS Writing Task 2: 'music' essay Here's my band 9 sample answer for the question below. Some peop ...

  9. 第1节 Scala基础语法:9、10、数组

    1. 定义数组时,没有new和有new是有区别的: scala> val arr3 = Array[Int](2)    此时,arr3中仅包含1个元素2arr3: Array[Int] = A ...

  10. python学习 —— 使用QRCode包生成二维码

    我使用的是python3,最简单的方法就是使用QRCode,如果没有安装QRCode package,那么可以使用下面命令进行安装: pip3 install QRCode 然后,测试一下: from ...