
A new delivery of clothing has arrived today to the clothing store. This delivery consists of aaa ties,bbb scarves,ccc vests and ddd jackets.

The store does not sell single clothing items — instead, it sells suits of two types:

a suit of the first type consists of one tie and one jacket;

a suit of the second type consists of one scarf, one vest and one jacket.

Each suit of the first type costs eee coins, and each suit of the second type costs fff coins.

Calculate the maximum possible cost of a set of suits that can be composed from the delivered clothing items. Note that one item cannot be used in more than one suit (though some items may be left unused).


The first line contains one integer a(1≤a≤100000)a(1≤a≤100000)a(1≤a≤100000) — the number of ties.

The second line contains one integer b(1≤b≤100000)b (1≤b≤100000)b(1≤b≤100000) — the number of scarves.

The third line contains one integer c(1≤c≤100000)c(1≤c≤100000)c(1≤c≤100000) — the number of vests.

The fourth line contains one integer d(1≤d≤100000)d(1≤d≤100000)d(1≤d≤100000) — the number of jackets.

The fifth line contains one integer e(1≤e≤1000)e(1≤e≤1000)e(1≤e≤1000) — the cost of one suit of the first type.

The sixth line contains one integer f(1≤f≤1000)f(1≤f≤1000)f(1≤f≤1000) — the cost of one suit of the second type.


Print one integer — the maximum total cost of some set of suits that can be composed from the delivered items.









#include <cstdio>
using namespace std;
template<typename T>
void read(T &r)
static char c; r=0;
inline int min(const int &a,const int &b){return a<b?a:b;}
inline int min(const int &a,const int &b,const int &c){return min(min(a,b),c);}
int a,b,c,d,e,f;
int main()
int can = min(c,d);
if(e >= f)
if(b <= a)
printf("%d",e * b);
return 0;
int ans = e * a;
b -= a;
can = min(b,can);
ans += can * f;
return 0;
if(can >= b)
printf("%d",b * f);
return 0;
int ans = can * f;
b -= can;
can = min(a,b);
ans += can * e;
return 0;
return 0;

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