
ML Lecture 0-2: Why we need to learn machine learning?

Why we need to learn ML

Many people think: Wow!!! AI is so powerful right now! You see AlphaGO? AI is going to replace human beings as new workforce in various fields, isn’t it? It’s unacceptable!

But in fact, we don’t have to worry about that now, because a new industry will come into being and require for a great amount of people, that is: AI Trainer!

But why do we need AI trainer? Machines can learn by themselves, aren’t they?

This question is just like asking: Why do we need Pokemon Trainer?

Because we remember when watching Pokemon, Pokemon trainers only give orders in the back of Pokemon, and they don’t get involved in fight in flesh!!!

But we know that Pokemon trainers are really important actually,

For example, Pokemon trainers need to choose Pokemon with right properties to fight:

Or it may turn out like this:

Also, AI Trainer need to choose model and loss function for machines. Different model and loss function fit with different problems.

Besides, we know that Pokemon may be naughty and doesn’t listen to Pokemon trainer, like this:

And some models are really difficult to optimize such as deep learning models:

Therefore we would need to council AI expert:

So to train a excellent AI, an excellent AI trainer is necessary!

Let’s fight for the goal of being a excellent AI trainer!!!

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