Dev401-012:Proseving Data Quality

Universal Containers Scenario
1.Universal Containers(UC) wants to enforce standards for managing positions and candidates company-wide.
2.UC would like the Recruiting app to help guide its hiring managers to always fill in a duration when posting a temporary position.
3.UC needs to learn how validation rules can be used to enforce policies and procedure.

Validation Rules
1. Consist of a formula which tests a condition that returns TRUE or FALSE.
2.Triggered on record save
3.When the formula evaluated to TRUE:
- Save is prevented.
- A customized error message is displayed to the user.

Quick Review: Validation Rules
1.What are validation rules?
2.What are the two thing that an developer must create when setting up a validation rule?
3.List best practices for building validation rules.

Exercise 2-1:Building Validation Rules to Enforce Conditionally Required Fields
- Build a validation rule that prevents users from saving Temp positions with a blank Duration.
- Universal Containers would like to enforce their policies around Temporary positions. The Duration field on a Temp Position should not be blank. It should contain a value between 1 and 365.
- Build a new validation rule that ensures that these policies are followed.

Exercise 2-2:Building Validation Rules to Enforce Conditionally Required Fields
- Build a validation rule that requires positions that have been filled to have a start date does not pre-date the position was filled.
- Each time a position is filled, recruiters should populate the Start Date on the position. The Start Date should not be before the data that the position was filled.
- Build a new validation rule that ensures that these policies are followed

Exercise 2-3:Building Validation Rules to Enforce Conditionally Required Fields
- Build a validation rule that makes the Recommend for Hire field requirement only under certain conditions.
- The Reason Recommended field on the Review object should be populated only if the Recommended for Hire checkbox is checked and the scores given are below two.
- Modify the existing validation rule that requires the Reason Recommended field be populated.

Universal Containers Scenario
1.Universal Containers would like to increase the accuracy of the candidate records entered into the system. They would like to ensure that both zip codes and social security numbers are entered in the correct format.
2.Universal Containers needs to know how to use regular expressions and validation rules to enforce this.

Enforcing Proper Data Format
1.Validation rules can be used to enforce proper data format. For example:
- US phone numbers have 10 digits.
- Zip codes should follow the format 99999 or 99999-99999.
- Billing State in the US and Canada should be valid postal codes(2 letter, capitalized abbreviations).
- Validate that drivers license numbers follow the proper format their state.
- Credit card numbers should follow the appropriate format for their type.

Exercise 2-4: Building Validation Rules to Enforce Data Format
1. Goal:
- Build a validation rule that enforces proper data format.
- Universal Containers would like to make sure that when candidates are entered, the zip code is entered in the correct format.
- Create a validation rule on candidates that requires that zip codes  be entered in a valid 5 digit or 5 digit - 4 digit format.

Exercise 2-5: Building Validation Rules to Enforce Data Format
1. Goal:
- Build a validation rule that enforces proper data format.
- Universal Containers would like to make sure that when candidates are entered, the Social Security Number is entered in the correct format.
- Create a validation rule on candidates that requires that Social Security Numbers be entered in the following format 999-99-9999.

Module Agenda
1.Enforcing Conditionally Required Fields
2.Enforcing Proper Data Format
3.Enforcing Consistency
4 Preventing Data Loss

Universal Containers Scenario
1.Universal Containers would like to ensure that when the state and zip code of a candidate are entered, the state and zip code match.
2.Universal containers would like to know how to use validation rules with VLOOKUP to enforce this.

Enforcing Data Consistency
1.Validation rules in combination with the vlookup function can be used to enforce the consistency of data in Salesforce. For Example:
- Ensure that the zip ode and state entered on a record match.
- Ensure that the city and state entered on a record match.

Universal Containers Scenario
1.Once a job application has been approved. The interview process is completed and users should not be able to add or remove reviews.
2.Universal Containers need to understand how validation rules can enforce this.

Preventing Data loss
1.Validation rules can be used to prevent users from adding or deleting records.
2.In this case, validation rules are used in conjunction with a Roll-Up Summary Field(RSF).
- First, build a RSF on the parent object, that sums the number of child records.
- Then, create a validation rule on the parent object conditionally prevents changes to the number listed in the RSF.
- If a use tries to add to delete a record, the validation rule will fire and prevent users from adding or deleting.

Exercice 2-7:Creating Validation Rules to Prevent Data Loss
- Build validation rule that prevents users from adding or deleting reviews once a job application has been approved.
- Universal Containers would like make sure that once a job application is approved, users will not be able to add or remove reviews.
- Create a validation rule that references the roll-up summary field to ensure that reviews are not added or deleted.

Module Review
1. When are validation rules applied?
Before record save
2.When setting up a validation rule, the developer must write the Error Condition Formula and the (Error Message).
3.True or False: validation rules are enforced through the API?
4.List use cases for utilizing validation rules.

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