lua table vs closure
function timer_mgr:save_timer( this,callback )
return { this = this,callback = callback}
end -- 创建新定时器
-- @after:延迟N秒后启动定时器
-- @repeated:N秒循环
-- @this:回调对象
-- @callbakck:回调函数
function timer_mgr:new_timer( after,repeated,this,callback )
local timer_id = self:next_id()
self.timers[timer_id] = save_timer( this,callback )
end function timer_mgr:do_timer( timer_id )
local timer = self.timers[timer_id] -- 调用之前保存的定时器回调
return timer.callback( timer.this )
function timer_mgr:save_timer( this,callback )
return function()
return callback( this )
end -- 创建新定时器
-- @after:延迟N秒后启动定时器
-- @repeated:N秒循环
-- @this:回调对象
-- @callbakck:回调函数
function timer_mgr:new_timer( after,repeated,this,callback )
local timer_id = self:next_id()
self.timers[timer_id] = save_timer( this,callback )
end function timer_mgr:do_timer( timer_id )
local timer = self.timers[timer_id] -- 调用之前保存的定时器回调
return timer()
function test_table_object( this,cb )
return { this = this,cb = cb }
end function test_closure_object( this,cb )
return function()
return cb( this )
end local function cb()
print("do nothing ...")
end local max = local table_mgr = {}
local closure_mgr = {} function test_table() local beg_m = collectgarbage("count")
local beg_tm = os.clock() for idx = ,max do
table_mgr[idx] = test_table_object( {},cb )
end local end_m = collectgarbage("count")
local end_tm = os.clock() print("table test",end_m - beg_m,end_tm - beg_tm)
end function test_closure() local beg_m = collectgarbage("count")
local beg_tm = os.clock() for idx = ,max do
table_mgr[idx] = test_closure_object( {},cb )
end local end_m = collectgarbage("count")
local end_tm = os.clock() print("closure test",end_m - beg_m,end_tm - beg_tm)
end collectgarbage("stop")
collectgarbage("collect") test_closure()
这段代码,分别在win10 - I3 cpu和debian7(虚拟机) - A8 cpu下测试:
closure test 117946.5 0.489
table test 125000.0 0.446 closure test 180446.5 0.75
table test 171875.0 0.72
function timer_mgr:save_timer( this,callback,... )
return function()
return callback( this,... )
end function timer_mgr:new_timer( after,repeated,this,callback,... )
local timer_id = self:next_id()
self.timers[timer_id] = save_timer( this,callback,... )
end function timer_mgr:do_timer( timer_id )
local timer = self.timers[timer_id] -- 调用之前保存的定时器回调
return timer()
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