
  1. BASEDIR=$(cd $(dirname $) && pwd)
  2. cd $BASEDIR>/dev/null

选取两个文件中相同的部分:(Must sort first)

  1. comm - <(sort /tmp/gcs.calix.com-wifi-pm-per-radio_50|uniq) <(sort /tmp/gcs.calix.com-wifi-pm-per-radio_dupcheck_50|uniq)


  1. curl -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"id":100}' http://localhost/test/adduser


  1. #根据变量值获取变量
  2. pass=`eval echo '$'psql_"${env}_pass"`
  3. cmd=`eval echo '$'psql_"$env"`


  1. #判断是否为数字
  2. if [ -n "$org" ] && [ "$org" -eq "$org" ] >/dev/null; then
  3. echo "$org need process"
  4. cat result.txt|grep $org>_result_${org}
  5. fi
  7. #数字累加
    step=`expr "$step" + 1`


  1. usage="Usage: $0 -o/--org orgId[Must] -p/--prepare t[Option] -f/--force t[Option] -d/--dry t[Option] -k/--kafka t[Option]"
  2. while [ "$1" != "" ]
  3. do
  4. case $ in
  5. -o|--org) shift
  6. orgId=$
  7. ;;
  8. -f|--force) shift
  9. if [ "$1" = "-p" ];then
  10. prepare=
  11. fi
  12. force=
  13. ;;
  14. -p|--prepare) shift
  15. if [ "$1" = "-f" ];then
  16. force=
  17. fi
  18. prepare=
  19. ;;
  20. -d|--dry) shift
  21. dry=
  22. ;;
  23. -k|--kafka) shift
  24. kafka_flg=$
  25. ;;
  26. *) echo $usage
  27. exit
  28. ;;
  29. esac
  30. shift
  31. done
  32. if [ -z $orgId ];then
  33. echo -e "$RED[Error] Missing orgId!$NC\r\n$usage"
  34. exit
  35. fi


  1. check_and_commit()
  2. {
  3. cmd=""
  4. step=`expr "$step" + `
  5. echo ""|tee -a $logs
  6. echo -e "$BLUE[`date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'`][Step $step] exec $1 $NC"|tee -a $log
  7. if [ $force -eq ];then
  8. while true; do
  9. read -p "Do you confirm to execute step $1? [y/n]" yn
  10. case $yn in
  11. [Yy]* )
  12. $;
  13. if [ $dry -eq ];then
  14. echo -e "$GREEN [Dry Run]$NC $cmd"|tee -a $log
  15. else
  16. echo $cmd|tee -a $log
  17. $cmd|tee $logsdir/$.log
  18. fi
  19. break;;
  20. [Nn]* ) echo "ignore step $1"|tee -a $log ;break;;
  21. esac
  22. done
  23. else
  24. $
  25. if [ $dry -eq ];then
  26. echo -e "$GREEN [Dry Run]$NC $cmd"|tee -a $log
  27. else
  28. echo $cmd|tee -a $log
  29. $cmd|tee -a $logsdir/$.log
  30. fi
  31. fi
  32. }
  1. prepare_message_confirm()
  2. {
  3. echo "Please make sure next items be done"
  4. echo -e "${RED} 1.env.sh use correct environment information ${NC}"
  5. echo -e "${RED} 2.all gcs vm had added the onecloud replay URL and restarted${NC}"
  6. echo -e "${RED} 3.make sure this vm can connect to brown field mongo/redshift/CMC gateway ${NC}"
  7. echo -e "${RED} 4.had startup cloud-subscriber with correct version and expose port 3424 ${NC}"
  8. echo -e "${RED} 5.brown field subscrbier-sync pod had patched ${NC}"
  9. if [ $force -eq ];then
  10. while true; do
  11. read -p "Do you confirm ? [y/n]" yn
  12. case $yn in
  13. [Yy]* ) echo "will continue to execute for org :$orgId";break;;
  14. [Nn]* ) exit - ;break;;
  15. esac
  16. done
  17. fi
  19. }


  1. #根据时区显示时间:
    TZ=:Asia/Hong_Kong date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
    date_str=$(date -d @$time_long +'%Y-%m-%d')


if [ -z $start_date ];then
start_date=`date --date="-7 day" +%Y-%m-%d`
#end_date=$(date -d "$start_date 1 day" +%Y-%m-%d)
#end_date=`date --date="-1 day" +%Y-%m-%d`
end_date=`date +%Y-%m-%d`
start_time=$(date -d "$start_date" +%s)
end_time=$(date -d $end_date +%s)



cdevice=`echo $fnocsv|awk -F '_' '{print $1}'`

time_long=`echo $fnocsv|awk -F '_' '{print $2}'`

date_str=$(date -d @$time_long +'%Y-%m-%d')




  1. #netstat -n | awk '/^tcp/ {++state[$NF]} END {for(key in state) print key,"\t",state[key]}'


  1. #ss -s

  Total: 181 (kernel 0)
  TCP: 19 (estab 13, closed 0, orphaned 1, synrecv 0, timewait 0/0), ports 0

  Transport Total IP IPv6
  * 0 - -
  RAW 0 0 0
  UDP 6 6 0
  TCP 19 17 2
  INET 25 23 2
  FRAG 0 0 0


  1. IFS=',' read -ra org_array <<< "$orgs"
  2. for orgId in "${org_array[@]}"
  3. do

While 循环

  1. for s in `ls _result_*`
  2. do
  3. while [ `ps -ef|grep pm_missing_data_move.py|grep -v grep|wc -l` -gt ]
  4. do
  5. sleep 1s
  6. done
  7. if [ -f $s ];then
  8. if [ `ps -ef|grep -v grep|grep $s|wc -l` -eq ];then
  9. mv $s run_$s
  10. nohup python pm_missing_data_move.py -e tony.ben@calix.com --password FA200417# --filename run_$s && mv run_$s done_${s} &
  11. fi
  12. fi
  13. done


  1. #普通替换
  2. sed -i "s/ENV/$env/g" $sql
  4. #读取行
  5. sed -n '1,3p' xxx.txt //读取第一到3行
  7. #删除
  8. sed -i '/xx/d' xxx.txt

query="'{\"orgId\" : \"$orgid\"}'"
echo "$query"
mongoexport -h -d sxa -c sxa-subscribers -f customId,_id -q '{"orgId" : "145079"}' --csv -o customId.csv

sed -i '/customId/d' customId.csv
sed -i "s/^\"/update cloud_subscribers set subscriber_location_id='/" customId.csv
sed -i "s/\",\"/' where subscriber_id ='/" customId.csv
sed -i "s/\"$/' and org_id = '145079';/" customId.csv




update cloud_subscribers set subscriber_location_id='005960' where subscriber_id ='e14f6837-a66b-46a1-84c8-82b1c7e53fa9' and org_id = '145079';
update cloud_subscribers set subscriber_location_id='006280' where subscriber_id ='ce3f714b-c335-46ed-8481-5b5c15eaf5a3' and org_id = '145079';


sed -i 's/\x1b\[[0-9;]*m//g' $log_file

postgres command:

  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. export PGPASSWORD='xxx'
  3. pg_dump -h localhost -d cloud -s --exclude-table=cloud_subscriber_devices_0227,calixcalldisposition_backup,cloud_subscriber_devices_0227,cloud_subscribers_0227,david_billing,dv2,sxacc_devices_backup,sxaimsubscriber_next_endpoint_id_bak,sxaimsubscriber_next_endpoint_id_old,tblsizestats,csc_site_scan_results_* -U calixcloud -f schma.sql
  4. #pg_dump -h localhost -d cloud -s -F c \
  5. #--exclude-table cloud_subscriber_devices_0227 calixcalldisposition_backup cloud_subscriber_devices_0227 cloud_subscribers_0227 david_billing dv2 sxacc_devices_backup sxaimsubscriber_next_endpoint_id_bak sxaimsubscriber_next_endpoint_id_old tblsizestats csc_site_scan_results_* \
  6. #-U calixcloud -f schma.sql


  1. RED='\033[0;31m'
  2. BLUE='\033[1;32m'
  3. GREEN='\033[1;34m'
  4. NC='\033[0m' # No Color
  6. echo -e "$RED[Error] Missing orgId!$NC\r\n$usage"


  1. compare_mongo_postgres()
  2. {
  3. source_sxa_mongo=`mongo $source_sxa_mongo --eval "db.isMaster()['primary']"|grep |awk -F ':' '{print $1}'`
  4. export PGPASSWORD=$onecloud_postgres_password
  5. flg=
  6. for c in sxacc-devices sxacc-provisioning-records
  7. do
  8. mnum=`mongo $source_sxa_mongo/sxa --eval "db.getCollection('$c').find({'orgId':'$orgId'}).count()"|awk 'END {print}'`
  9. rm -rf check_collection_num.sql
  10. cp check_collection_num.sql.tmp check_collection_num.sql
  11. sed -i "s/TABLE/$c/g" check_collection_num.sql
  12. sed -i "s/ORGID/$orgId/g" check_collection_num.sql
  13. pnum=`psql -h $onecloud_postgres_host -d $onecloud_postgres_db -U $onecloud_postgres_username -f check_collection_num.sql|sed -n '3p'`
  15. echo "$c mongo: $mnum postgres: $pnum"
  16. if [ $mnum -ne $pnum ];then
  17. flg=
  18. echo -e "$RED[Error] c: $c org: $orgId not match, Mongo: $mnum Post: $pnum $NC\r\n"
  19. fi
  20. done
  21. if [ $flg -eq ];then
  22. exit
  23. fi
  25. }
  27. #选取master节点
  28. target_sxa_mongo=`mongo $target_sxa_mongo --eval "db.isMaster()['primary']"|grep |awk -F ':' '{print $1}'`
  30. #export导出
  31. mongoexport --host $source_sxa_mongo --port $source_sxa_mongo_port -d $source_sxa_mongo_db
  32. #import导入
  33. mongoimport --host $target_sxa_mongo --port $target_sxa_mongo_port -d $target_sxa_mongo_db


  1. cd /etc/update-motd.d/
  2. cat <<EOF >-custom
  3. #!/bin/sh
  4. echo ""
  5. echo "\033[1;32m----------------------------------------------------\033[0m"
  6. echo "\033[0;31mTony.Ben's ACS Develop Server.\nAny questions please connect with tony.ben@calix.com\033[0m"
  7. echo "\033[1;32m----------------------------------------------------\033[0m"
  8. echo "\033[1;32m+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\033[0m"
  9. echo "\033[0;31mLast Login Info\033[0m"
  10. last
  11. echo "\033[1;32m+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\033[0m"
  12. echo ""
  13. echo "\033[1;32m-----------------------------------------------------\033[0m"
  14. ifconfig -a | awk 'BEGIN {FS="\n"; RS=""} {print $1,$2}' | grep -v 'lo' | awk '{print "\t\t"$1,$7}'
  15. echo "\033[1;32m------------------------------------------------------\033[0m"
  16. EOF
    chmod 751 100-custom


  1. EOFEND Of File的缩写,表示自定义终止符.既然自定义,那么EOF就不是固定的,可以随意设置别名,在linuxctrl-d就代表EOF.
  3. EOF一般会配合cat能够多行文本输出.
  5. 通过cat配合重定向能够生成文件并追加操作,在它之前先熟悉几个特殊符号:
  6. < :输入重定向
  7. > :输出重定向
  8. >> :输出重定向,进行追加,不会覆盖之前内容
  9. << :标准输入来自命令行的一对分隔号的中间内容.
  11. 其用法如下:
  12. <<EOF //开始
  13. ....
  14. EOF //结束
  16. 还可以自定义,比如自定义:
  17. <<BBB //开始
  18. ....
  19. BBB //结束
  21. )向文件test.sh里输入内容。
  22. [root@slave-server opt]# cat << EOF >test.sh
  23. >
  24. >
  25. > asdfasdfs
  26. > EOF
  28. [root@slave-server opt]# cat test.sh
  30. asdfasdfs
  32. 追加内容
  33. [root@slave-server opt]# cat << EOF >>test.sh
  34. >
  35. >
  36. > EOF
  37. [root@slave-server opt]# cat test.sh
  39. asdfasdfs
  41. 覆盖
  42. [root@slave-server opt]# cat << EOF >test.sh
  43. >
  44. > EOF
  45. [root@slave-server opt]# cat test.sh
  47. ————————————————
  48. 版权声明:本文为CSDN博主「jaryle」的原创文章,遵循 CC 4.0 BY-SA 版权协议,转载请附上原文出处链接及本声明。
  49. 原文链接:https://blog.csdn.net/jaryle/java/article/details/77880500

Rancher/K8S 相关

全量清除Rancher/K8S 节点

  1. docker stop $(docker ps -aq)
  2. docker system prune -f
  3. docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q)
  4. docker image rm $(docker image ls -q)
  5. rm -rf /etc/ceph \
  6. /etc/cni \
  7. /etc/kubernetes \
  8. /opt/cni \
  9. /opt/rke \
  10. /run/secrets/kubernetes.io \
  11. /run/calico \
  12. /run/flannel \
  13. /var/lib/calico \
  14. /var/lib/etcd \
  15. /var/lib/cni \
  16. /var/lib/kubelet \
  17. /var/lib/rancher/rke/log \
  18. /var/log/containers \
  19. /var/log/pods \
  20. /var/run/calico

获取Rancher dockerid

  1. docker ps | grep -E "rancher/rancher:|rancher/rancher " | awk '{ print $1 }'


  1. sudo docker run -d --name rancher --restart=unless-stopped -p : -p : rancher/rancher:latest


  1. docker ps -aq

1.awk command

1.1 Purpose 1: want to distinct and then count and sort by num

1.1.1 Command: cat result.txt|awk '{print $1}'|uniq -c|sort -k 1n

  1. Sort parameters:

 -k: sort by key (in this case column, pairs with -t)

  -n: sort as a number

  -r: reverse order

  (optional) -t: in case you want to change the key separator (default: space)

Uniq parameter:

  -w: choose the first N characters


  In your problem, we need to first sort the first column and then the second one. So there is a -k 1,1 followed by -k 2,2. But, the second key (ONLY) must be sorted as a number and in the reverse order. Thus, it should be -k 2nr,2.

Note that if the -n or -r sort parameters are outside -k parameter, they are applied to the whole input instead of specific keys.

Lastly, me must find the unique lines, but matching only the first 4 chars. Thus, uniq -w 4

2. Ubuntu 安装ping curl

  1. apt-get update
  2. apt-get install iputils-ping -y
  3. apt-get install curl -y

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