//为实现各种现代浏览器的requestAnimationFrame()方法,创建一段简单的跨浏览器保障代码(polyfill),以实现流畅、高效的动画。由保罗•艾里什(Paul Irish)编写,网址为 http://bit.ly/req_anim_frame。
window.requestAnimationFrame = (function(){
return window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || function (callback){
window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60);
})(); // Define the game logic module which keeps track of the game state, the players's score,
// the number of lives remaining, handles collisions between the player's character and
// other obstacles and ensures the game graphics are drawn onto the <canvas> at the
// right moment. This module contains the brains behind the game play and instructs other
// code modules to do the heavy lifting through the use of the observer design pattern.
(function(Frogger) { // Define a variable to hold the current player's score
var _score = 0, // Define and initialize a variable to hold the high score achieved in the game
_highScore = 1000, // Define the number of lives the player has remaining before the game is over
_lives = 5, // Define the number of milliseconds the player has to get their character to
// the goal (60 seconds). If they take too long, they will lose a life
_timeTotal = 60000, // Define a variable to store the current time remaining for the player to reach
// the goal
_timeRemaining = _timeTotal, // Define the refresh rate of the graphics on the <canvas> element (one draw every
// 33⅓ milliseconds = 30 frames per second). Attempting to redraw too frequently
// can cause the browser to slow down so choose this value carefully to maintain a
// good balance between fluid animation and smooth playability
//定义<canvas>元素上的图形的刷新时间(每33⅓毫秒绘制一次 = 每秒30帧)。频率太快的重新绘制会引起浏览器响应缓慢。因此,选择使用这个值可以在流畅的动画与利索的可玩性之间取得平衡。
_refreshRate = 33.333, // Define a variable to store the number of times the player's character has
// reached the goal
_timesAtGoal = 0, // Define a variable to indicate the number of times the player's character needs
// to reach the goal for the game to be won
_maxTimesAtGoal = 5, // Define a Boolean variable to indicate whether the player's movement is currently
// frozen in place
_isPlayerFrozen = false, // Define a variable to store the last time the game loop ran - this helps keep
// the animation running smoothly at the defined refresh rate
_lastTimeGameLoopRan = (new Date()).getTime(); // Define a function to be called to count down the time remaining for the player to
// reach the goal without forfeiting a life
function countDown() {
if (_timeRemaining > 0) { // This function will be called as frequently as the _refreshRate variable
// dictates so we reduce the number of milliseconds remaining by the
// _refreshRate value for accurate timing
_timeRemaining -= _refreshRate; // Publish the fact that the remaining time has changed, passing along the
// new time remaining as a percentage - which will help when we come to display
// the remaining time on the game board itself
Frogger.observer.publish("time-remaining-change", _timeRemaining / _timeTotal);
} else { // If the remaining time reaches zero, we take one of the player's remaining
// lives
} // Define a function to be called when all the player's lives have gone and the game
// is declared over
function gameOver() { // Pause the player's movements as they are no longer in the game
freezePlayer(); // Inform other code modules in this application that the game is over
} // Define a function to be called when the player has reached the goal
function gameWon() { // Inform other code modules that the game has been won
} // Define a function to be called when the player loses a life
function loseLife() { // Decrease the number of lives the player has remaining
_lives--; // Pause the player's movements
freezePlayer(); // Inform other code modules that the player has lost a life
Frogger.observer.publish("player-lost-life"); if (_lives === 0) { // Declare the game to be over if the player has no lives remaining
} else { // If there are lives remaining, wait 2000 milliseconds (2 seconds) before
// resetting the player's character and other obstacles to their initial
// positions on the game board
setTimeout(reset, 2000);
} // Define a function to be called when the player's character is required to be frozen
// in place, such as when the game is over or when the player has lost a life
function freezePlayer() { // Set the local variable to indicate the frozen state
_isPlayerFrozen = true; // Inform other code modules - including that which controls the player's
// character - that the player is now be frozen
} // Define a function to be called when the player's character is free to move after
// being previously frozen in place
function unfreezePlayer() { // Set the local variable to indicate the new state
_isPlayerFrozen = false; // Inform other code modules that the player's character is now free to move around
// the game board
} // Define a function to increase the player's score by a specific amount and update
// the high score accordingly
function increaseScore(increaseBy) { // Increase the score by the supplied amount (or by 0 if no value is provided)
_score += increaseBy || 0; // Inform other code modules that the player's score has changed, passing along
// the new score
Frogger.observer.publish("score-change", _score); // If the player's new score beats the current high score then update the high
// score to reflect the player's new score and inform other code modules of a
// change to the high score, passing along the new high score value
if (_score > _highScore) {
_highScore = _score;
Frogger.observer.publish("high-score-change", _highScore);
} // Define a function to execute once the player reaches the designated goal
function playerAtGoal() { // When the player reaches the goal, increase their score by 1000 points
increaseScore(1000); // Increment the value indicating the total number of times the player's character
// has reached the goal
_timesAtGoal++; // Freeze the player's character movement temporarily to acknowledge they have
// reached the goal
freezePlayer(); if (_timesAtGoal < _maxTimesAtGoal) { // The player must enter the goal a total of 5 times, as indicated by the
// _maxTimesAtGoal value. If the player has not reached the goal this many
// times yet, then reset the player's character position and obstacles on the
// game board after a delay of 2000 milliseconds (2 seconds)
setTimeout(reset, 2000);
} else { // If the player has reached the goal 5 times, the game has been won!
} // Define a function to execute when the player moves their character on the game
// board, increasing their score by 20 points when they do
function playerMoved() {
} // Define a function to be called when the game board needs to be reset, such as when
// the player loses a life
function reset() { // Reset the variable storing the current time remaining to its initial value
_timeRemaining = _timeTotal; // Release the player's character if it has been frozen in place
unfreezePlayer(); // Inform other code modules to reset themselves to their initial conditions
} // The game loop executes on an interval at a rate dictated by value of the
// _refreshRate variable (once every 50 milliseconds), in which the game board is
// redrawn with the character and obstacles drawn at their relevant positions on
// the board and any collisions between the player's character and any obstacles
// are detected
function gameLoop() { // Calculate how many milliseconds have passed since the last time the game loop
// was called
var currentTime = (new Date()).getTime(),
timeDifference = currentTime - _lastTimeGameLoopRan; // Execute this function again when the next animation frame is ready for use by
// the browser - keeps the game loop looping
window.requestAnimationFrame(gameLoop); // If the number of milliseconds passed exceeds the defined refresh rate, draw
// the obstacles in the updated position on the game board and check for collisions
if (timeDifference >= _refreshRate) { // Clear the <canvas> element's drawing surface - erases everything on the
// game board so we can redraw the player's character and obstacles in their
// new positions
Frogger.drawingSurface.clearRect(0, 0, Frogger.drawingSurfaceWidth, Frogger.drawingSurfaceHeight); if (!_isPlayerFrozen) { // As long as the player's character is not frozen in place, ensure the
// timer is counting down, putting pressure on the player to reach the
// goal in time
countDown(); // Inform other code modules to check the player has not collided with an
// obstacle on the game board
} // Now on our empty canvas we draw our game board and the obstacles upon it in
// their respective positions
Frogger.observer.publish("render-base-layer"); // After the game board and obstacles, we draw the player's character so that
// it is always on top of anything else on the <canvas> drawing surface
Frogger.observer.publish("render-character"); // Store the current time for later comparisons to keep the frame rate smooth
_lastTimeGameLoopRan = currentTime;
} // Define a function to kick-start the application and run the game loop, which renders
// each frame of the game graphics and checks for collisions between the player's
// character and any obstacles on the game board
function start() { // Inform other code modules of the initial state of the game's high score
Frogger.observer.publish("high-score-change", _highScore); // Start the game loop running
} // Execute the start() function to kick off the game loop once the "game-load" event
// is fired. We'll trigger this event after we've configured the rest of our code
// modules for the game
Frogger.observer.subscribe("game-load", start); // Execute the playerAtGoal() function when another code module informs us that the
// player has reached the goal
Frogger.observer.subscribe("player-at-goal", playerAtGoal); // Execute the playerMoved() function when we have been informed that the player has
// moved their character
Frogger.observer.subscribe("player-moved", playerMoved); // Execute the loseLife() function when we are informed by another code base that the
// player's character has collided with an obstacle on the game board
Frogger.observer.subscribe("collision", loseLife); // Pass the global Frogger variable into the module so it can be accessed locally,
// improving performance and making its dependency clear

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