3. Day-to-day use
3.1 Everyday commands
Most of the common commands you will need are in the SmartSVN toolbar:
3.1.3 Add
Use Add to schedule files or directories to add to your repository. If you're adding a directory you have the option to Recurse into subdirectories, which, when selected, causes all subdirectories and files from subdirectories to be added too.
3.1.4 Remove
Use this to schedule the removal of files or directories from your repository.
Select Remove from SVN control and delete locally to schedule the files or directory for removal and to also delete them locally. Select Just remove from SVN control to schedule for removal only. After committing the changes, the files or directories remain unversioned.
By default, SmartSVN refuses to remove files or directories that have local modifications, as well as directories that contain modified or unversioned files. Select Force Removal (ignore local modifications, etc.) if you want to remove these items anyway.
3.1.5 Move
使用这个move的命令来move 并且/或者 重命名一个文件或者文件夹。新的文件和文件夹会被添加旧的会被移除但是会保留移除纪录。
Use this to move and/or rename a file or directory that is already under SVN control. The file with the old name will be scheduled for removal, and the file with the new name scheduled for addition. This command preserves the history of the moved item.
3.1.6 Revert
Use this to revert the local changes of the selected files or directories. For directories, you can Revert Recursively, i.e. to recurse into subdirectories. If deselected, only the properties of the directory itself are reverted.
Be careful before reverting a file or directory because all local modifications will be lost.
- Added and copied files/directories are unscheduled for addition and returned to unversioned state.
- Removed files/directories are unscheduled for removal and restored with their content and properties taken from the pristine copy.
- Replaced files/directories are unscheduled for replacement and restored with their content and properties taken from the pristine copy.
- Modified files/directories are restored with their content and properties taken from the pristine copy (overwriting local changes!).
- Missing files are restored with their content and properties taken from the pristine copy. Missing directories cannot be restored, because the pristine copy is also missing. You'll need to update your working copy instead.
- Conflicted files/directories are restored with their content and properties taken from the pristine copy, ignoring local changes which caused the conflict.
- For Case-changed files their original file names are restored and modifications in contents/properties are reverted.
3.1.7 Delete
Use this to delete local files, or unversioned or ignored directories.
3.1.8 Fix
Use this to fix or 'repair' the selected directory or files. This option is only applicable for certain, unusual working copy states:
Case-changed files
SVN repositories and working copies are generally case-sensitive. This can cause problems when working on a case-insensitive operating system, like Microsoft Windows or some file systems on Apple Mac OS, and changing the file name's case (upper-case to lower-case, etc.). Because of SVN's working copy format and the pristine copies, it's technically not possible to handle such a file name case change.
One solution is to avoid this situation by either only performing file name case changes on an operating system which supports case-sensitive file names, or directly in the repository by using the Repository Browser.
However, a file name case change can happen on a case-insensitive operating system, e.g. because of defect software tools, etc. SmartSVN detects such invalid changes and puts the file into a case-changed file state, see Rare Primary File States. Fix now changes the file name case back to its original form as found within the pristine copy, resolving this problem.
Nested roots
A nested root (see Primary Directory States) is a working copy within another working copy which is not related to this parent working copy. SVN commands ignore such nested roots. They are treated as unversioned directories.
Nested roots typically result from moving a directory from one location to another without using the proper SVN commands, like Move. This leaves a missing directory at its original location and introduces a nested root at its current location.
Fix offers the following solutions for nested roots, depending on their origin:
- Mark as Copied converts the nested root to a copied directory, with its copy location being the original repository location. This option is only available if the current location is part of the same repository as the original location.
- Convert to Unversioned strips off the working copy metadata (.svn directories) for this directory and all of its children. This makes the directory unversioned, so it can be added and committed afterwards. This option is always available but, in general, should only be used if Mark as Copied is not available, because unversioned directories can be added afterwards, though their history is lost.
Added-missing directories
If a directory has been scheduled for addition and has been locally deleted afterwards (i.e. the directory and its .svn subdirectory are missing), the directory is in Added-missing state.
Such directories are actually only a leftover entry in the parent directory's metadata directory (.svn). The resolution is to Revert them, which is what this command does.
3.1.9 Changes
Changes shows you the difference between locally modified files and the pristine copy. From there you have several options:
- Refresh: refresh the file contents from the file system and recalculate the differences.
- Previous Change: navigate to the previous change within the currently selected file.
- Next Change: navigate to the next change within the currently selected file.
- Ignore Whitespace for Line Comparison: when selected, two lines are treated as equal, if they only differ in the number, but not in the position of whitespaces.
- Take Left: overwrite the local file changes with the content of the pristine copy.
- Take Right: overwrite the pristine copy with the local file changes.
When you're happy with any changes made, click Save.
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