【bzoj2625】[Neerc2009]Inspection 有上下界最小流
Your team has to inspect each slope of the ski resort. Ski lifts on this resort are not open yet, but you have a helicopter. In one fiight the helicopter can drop one person into any point of the resort. From the drop off point the person can ski down the slopes, inspecting each slope as they ski. It is fine to inspect the same slope multiple times, but you have to minimize the usage of the helicopter. So, you have to figure out how to inspect all the slopes with the fewest number of helicopter flights.
1 3
1 7
2 4 5
1 8
1 8
2 6 5
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <queue>
#define N 110
#define M 20010
using namespace std;
const int inf = 1 << 30;
queue<int> q;
int head[N] , to[M] , val[M] , next[M] , cnt = 1 , s , t , dis[N] , ind[N];
void add(int x , int y , int z)
to[++cnt] = y , val[cnt] = z , next[cnt] = head[x] , head[x] = cnt;
to[++cnt] = x , val[cnt] = 0 , next[cnt] = head[y] , head[y] = cnt;
bool bfs()
int x , i;
memset(dis , 0 , sizeof(dis));
while(!q.empty()) q.pop();
dis[s] = 1 , q.push(s);
x = q.front() , q.pop();
for(i = head[x] ; i ; i = next[i])
if(val[i] && !dis[to[i]])
dis[to[i]] = dis[x] + 1;
if(to[i] == t) return 1;
return 0;
int dinic(int x , int low)
if(x == t) return low;
int temp = low , i , k;
for(i = head[x] ; i ; i = next[i])
if(val[i] && dis[to[i]] == dis[x] + 1)
k = dinic(to[i] , min(temp , val[i]));
if(!k) dis[to[i]] = 0;
val[i] -= k , val[i ^ 1] += k;
if(!(temp -= k)) break;
return low - temp;
int main()
int n , i , b , e , x , y , ans = 0;
scanf("%d" , &n) , b = 0 , e = n + 1 , s = n + 2 , t = n + 3;
add(e , b , inf);
for(i = 1 ; i <= n ; i ++ )
scanf("%d" , &y);
while(y -- ) scanf("%d" , &x) , add(i , x , inf) , ind[i] -- , ind[x] ++ ;
for(i = 1 ; i <= n ; i ++ )
add(b , i , inf) , add(i , e , inf);
if(ind[i] > 0) add(s , i , ind[i]);
else add(i , t , -ind[i]);
while(bfs()) dinic(s , inf);
ans = val[3] , val[2] = val[3] = 0;
for(i = head[s] ; i ; i = next[i]) val[i] = val[i ^ 1] = 0;
for(i = head[t] ; i ; i = next[i]) val[i] = val[i ^ 1] = 0;
s = e , t = b;
while(bfs()) ans -= dinic(s , inf);
printf("%d\n" , ans);
return 0;
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