His voice was hoarse after several hours' speech.
Attributive adjectives precede the noun.
I gave the dog some lovely steak, and he just looked down his nose at it!
He is an honest viewer of horror movies
She looked at him with hate in her eyes.
Baghdad is one of the great cities of the Moslem world.
Denmark recycles nearly 85% of its paper.
a frozen look on their faces.
I have found it both inadequate and misleading.
This is kind of peanut is delicious.
She sprinkled sugar over the strawberries.
she sprinkled my childhood with happiness.
Those harsh words stung me bitterly.
Chicago did not have enough money to contribute to its own pension fund, which has been stung by real estate deals that fizzled when the city lost out in the bidding for the 2016 Olympics.
Some people believe that the Fates preside over man's destiny.
The Death preside over man's life and death.
She showed strong leadership during her first term in office.
It was time to hand over the reins of power (= to give control to sb else) .
Plunder is the very nature of imperialism.
there was a unknown fleet braked into the corean sea
Mrs. Richards realized that it must be the man from the Electricity Board
The first part of the plan has been safely accomplished.
As a musician I owe much to the radio station in my home town.
She split with the regular party organization.
Have you been following the basketball tournament?
The new secretary takes dictation very well.
The roads were icy but she stopped the car expertly.
The average income is high, though many people earn just a fraction of that average.
In this profession, training and experience are of equal importance.
The Director is awaiting the Board's affirmation of his nominee.
Only very mean persons maltreat children.
It is commonsense to carry an umbrella in this weather.
Have you any statistics that would enforce your argument?
As a spectator, I think you have lost yourself.
It will be useful to summarize the relevant Gaussian formulae.
all the china with great refinements are kept in cupboard
We admired the graceful poise of the dancer.
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