WHAT IS siege?

Siege is an open source regression test and benchmark utility.


It can stress test a single URL with a user defined number of simulated users, or it can read many URLs into memory and stress them simultaneously.


The program reports the total number of hits recorded, bytes transferred, response time, concurrency, and return status.


Siege supports HTTP/1.0 and 1.1 protocols, the GET and POST directives,cookies, transaction logging, and basic authentication.

Siege支持HTTP / 1.0和1.1协议,GET和POST请求方法,cookies,事务日志记录和基本验证。

Its features are configurable on a per user basis.


Most features are configurable with command line options which
also include default values to minimize the complexity of the
program's invocation.


Siege allows you to stress a web server with n number of users t number of times, where n and t are defined by the user.


It records the duration time of the test as well as the duration of each single transaction.


It reports the number of transactions, elapsed time, bytes transferred,response time, transaction rate, concurrency and the number oftimes the server responded OK, that is status code 200.


Siege was designed and implemented by Jeffrey Fulmer in his position as Webmaster for Armstrong World Industries.

Siege由Jeffrey Fulmer担任Armstrong World Industries网站站长的时,设计和实施的

It was modeled in part after Lincoln Stein's torture.pl and it's data reporting is almost identical.

它是部分建模的,在Lincoln Stein's torture.pl之后,以及它的数据报告几乎完全相同。

But torture.pl does not allow one to stress many URLs simultaneously; out of that need siege was born....


When a HTTP server is being hit by the program, it is said to be "under siege."



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