1 分析i2c设备的识别过程
driver->driver.bus = &i2c_bus_type;
list_for_each_entry(adapter, &adapters, list) {
i2c_probe(adapter, &addr_data, eeprom_detect);
i2c_probe_address // 发出S信号,发出设备地址(来自addr_data)
adap->algo->master_xfer // s3c24xx_i2c_xfer
2 怎么写I2C设备驱动程序?
2.1 分配一个i2c_driver结构体
2.2 设置
attach_adapter // 它直接调用 i2c_probe(adap, 设备地址, 发现这个设备后要调用的函数);
detach_client // 卸载这个驱动后,如果之前发现能够支持的设备,则调用它来清理
2.3 注册:i2c_add_driver
3 写代码
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/slab.h>
#include <linux/jiffies.h>
#include <linux/i2c.h>
#include <linux/mutex.h>
#include <linux/fs.h>
#include <asm/uaccess.h> static unsigned short ignore[] = { I2C_CLIENT_END };
static unsigned short normal_addr[] = { 0x50, I2C_CLIENT_END }; /* 地址值是7位 */
/* 改为0x60的话, 由于不存在设备地址为0x60的设备, 所以at24cxx_detect不被调用 */ static unsigned short force_addr[] = {ANY_I2C_BUS, 0x60, I2C_CLIENT_END};
static unsigned short * forces[] = {force_addr, NULL}; static struct i2c_client_address_data addr_data = {
.normal_i2c = normal_addr, /* 要发出S信号和设备地址并得到ACK信号,才能确定存在这个设备 */
.probe = ignore,
.ignore = ignore,
//.forces = forces, /* 强制认为存在这个设备 */
}; static struct i2c_driver at24cxx_driver; static int major;
static struct class *cls;
struct i2c_client *at24cxx_client; static ssize_t at24cxx_read(struct file *file, char __user *buf, size_t size, loff_t * offset)
unsigned char address;
unsigned char data;
struct i2c_msg msg[];
int ret; /* address = buf[0]
* data = buf[1]
if (size != )
return -EINVAL; copy_from_user(&address, buf, ); /* 数据传输三要素: 源,目的,长度 */ /* 读AT24CXX时,要先把要读的存储空间的地址发给它 */
msg[].addr = at24cxx_client->addr; /* 目的 */
msg[].buf = &address; /* 源 */
msg[].len = ; /* 地址=1 byte */
msg[].flags = ; /* 表示写 */ /* 然后启动读操作 */
msg[].addr = at24cxx_client->addr; /* 源 */
msg[].buf = &data; /* 目的 */
msg[].len = ; /* 数据=1 byte */
msg[].flags = I2C_M_RD; /* 表示读 */ ret = i2c_transfer(at24cxx_client->adapter, msg, );
if (ret == )
copy_to_user(buf, &data, );
return ;
return -EIO;
} static ssize_t at24cxx_write(struct file *file, const char __user *buf, size_t size, loff_t *offset)
unsigned char val[];
struct i2c_msg msg[];
int ret; /* address = buf[0]
* data = buf[1]
if (size != )
return -EINVAL; copy_from_user(val, buf, ); /* 数据传输三要素: 源,目的,长度 */
msg[].addr = at24cxx_client->addr; /* 目的 */
msg[].buf = val; /* 源 */
msg[].len = ; /* 地址+数据=2 byte */
msg[].flags = ; /* 表示写 */ ret = i2c_transfer(at24cxx_client->adapter, msg, );
if (ret == )
return ;
return -EIO;
} static struct file_operations at24cxx_fops = {
.owner = THIS_MODULE,
.read = at24cxx_read,
.write = at24cxx_write,
}; static int at24cxx_detect(struct i2c_adapter *adapter, int address, int kind)
printk("at24cxx_detect\n"); /* 构构一个i2c_client结构体: 以后收改数据时会用到它 */
at24cxx_client = kzalloc(sizeof(struct i2c_client), GFP_KERNEL);
at24cxx_client->addr = address;
at24cxx_client->adapter = adapter;
at24cxx_client->driver = &at24cxx_driver;
strcpy(at24cxx_client->name, "at24cxx");
i2c_attach_client(at24cxx_client); major = register_chrdev(, "at24cxx", &at24cxx_fops); cls = class_create(THIS_MODULE, "at24cxx");
class_device_create(cls, NULL, MKDEV(major, ), NULL, "at24cxx"); /* /dev/at24cxx */ return ;
} static int at24cxx_attach(struct i2c_adapter *adapter)
return i2c_probe(adapter, &addr_data, at24cxx_detect);
} static int at24cxx_detach(struct i2c_client *client)
class_device_destroy(cls, MKDEV(major, ));
unregister_chrdev(major, "at24cxx"); i2c_detach_client(client);
kfree(i2c_get_clientdata(client)); return ;
} /* 1. 分配一个i2c_driver结构体 */
/* 2. 设置i2c_driver结构体 */
static struct i2c_driver at24cxx_driver = {
.driver = {
.name = "at24cxx",
.attach_adapter = at24cxx_attach,
.detach_client = at24cxx_detach,
}; static int at24cxx_init(void)
return ;
} static void at24cxx_exit(void)
} module_init(at24cxx_init);
module_exit(at24cxx_exit); MODULE_LICENSE("GPL");
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