connect <hostname>/<port> (<username> '<password>')?;    Connect to thrift service. 
use <keyspace> [<username> 'password'];                             Switch to a keyspace. 
describe keyspace (<keyspacename>)?;                                  Describe keyspace. 


describe cluster;                                                                   Display information about cluster. 
show cluster name;                                                               Display cluster name. 
show keyspaces;                                                                   Show list of keyspaces. 
show api version;                                                Show server API version. 
create keyspace <keyspace> [with <att1>=<value1> [and <att2>=<value2> ...]]; 
update keyspace <keyspace> [with <att1>=<value1> [and <att2>=<value2> ...]]; 
create column family <cf> [with <att1>=<value1> [and <att2>=<value2> ...]]; 
update column family <cf> [with <att1>=<value1> [and <att2>=<value2> ...]]; 
drop keyspace <keyspace>;                                          Delete a keyspace. 
drop column family <cf>;                                         Delete a column family. 
get <cf>['<key>'];                                                Get a slice of columns. 
get <cf>['<key>']['<super>'];                                Get a slice of sub columns. 
get <cf> where <column> = <value> [and <column> > <value> and ...] [limit int]; 
get <cf>['<key>']['<col>'] (as <type>)*;                        Get a column value. 
get <cf>['<key>']['<super>']['<col>'] (as <type>)*;          Get a sub column value. 
set <cf>['<key>']['<col>'] = <value> (with ttl = <secs>)*;         Set a column. 
set <cf>['<key>']['<super>']['<col>'] = <value> (with ttl = <secs>)*; 
                                                                                             Set a sub column. 
del <cf>['<key>'];                                                                   Delete record. 
del <cf>['<key>']['<col>'];                                              Delete column. 
del <cf>['<key>']['<super>']['<col>'];                             Delete sub column. 
count <cf>['<key>'];                                                               Count columns in record. 
count <cf>['<key>']['<super>'];                           Count columns in a super column. 
truncate <column_family>;                                   Truncate specified column family. 
assume <column_family> <attribute> as <type>; 
                                                                                            Assume a given column family attributes to match a specified type. 
consistencylevel as <level>; 
                                                                                            Change the consistency level for set,get, and list operations. 
list <cf>;                                                   List all rows in the column family. 
list <cf>[<startKey>:]; 
                                                                                            List rows in the column family beginning with <startKey>. 
list <cf>[<startKey>:<endKey>]; 
                                                                                            List rows in the column family in the range from <startKey> to <endKey>. 
list ... limit N;                                                                        Limit the list results to N.


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