* @return string|boolean the view file currently being rendered. False if no view file is being rendered.
* 当前正在渲染的视图文件
public function getViewFile()
return end($this->_viewFiles);
} /**
* This method is invoked right before [[renderFile()]] renders a view file.
* The default implementation will trigger the [[EVENT_BEFORE_RENDER]] event.
* 前置事件,执行[renderFile()]时被调用,默认触发[[EVENT_BEFORE_RENDER]]事件
* If you override this method, make sure you call the parent implementation first.
* @param string $viewFile the view file to be rendered. 要渲染的视图文件。
* @param array $params the parameter array passed to the [[render()]] method.
* 参数数组传递到[render()]方法。
* @return boolean whether to continue rendering the view file. 是否继续渲染视图文件。
public function beforeRender($viewFile, $params)
$event = new ViewEvent([//实例化ViewEvent
'viewFile' => $viewFile,
'params' => $params,
$this->trigger(self::EVENT_BEFORE_RENDER, $event);//触发[EVENT_BEFORE_RENDER]事件 return $event->isValid;//判断是否继续渲染文件
} /**
* This method is invoked right after [[renderFile()]] renders a view file.
* The default implementation will trigger the [[EVENT_AFTER_RENDER]] event.
* 后置事件,在执行[renderFile()]方法后被调用,默认触发[[EVENT_AFTER_RENDER]]事件
* If you override this method, make sure you call the parent implementation first.
* @param string $viewFile the view file being rendered.要渲染的视图文件。
* @param array $params the parameter array passed to the [[render()]] method.
* 参数数组传递到[render()]方法。
* @param string $output the rendering result of the view file. Updates to this parameter
* will be passed back and returned by [[renderFile()]].
* 返回视图渲染的结果
public function afterRender($viewFile, $params, &$output)
if ($this->hasEventHandlers(self::EVENT_AFTER_RENDER)) {//判断[EVENT_AFTER_RENDER]事件是否存在
$event = new ViewEvent([
'viewFile' => $viewFile,
'params' => $params,
'output' => $output,
$this->trigger(self::EVENT_AFTER_RENDER, $event);
$output = $event->output;//返回结果
} /**
* Renders a view file as a PHP script.
* 返回一个视图文件当作PHP脚本
* This method treats the view file as a PHP script and includes the file.
* It extracts the given parameters and makes them available in the view file.
* The method captures the output of the included view file and returns it as a string.
* 将传入的参数转换为变量,包含并执行view文件,返回执行结果
* This method should mainly be called by view renderer or [[renderFile()]].
* @param string $_file_ the view file. 视图文件
* @param array $_params_ the parameters (name-value pairs) that will be extracted and made available in the view file.
* @return string the rendering result 执行结果
public function renderPhpFile($_file_, $_params_ = [])
ob_start(); //打开输出缓冲
ob_implicit_flush(false); //关闭缓冲区
extract($_params_, EXTR_OVERWRITE);// 将一个数组转换为变量使用
require($_file_); return ob_get_clean();//得到缓冲区的内容并清除当前输出缓冲
} /**
* Renders dynamic content returned by the given PHP statements. 渲染动态内容
* This method is mainly used together with content caching (fragment caching and page caching)
* 用来聚合缓存的内容
* when some portions of the content (called *dynamic content*) should not be cached.
* The dynamic content must be returned by some PHP statements.
* 渲染某些被PHP语句返回的动态内容
* @param string $statements the PHP statements for generating the dynamic content.生成动态内容的PHP语句。
* @return string the placeholder of the dynamic content, or the dynamic content if there is no
* active content cache currently. 动态内容占位符 如果当前没有有效的内容缓存,调用evaluateDynamicContent输出
public function renderDynamic($statements)
if (!empty($this->cacheStack)) {//动态内容的列表不为空
$n = count($this->dynamicPlaceholders);//统计动态内容条数
$placeholder = "<![CDATA[YII-DYNAMIC-$n]]>";//生成占位符
$this->addDynamicPlaceholder($placeholder, $statements);//添加动态内容占位符 return $placeholder;
} else {//没有有效缓存 执行传入的PHP语句,返回执行结果
return $this->evaluateDynamicContent($statements);
} /**
* Adds a placeholder for dynamic content. 添加一个动态内容占位符
* This method is internally used. 内部使用
* @param string $placeholder the placeholder name 占位符名称
* @param string $statements the PHP statements for generating the dynamic content
* 生成动态内容的PHP语句
public function addDynamicPlaceholder($placeholder, $statements)
foreach ($this->cacheStack as $cache) {
$cache->dynamicPlaceholders[$placeholder] = $statements;//添加动态内容占位符
$this->dynamicPlaceholders[$placeholder] = $statements;//给当前视图添加动态内容占位符
} /**
* Evaluates the given PHP statements. 给定的PHP语句的值
* This method is mainly used internally to implement dynamic content feature.内部使用实现动态内容功能
* @param string $statements the PHP statements to be evaluated. PHP语句进行计算
* @return mixed the return value of the PHP statements. PHP语句的值
public function evaluateDynamicContent($statements)
return eval($statements);
} /**
* Begins recording a block.
* This method is a shortcut to beginning [[Block]]
* 数据块开始的标记,该方法是开始[Block]的快捷方式
* 数据块可以在一个地方指定视图内容在另一个地方显示,通常和布局一起使用
* @param string $id the block ID. 数据块标识
* @param boolean $renderInPlace whether to render the block content in place. 是否渲染块内容。
* Defaults to false, meaning the captured block will not be displayed.
* @return Block the Block widget instance 数据块部件实例
public function beginBlock($id, $renderInPlace = false)
return Block::begin([
'id' => $id,//数据块唯一标识
'renderInPlace' => $renderInPlace,//是否显示标识
'view' => $this,
} /**
* Ends recording a block. 数据块结束标识
public function endBlock()
} /**
* Begins the rendering of content that is to be decorated by the specified view.
* This method can be used to implement nested layout. For example, a layout can be embedded
* in another layout file specified as '@app/views/layouts/base.php' like the following:
* 开始指定的view渲染内容,用来实现嵌套布局,传入的第一个参数为布局文件的路径
* ~~~
* <?php $this->beginContent('@app/views/layouts/base.php'); ?>
* ...layout content here...
* <?php $this->endContent(); ?>
* ~~~
* @param string $viewFile the view file that will be used to decorate the content enclosed by this widget.
* This can be specified as either the view file path or path alias.布局文件的路径或路径别名。
* @param array $params the variables (name => value) to be extracted and made available in the decorative view.
* 可以在视图中运用的参数
* @return ContentDecorator the ContentDecorator widget instance 部件实例
* @see ContentDecorator
public function beginContent($viewFile, $params = [])
return ContentDecorator::begin([
'viewFile' => $viewFile,
'params' => $params,
'view' => $this,
} /**
* Ends the rendering of content.结束渲染内容
public function endContent()
} /**
* Begins fragment caching. 开始片段缓存
* This method will display cached content if it is available.
* If not, it will start caching and would expect an [[endCache()]]
* call to end the cache and save the content into cache.
* 展示可用的缓存内容,否则将开始缓存内容直到出现[endCache()]方法
* A typical usage of fragment caching is as follows,
* ~~~
* if ($this->beginCache($id)) {
* // ...generate content here
* $this->endCache();
* }
* ~~~
* @param string $id a unique ID identifying the fragment to be cached.缓存片段的唯一标识
* @param array $properties initial property values for [[FragmentCache]]初始属性[FragmentCache]
* @return boolean whether you should generate the content for caching. 是否生成缓存的内容。
* False if the cached version is available.
public function beginCache($id, $properties = [])
$properties['id'] = $id; //片段标识
$properties['view'] = $this; //调用初始化属性
/* @var $cache FragmentCache */
$cache = FragmentCache::begin($properties);
if ($cache->getCachedContent() !== false) {
$this->endCache();//从缓存中读取到了缓存的内容,则渲染内容并返回 false,不再进行缓存 return false;
} else {
return true;
} /**
* Ends fragment caching. 结束片段缓存
public function endCache()
} /**
* Marks the beginning of a page.页面开始标记
public function beginPage()
ob_start(); //打开输出缓冲
ob_implicit_flush(false);//关闭缓冲区 $this->trigger(self::EVENT_BEGIN_PAGE);
} /**
* Marks the ending of a page. 页面结束标记
public function endPage()
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