Install Jenkins plugins 'Cobertura' and 'HTML Publisher'

1. add Post-build Actions "Publish HTML reports"

2. add Post-build Actions "Publish Cobertura Coverage Report"

refer to

Jenkins integration for AngularJS code coverage的更多相关文章

  1. 代码覆盖率 (Code Coverage)从简到繁 (一)

    代码覆盖率(Code Coverage)是反映测试用例对被测软件覆盖程度的重要指标,也是衡量测试工作进展情况的重要指标.它也是对测试工作进行量化的重要指标之一,测试工作往往不如开发那样激动人心,一个重 ...

  2. Chrome DevTools: Export your raw Code Coverage Data

    The Code Coverage tool visually shows you which lines of code in your CSS and JavaScript are used an ...

  3. Qt代码覆盖率code coverage(VS版)

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  4. 测试工具 - IDEA - IDEA Code Coverage

    概述 使用 idea 自带的 code coverage 工具 背景 了解 白盒测试用例设计 和 测试覆盖率 之后, 大概就需要 实践 了 实践的话, 还是需要 工具 来检验效果 工具选取 选项 Ja ...

  5. 10 Code Coverage Tools for C & C++

    Code coverage is a measure used in software testing that describes the degree to which the source co ...

  6. Gumshoe - Microsoft Code Coverage Test Toolset

    Gumshoe - Microsoft Code Coverage Test Toolset 2014-07-17 What is Gumshoe? How to instrument a binar ...

  7. [Jest] Track project code coverage with Jest

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  8. Effective Java提升Code Coverage代码涵盖率 - 就是爱Java

    虽然我们已经有了测试程序,但是如何得知是否已完整测试了主程序?,透过Code Coverage代码涵盖率,我们可以快速地得知,目前系统中,有多少程序中被测试过,不考虑成本跟投资效益比,涵盖率越高,代表 ...

  9. CI集成phpunit Error: No code coverage driver is available 的解决

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  2. include a image in devexpress datagrid

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  3. load dll

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  4. VS2010引用项目dll,编译时报错


  5. Red and Black

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  7. SLua 中使用 Lua 5.3 的编译工程

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  9. 如何实例化i2c_client(四法)

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