
private 和 # 的区别

前缀 private 只是TS语法,在运行时不起作用,外部能够访问,但是类型检查器会报错
class Bag { private item: any }
修饰符 # 是JS语法,是运行时私有的,并且在JavaScript引擎内部强制执行,它只能在类内部访问
class Bag { #item: any }

类型和值(Type and Value)

class 能够作为一个类型和一个值,但是最好不要这么做
class Bag { }
const a: Bag = new Bag()
class C implements Bag { }

常用语法(common Syntax)

class User {
name: string // 必须声明才能在 constructor 赋值
constructor(name: string) { = name

以下是上面简写,public 可换成 private ,public readonly,protected, 等等......,但不能是 js 语法 static 和 # 修饰符

class User {
constructor(public name:string){}


interface Updatable { }
type Serializzable = {}
class Account { }
// 继承 Account 类,实现 Updatable 接口 和 Serializzable 类型
class User extends Account implements Updatable, Serializzable {
id: string;
displayName?: boolean; // 可选
name!: string; // 告诉类型检查器 name 有值
#attributes: Map<any, any>; // 私有属性,js语法
roles = ["user"]; // 默认值
readonly createdAt = new Date(); //只读属性
constructor(id: string) {
super() = id
this.#attributes = new Map()
} setName(name: string) { = name } // 原型方法
verifyName = (name: string) => { = name } // 实例方法 // 函数重载
sync(): Promise<{}>
sync(cb: (result: string)=>void): void
// 方法类型声明完成,后要接着方法实现
sync(cb?: (result: string)=>void): void | Promise<{}>{}
// Getters and Setters
get accountID(){return 123}
set accountID(value: number){ /** ... */ }
// protected 只能在类和继承类的后代类中使用,不可以在实例中使用
protected handleReques(){}
// 静态类型,js语法
static #userCount = 0 // 只能在静态方法里使用
static registerUser(user: number){this.#userCount = user}


class Box<Type>{
constructor(public content:Type){}
const stringBox = new Box("a package")
// stringBox: Box<string>

抽象类(Abstract Classes)

在 TypeScript 中,类,方法和字段都可以是抽象的。抽象方法和字段都只能出现在抽象类中。
abstract class Base {
abstract getName(): string; printName() {
console.log("Hello, " + this.getName());
const b = new Base(); // 错误,无法创建抽象类的实例。 class Derived extends Base {
// 必须实现该抽象函数
getName() {
return "world";
const d = new Derived();

抽象构造签名(Abstract Construct Signatures)

Bad!这种写法,在传递抽象类的时候 TypeScript 没有报错,只有new 实例化才报错
function greet(ctor: typeof Base) {
const instance = new ctor(); // 无法创建抽象类的实例。
Great!接受一个带有构造签名的参数,这种写法,在传递抽象类的时候 TypeScript 就报错了
function greet2(ctor: new () => Base) {
const instance = new ctor();


abstract class Base {
abstract getName(): string;
abstract asd: string
printName() {
console.log("Hello, " + this.getName());
abstract class Bag extends Base {
abstract getName(): any; // 相同抽象方法,返回值改为any,不报错
abstract asd: '456' // 相同抽象字段,返回值改为 string 子类型,不报错
class Derived extends Bag {
constructor(public asd: '456') {
getName() {
return 123;
const d = new Derived('456');
这里的 extends 是js 语法,类只能继承一个。并不是 ts 的 extends, 用于 Interface  扩展,和类型缩窄
class Derived extends Bag, Base {} // 错误

修饰器和属性(Decorators and Attributes)

在 "tsconfig" 中打开 "experimentalDecorators"
import { Syncable, triggerSync, preferCache, required } from "mylib"
class User {
@triggerSync() // 方法
save() { }
@preferCache(false) // 访问器
get displayName() { }
update(@required info: Partial<User>) { } // 方法参数
function first(target: any, propertyKey: string, descriptor: PropertyDescriptor) {
console.log("first(): called");
function second(target: any, propertyKey: string, descriptor: PropertyDescriptor) {
console.log("second(): called");
}; class ExampleClass {
// 单行,多行,两种写法
@first @second method() { }
// @first
// @second
// method() { }
const exampleClass = new ExampleClass();
// second(): called
// first(): called
一个声明应用多个装饰器工厂(decorator factories),会从上到下调用后,从下到上调用返回的函数
function first() {
console.log("first(): factory evaluated");
return function (target: any, propertyKey: string, descriptor: PropertyDescriptor) {
console.log("first(): called");
} function second() {
console.log("second(): factory evaluated");
return function (target: any, propertyKey: string, descriptor: PropertyDescriptor) {
console.log("second(): called");
} class ExampleClass {
method() { }
const exampleClass = new ExampleClass();
exampleClass.method() // first(): factory evaluated
// second(): factory evaluated
// second(): called
// first(): called

Decorator Evaluation

  1. 实例成员,(参数装饰器,其次是方法),(访问器),(属性装饰器), 这三者按照声明顺序调用
  2. 静态成员,(参数装饰器,其次是方法),(访问器),(属性装饰器), 这三者按照声明顺序调用
  3. 构造函数参数修饰器
  4. 类修饰器
function classDecorator(constructor: Function) {
function propertyDecorator(name: string) {
return function (target: any, propertyKey: string) {
function parameterDecorator(name: string) {
return function (target: any, functionName: string, index: number) {
function methodDecorator(name: string) {
return function (target: any, propertyKey: string, descriptor: PropertyDescriptor) {
function accessorDecorator(name: string) {
return function (target: any, propertyKey: string, descriptor: PropertyDescriptor) {
} @classDecorator
class ExampleClass { constructor(@parameterDecorator("constructorParameter") greeting: string, @parameterDecorator("constructorParameter2") public appService: string) {
this.greeting = greeting
} @accessorDecorator("staticAccessor") static get x() {return 123}
@propertyDecorator("staticProperty") static id: number
static smethod(@parameterDecorator('staticParmeter') value: string) { } @propertyDecorator("instanceProperty") greeting: string
method(value: string, @parameterDecorator('instanceParmeter') value2: string) { }
@accessorDecorator("instanceAccessor") get x() {return 123} }
const exampleClass = new ExampleClass('asd', 'wew');
exampleClass.method('a', 'b') // [LOG]: "instanceProperty"
// [LOG]: "instanceParmeter"
// [LOG]: "instanceMethod"
// [LOG]: "instanceAccessor"
// [LOG]: "staticAccessor"
// [LOG]: "staticProperty"
// [LOG]: "staticParmeter"
// [LOG]: "staticMethod"
// [LOG]: "constructorParameter2"
// [LOG]: "constructorParameter"
// [LOG]: "classDecorator"


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