Write an efficient algorithm that searches for a value in an m x n matrix. This matrix has the following properties:

  • Integers in each row are sorted from left to right.
  • The first integer of each row is greater than the last integer of the previous row.

For example,

Consider the following matrix:

[1, 3, 5, 7],
[10, 11, 16, 20],
[23, 30, 34, 50]

Given target = 3, return true.


  1. 相等,说明找到了target;
  2. 右上角元素比target元素大,那么说明target在第一行,递归的搜索第一行。
  3. 右上角元素比target元素小,那么说明target在第二行及以后,递归的搜索如下图所示区域:


 public class Solution {
private boolean IfFind = false;
private void RightCornerRecur(int[][] matrix,int target,int m_start,int m_end,int n_start,int n_end){
if(m_start > m_end || n_start > n_end)
return; if(m_start < 0 || n_start < 0 || m_end >= matrix.length || n_end >= matrix[0].length)
return; if(matrix[m_start][n_end] == target){
IfFind = true;
if(matrix[m_start][n_end] > target)
RightCornerRecur(matrix, target, m_start, m_start, n_start, n_end-1);
else {
RightCornerRecur(matrix, target, m_start+1,m_end, n_start, n_end);
} }
public boolean searchMatrix(int[][] matrix, int target) {
RightCornerRecur(matrix, target,0,matrix.length-1, 0, matrix[0].length-1);
return IfFind;


 public class Solution {
private boolean IfFind = false;
private void RightCornerRecur(int[][] matrix,int target,int m_start,int m_end,int n_start,int n_end){ if(m_start > m_end || n_start > n_end)
return; if(m_start < 0 || n_start < 0 || m_end >= matrix.length || n_end >= matrix[0].length)
return; if(matrix[m_start][n_end] == target){
IfFind = true;
} if(matrix[m_start][n_end] > target)
RightCornerRecur(matrix, target, m_start, m_start, n_start, n_end-1); else {
if(matrix[m_end][0] == target){
IfFind = true;
if(matrix[m_end][0] < target)
RightCornerRecur(matrix, target, m_end, m_end, n_start+1, n_end);
RightCornerRecur(matrix, target, m_start+1,m_end-1, n_start, n_end);
} }
public boolean searchMatrix(int[][] matrix, int target) {
RightCornerRecur(matrix, target,0,matrix.length-1, 0, matrix[0].length-1);
return IfFind;

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