6、RNA-Seq Analysis Pipeline
Created by Dhivya Arasappan, last modified by Dennis C Wylie on Nov 08, 2015
1. Quality Assessment
Quality of data assessed by FastQC; results of quality assessment will be evaluated prior to downstream analysis.
- Deliverables:
- reports generated by FastQC
- Tools used:
- FastQC: (Andrews 2010) used to generate quality summaries of data:
- Per base sequence quality report: useful for deciding if trimming necessary.
- Sequence duplication levels: evaluation of library complexity. Higher levels of sequence duplication may be expected for high coverage RNAseq data.
- Overrepresented sequences: evaluation of adapter contamination.
- FastQC: (Andrews 2010) used to generate quality summaries of data:
2. Fastq Preprocessing
Quality assessment used to decide if any preprocessing of the raw data is required and if so, preprocessing is performed.
- Deliverables:
- Trimmed/filtered fastq files.
- Tools Used:
- Fastx-toolkit: Used to preprocess fastq files.
- Fastq quality trimmer: Trimming reads based on quality.
- Fastq quality filter: Filtering reads based on quality.
- Cutadapt: Used to remove adaptor from reads.
- Fastx-toolkit: Used to preprocess fastq files.
3. Mapping
Mapping to genome reference performed using BWA-mem or Tophat.
- Deliverables:
- Mapping results, as bam files and mapping statistics.
- Tools Used:
- BWA-mem: (Li 2013) primary aligner used to generate read alignments.
- Tophat: (Kim 2011) aligner used to generate read alignments in a splice-aware manner and identify novel junctions.
- Samtools: (Li 2009) used to generate mapping statistics.
4. Gene/Transcript Counting
Counting the number of reads mapping to annotated intervals to obtain abundance of genes/transcripts.
- Deliverables:
- Raw gene/transcript counts
- Tools Used:
- HTSeq-count: (Anders 2014) used to count reads overlapping gene intervals.
5. DEG Identification
Normalization and statistical testing to identify differentially expressed genes.
- Deliverables:
- DEG Summary and master file containing fold changes and p values for every gene, MA Plots.
- Tools Used:
- DESeq2: (Love 2014) used to perform normalization and test for differential expression using the negative binomial distribution.
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